Do you engage in scientific research?

Chapter 266 Renamed Yunyin

Chapter 266 Renamed Yunyin
After all, he was still reluctant to blush to his wife, so after saying this, he shifted the fire to his two cheap sons.

"I wondered if I walked in with Yinyin in a fair manner, right? How could the two of you turn a blind eye? Is the value of the eyes more ornamental than practical, or the wings are too hard to let my old father go? In your eyes?"

It was the first time for Xianyu to hear Father Yun's sharp words, and the tall figure of Father Yun in front of her eyes coincided inexplicably with the figure of Professor Sun, a freshman from the Department of Mathematics. The teacher went out of the same door.

Yunlu's head is full of black lines, the old father is over the show, he dare not throw fire at Academician Yu, and he can't single out these two soft persimmons.

Fortunately, Yu Die's conscience found out that the two of them were not allowed to bear the anger for her.She coughed unnaturally, then returned to Yun Zhu's side and took his hand, "Our Mr. Yun is back, you've worked hard, take your seat soon."

Yun Zhu was quite flattered, how many years had he heard Mr. Yun's name?That's why Yu Die liked to call Mr. Yun to tease him when he was in love, because at that time, out of respect for him, the outside world respected him as Mr. Yun, so Yu Die followed suit and used this title to tease him, and he also responded with a sentence Academician Yu reciprocated courtesy.

But later, since Yinyin's accident, he has never heard this name again, and he has been depressed all year round, so how could he be in the mood to joke.

Thinking of this, Yun Zhu didn't feel any anger in his heart, and he could still see Yu Die who called him Mr. Yun with a smile on his face, what else could he be dissatisfied with.

"No hard work, no hard work, no hard work like Academician Yu."

The two elder brothers Xianyu and Yunmu Yunlu looked at each other, the dog food tastes good today.

"Why did you come back suddenly? You didn't even say hello to us. When are you leaving?" After Xian Yu sat down, Yu Die couldn't wait to ask Xian Yu with concern.

"I don't want to give you a surprise. We'll leave early the day after tomorrow."

When the lab is busy, they all live directly in the dormitory area behind the lab, saving time running back and forth, wasting time and tossing themselves.

"Just such a day?" Yu Di was a little disappointed, but she used to be a scientific researcher herself, and she deeply understands what it's like when a scientific researcher is busy, so she just complained and complained.

"By the way, I have to ask Auntie to buy some more dishes that you father and daughter like to eat." The two finally came back, and she had to hurry up to make up for the father and daughter.

As he said that, Yu Di hurriedly went to the kitchen to explain, and when he came back, he came out with a plate of his favorite snacks.

"Lai Yinyin, you haven't eaten for a long time, eat something quickly." Yu Die picked up a piece of snack and stuffed it into Xian Yu's mouth.

Meng Ya, who had been unable to get in the conversation, suddenly said to Xianyu: "I heard that Auntie Die always called you Yinyin, otherwise I would call you Yinyin, it's so strange to call Xianyu."

As she spoke, she asked curiously: "By the way, why did you ask me to call you Xianyu? Shouldn't you be called Yunyin?"

As soon as this remark came out, Meng An was also a little curious why she introduced herself as Leisure and not Yunyin, so she looked at her suspiciously.

Lei Yuhe was also a little stunned, she didn't expect Meng Ya to ask this question, this position is a bit high, I don't know who would win if they collided with Su Lian.

"I'd have forgotten it if you didn't tell me, thanks for reminding me." Xian Yu first expressed his gratitude to Meng Ya, no matter whether she had malicious intentions or asked the question unintentionally, it was the truth that she reminded her.

"Mom and Dad, when are you free to change my name?"

She really didn't notice this, the original owner's name was Xianyu, her real name was Xianyu, the pronunciation of the two names was exactly the same, and she inherited Xianyu's body, so she never paid attention to the name.

Later, she found out that the original owner was from the Yun family, whose real name was Yun Yin, and Yun Zhu Yudie and the others had always called her Yin Yin, so she took the name Yin Yin as her nickname, and Yun Zhu and the others didn't mention it, so she never thought of changing her name. thing.

Yun Zhu and the others were actually quite stunned. At first they thought about telling Xianyu to change her name, but later they worried that she would not adapt to the life of the Yun family or their relatives. Changing the name, wouldn't it make me more uncomfortable?
So they didn't mention it. After a while, they got used to being called Xianyu while they called Yinyin.

Afterwards they thought about it carefully, the left and right names were just a code name, if Yinyin got used to this name, there was no need to force her to change it.

Now hearing Meng Ya's sudden question, and Xian Yu's own request to change his name, they were actually a little surprised.

After all, although the name is just a code name, the name Yun Yin is not only a code name, but also a symbol of their family.

Yu Die made a decision, "I'll go and change it back for you tomorrow. You have used the name Xianyu for more than ten years. Your friends are used to calling it, and you probably are used to it. You can just call it Xianyu to outsiders. Think of yourself as a stage name."

Yunlu burst out laughing, "Mom, you still know your stage name, it's quite trendy."

Meng Ya originally thought that her mention of the fact that Xianyu had not changed her name would create a gap between them. After all, the recovered biological daughter still calls her by her original name to the outside world.As a result, people can really stop thinking about it!No response at all.

Unwilling to give up at this point, Meng Ya continued: "If that's the case, then I'll call it Xianyu, and you'll get used to it."

I'm used to Xianyu but not Yunyin in name, what about identity?Does she also prefer the identity of leisure?

"You can call it whatever you want."

"Actually, the name Xianyu is quite interesting. It is a homonym for salted fish." I really hope that people will always be a salted fish as the name suggests!
"I also think it's very interesting, salted fish, the biggest skill is turning around." Lei Yu, who was devastated by R&D for a month, is rarely in the mood to do two tricks with Meng Ya.

Meng Ya was so choked that she couldn't speak, how could she answer these words?Answering any allusion is too obvious.

She changed the subject and said, "I heard from Aunt Die that you went to research and development with Uncle Yun. You must be very tired, right? Do you find it difficult?"

"It's quite tiring." Lei Yu leaned on Yu Die's shoulder, pretending to be exhausted, which made others feel bad.

Everyone's distressed expressions aroused the surging jealousy in Meng Ya's heart, she secretly clenched her fists, still with a lively smile on her face, "Uncle Yun is really too, why didn't he open a back door for you? ? He used to open the back door for me!"

Without waiting for an idle answer, she said to herself again: "I know, Uncle Yun must have high expectations of you, so he didn't open the back door for you. I'm too lazy to be strict with me." She stuck out her tongue at leisure, as if she was just casually complaining with a good friend, and she didn't mind Yunzhu's reaction when she heard her complaining, showing her intimacy.

(End of this chapter)

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