Chapter 298
It was hot outside, so they simply waited for Ji Mo at the hotel, and within a short time, Ji Mo arrived.

Emin Aaron knew that he was not wronged when he first met Jimo. He had already defeated him just by his appearance. The cold aura around him seemed inhumane, but when he faced Lei Yu, this cold aura was very unreasonable. And all softened.

Although it is said that people cannot be judged by their appearance, most of them will not cause problems when judging people by their temperament.This man has an awe-inspiring demeanor, with the solemnity of a soldier and the nobility of a son of an aristocratic family.Such a man is barely worthy of leisure.

"Hello, I'm Emin Aaron, my spare friend." Emin Aaron first reached out to say hello to Jimo.

"Hello, Ji Mo, my boyfriend." Ji Mo also gave him a generous handshake.

Although this Emin Aaron looked at Xianyu very vaguely, as a man, he could still see the vague admiration in it.But fortunately, he was only admiring, and didn't do much.

Excellent people will attract the admiration of equally excellent people. This is human nature. Although he is a little jealous, he will not interfere with Xianyu's normal social interaction. It is only too long since I have not seen Xianyu. It's just a thought in my heart.

With Ji Mo's joining, the five-person party turned into a six-person party. Lei Yu wanted to take Emin Aaron to enjoy the scenery of City B, but the sun hanging high outside did not allow them to be so comfortable. In the end, the few people were just together Just had a great lunch.

Emin Aaron didn't mention anything about their purpose of coming to China until they parted, and only treated them as old friends whom they hadn't seen for a long time.If he doesn't mention it, he won't mention it in his spare time.Leaving aside these national affairs, it is inappropriate for her to intervene too much as a researcher, but she and Emin Aaron's upright friends should not be polluted by these interest disputes.

After Emin Aaron returned to the hotel, Earl Aaron immediately went to his room to ask him about the situation. Emin Aaron said bluntly that he did not mention it. This person was his own, and he was quite good, so he finally endured his anger.

Forget it, I didn't mention it if I didn't mention it, anyway, Country Y just let the father and son come here with the idea of ​​giving it a try, and didn't say that they must complete the task.Besides, Brent and his daughter made a mess, why should they clean up.

Thinking of this, Earl Aaron felt much more comfortable.It's just that I was still angry when I saw Emin Aaron. After humming twice, I went back to my room to show my wife and daughter a video. Sure enough, the son was angry with me, and the daughter was lively and cute.

In the video, Kelly has been resurrected with full blood, and she has been complaining about Earl Aaron not allowing her to come to China together. Knowing that her brother went to eat with Zhou Mei and the others today, she felt even more sour. I was not in the mood to chatter with Earl Aaron, and instead went to harass Aaron.

Watching the hung up video, Earl Aaron felt chilled in his heart.

After all, they came here to do business, and within two days, the matter of negotiating cooperation was put on the agenda.I thought it would be the same fate as country m, even worse than country m. After all, country m didn't attack idle friends and family members.

But who knew that the price they finally negotiated was only [-]% higher than the market price. Although [-]% was not much, it was already much better than their psychological expectations!

Earl Aaron's heart, which had been hurt by his daughter, began to boil again.He knew that although Emin hadn't said anything to Xianyu, and Xianyu hadn't interfered in this matter, the Huaguo officials must have considered their relationship with Xianyu and given Xianyu a face.

Earl Aaron guessed right, Huaguo officials did consider the friendly relationship between Emin Aaron and Yuyu, and relaxed the terms of cooperation.A special talent like Lei Yu deserves special treatment. Now, if you sell her face, next time she has any skills, she will be the first to think about cooperating with the country.

Of course, some people will say that they can force Xianyu to serve the country, but the twisted melon is not sweet, and it will not taste good even if it is dipped in sauce.What's more, Xianyu is from the Yun family. It's not certain whether they can twist the melon off. Even if they twist it off, if they treat it negatively and don't want to use their brains, they can still cut the head open.

Taking it all into consideration, it is the most cost-effective to give Xianyu a face.Moreover, they cooperated with country y at a price that was [-]% higher than the market price, so they made a profit no matter what.

After signing the contract, Aaron and his son were urged to return home by Country Y. Emin Aaron didn't even have time to say goodbye to Lei Yu, and returned home with Earl Aaron after saying a word on the phone.

After Aaron and his son left, Lei Yu and Zhou Mei and the others were busy with their graduation projects. Ji Mo would occasionally come to Yun's house to find leisure, and he didn't do anything, just busy with his own affairs.

Father Yun doesn't welcome Ji Mo, but he was pulled away by Yun Mu. The hormone found in the plant this time can indeed inhibit the malignant proliferation of white blood cells. After countless experiments, Yun Mu and Yun Lu were overwhelmed, so they dragged Yun Zhu away.

A week before the end of the summer vacation, they finally packaged up their graduation project and graduation thesis and sent them to Professor Qian.Professor Qian took a general look and found that there is no problem at all, and it can be used as a template for the graduation project of the next senior year.

In this way, the four of them will be promoted to graduate students only after going to the school to go through the relevant procedures after the semester starts.

In the last week before school started, I found out that I didn't study my left hand and my right hand, but spent time with Jimo.

"Shouldn't I be flattered at this moment?" Ji Mo looked at the spare time with him, dumbfounded, asking a big scientist to spend time with him in his busy schedule, would he be accused of delaying the scientist? Promote human progress?

Xianyu coughed, "Exaggerated, exaggerated." Didn't she just realize it in her conscience.

"You will be a graduate student soon, won't you be busier in the future?" Ji Mo thought that he would be so busy in the future that he would be so busy that he would be invisible, so there was a hint of sadness in his tone that he didn't realize.

"Not necessarily, right? If you have a subject, you'll be busy. If you don't have one, you'll be more relaxed." And ordinary subjects won't make her too busy, unless she has something else she's interested in that she wants to develop.

Speaking of which, she wanted to study car engines a long time ago, but because she was too poor at that time, this plan was temporarily shelved.But now it's different, she has money!
The [-]% profit of virtual reality technology has made her a lot of money. Now she is also a person with tens of billions of wealth as a unit, and a person who can easily say hundreds of millions.

She feels that she is very close to others now!

 The chapter number is wrong, I don’t have permission to change it, please forgive me

(End of this chapter)

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