Do you engage in scientific research?

Chapter 306 A Unique Classroom

Chapter 306 A Unique Classroom

"Professor Mo Sen is the most powerful professor in the school. There is no student who does not know Professor Mo Sen. Even if he has not attended the professor's class, he has heard of the professor's name!"

Idle nodded knowingly, she knew that Professor Mo Sen was powerful, but she didn't expect him to be so powerful and famous in M ​​University.

"get out of class is over now, why are you so quiet?" After looking around for a week, everyone was sitting upright and reading books, and the voice of the occasional discussion was very quiet, and the content of the discussion was mostly study.

She was already surprised that the attendance rate was so high, and the learning atmosphere was still so strong. At this moment, she seemed to vaguely understand the gap between Q University and M University.

But even so, it should be okay to discuss something a little louder, right?Although the classroom is also a public place, this place is used for learning. It is very confusing that they discuss the learning content so quietly.

But Jenna didn't answer this question for her. Instead, she said mysteriously: "You will know in the next class."

Everyone was reading, and they were ready to follow the crowd in their spare time. However, when they looked away, they bumped into Professor Mo Sen. The other party didn't make any indication, as if he didn't see her, and moved away calmly. line of sight.

Lei Yu also lowered his head calmly and began to read the book. After reading for a few minutes, the class bell rang.As soon as the bell rang, I noticed that the students who had never looked away from the blackboard in the last class all lowered their heads in unison in this class, and curled up as much as possible, trying to reduce their sense of existence.

This scene is inexplicably familiar, it looks a bit like when Professor Sun called people to do the questions in Professor Sun's class, it seems that Professor Mo Sen is going to call people to do the questions.

Sure enough, what happened next quickly verified her conjecture. Facts have proved that some things do not distinguish between countries and races, and the whole world is the same.

I saw Professor Mosen opened the roll call and began to randomly select people to answer questions.

"Hans, you answer..."

A boy whose hair was almost curled into wool stood up, and just stood up. He looked around in a panic, trying to find someone who could help him, but everyone avoided his sight. Hanging tightly, neither dared to look at him, nor Professor Mosen.

"Pat, you answer for him."

A boy with a slightly fat body stood up and started the same performance as Hans, with a painful expression on his face.

The question is not difficult, and she can answer it in her spare time, so she is not a little nervous now, watching Professor Mo Sen yelling for half of the classroom to stand up.

The strange thing is that so many people can't answer this question, the expression on Professor Mo Sen's face has not changed at all, there is no sign of anger at all, it is still the expressionless face.

"Idle time, you answer."

Perhaps it was because she was too ostentatious when she was watching the theater in her spare time, Professor Mo Sen finally called her name.The moment I heard her name, I was fine with myself, Shi Shiran got up, but Jenna beside her seemed more anxious than her.

She seemed to want to drag Xianyu down and let her continue to sit, and she seemed to want to know the answer to this question immediately, and then tell Xianyu so that she could answer it smoothly.But she can't do either of these, so she can only be anxious.

Lei Yu patted her on the shoulder amusedly, telling her not to worry, and then spoke the answer in a eloquent manner.In fact, the answer to the question is in the book, but it involves the content of the next few chapters and requires a certain understanding.When Professor Mosen was giving a lecture in the last class, she used two minds to flip through the content from time to time, and she had almost read a book.

After finishing the answer, Idle stood quietly. Even if she didn't look behind her, she knew that her back was probably almost pierced by the sight.Professor Mawson glanced at her, "Correct." There was no sign of admiration.

What is impressive is the content in the book. Anyone who has read the book should know it, and those who don't should reflect on it.

"For those who don't answer, the course evaluation of this semester will be lowered by one level." Professor Mo Sen informed everyone coldly.

Immediately, the entire classroom was enveloped in a decadent atmosphere.

Afterwards, Professor Mo Sen and Lei Yu faced each other, and several questions came to her one after another, and each question was not low in difficulty.She was able to parry at the beginning, but as the problems became more and more difficult, and each of them was more inclined to theoretical definition and analysis, it made her a little bit blind.

She is much better at practice than theory. Professor Qian asked her to study at M University to cultivate her knowledge of system theory.

Finally, Lei Yu was also defeated.It's just that she didn't know if it was because she was dazzled. She felt that when she finally couldn't answer, she seemed to see a smile flickering from the corner of Professor Mosen's mouth.

But in the next second, she immediately confirmed that she was just dazzled, because Professor Mosen said, "Send me the answer by email before tonight, or your course evaluation will be lowered by one level."

I'm idle, isn't Professor Mo Sen a bit self-willed?Without giving her a chance to refute, the bell rang for the end of get out of class, and Professor Mo Sen had already taken his book and left the moment the bell rang.

After Professor Mosen left, there was still a moment of silence in the classroom, but then there was a loud chatter.Many people ran up to Xianyu and gave her a thumbs up.

"Is your name Xianyu? You're amazing!"

"How did you manage to deflate Professor Mawson? I admire you so much!"

"You are really my idol! How can you be so powerful?!"

Compliments one after another came to Xianyu's ears, and Jenna who was beside her pulled her out of the encirclement.After getting away from the crowd, the two stopped panting.Immediately after stopping, Jenna switched on her rainbow fart mode.

"Oh my god! Yu, did your brain grow? You can answer so many questions from Professor Mason!"

"Did you know that Professor Mosen is famous not only because of his ability, but also because his class is very difficult. People often fail because they can't answer his questions, and Professor Mosen is very ruthless. , never accept any form of intercession, no one can make him change his mind."

"He has become a legend in M ​​University. Anyone who has taken Professor Mo Sen's class regards Professor Mo Sen as the shadow of life! And you can accompany Professor Mo Sen Zhou Xuan for so long without defeat! You It's really amazing!"

"I declare that from this moment on, you are my idol, Jenna!"

(End of this chapter)

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