Chapter 313
So far, this class can be regarded as the only relatively easy class for her, and taking this class is equivalent to relaxing.

Lawrence didn't quite understand why his idol chose this course.Courses like politics, history, philosophy, literature, etc. are courses that he doesn't quite understand.

Because the content of these courses is all up to their authors, it is an output of subjective consciousness, swaying the thoughts of unsteady people, and contains no mathematical or physical factual basis at all.

He also asked Lei Yu about this issue.The answer I got was out of interest.

Well, idols always have unique interests.

After more than a month of such days, Ji Mo came without receiving any news from Lei Yu.

As soon as I got home, I saw that familiar figure on the sofa in the living room.

The longing for a foreign country is always extremely strong. I thought that when I saw Jimo, I would jump up excitedly, but when I saw it, she just leaned on the door frame and joked with a smile: " I don’t know that the commander of the Second Battalion is here, and the humble house is full of splendor.”

Ji Mo has already given Du Xing and Uncle Zhao a vacation, so now there are only him and Xianyu in the villa. Hearing the familiar teasing, Ji Mo walked forward dumbfounded, "Are you sure you want to make fun of me like this when we first met?"

Without waiting for an answer, he kissed her hot and intensely, and shut her unforgiving mouth to see what else she could say.

When the two of them finally stopped, Xianyu had already been embraced by Ji Mo in his arms with disheveled clothes, and beside his ears was the sound of his rapid breathing.

"When can I marry you and go home?" Ji Mo sighed helplessly.

Lei Yu didn't know what empathy meant, so he gloated in his arms rather unkindly, "Let's talk about it when you get our Lord Yun Zhu settled."

Ji Mo's eyes darkened, a little heartless, yet so arrogant in his hands, while the person in his arms was not paying attention, Ji Mo bit the snow-white earlobe around his mouth, biting gently, while Blow into the ear hole.

The ears were suddenly attacked, and Xianyu collapsed into Ji Mo's arms all of a sudden, relying on Ji Mo's support to maintain a standing posture.

"Are you still laughing?"

She couldn't laugh anymore, she grabbed Ji Mo's clothes to resist the powerlessness coming from her ears, and her cold voice became soft, "I was wrong, I was wrong, I will never laugh again."

Given that Idle Yu has a good attitude of admitting his mistakes, and he was afraid that he would go off the rails in a foreign country and the good atmosphere of Xiao Biesheng's newly-married, Ji Mo wisely let go of Idle Yu and took two steps back.

Lei Yu didn't expect that Ji Mo would withdraw suddenly, and he had no strength to stand still, so he subconsciously threw himself on Ji Mo again.

Ji Mo's hoarse and laughing voice came, "So enthusiastic?"

Feeling exhausted, she twisted his waist vigorously, but the muscles all over her body made her wishful thinking come to nothing, and she couldn't find a place to start.

"If you want to touch it, I can take it off and let you touch it." Ji Mo grabbed Xianyu's hand that was fiddling around his waist.

At this moment, Xian Yu had recovered his strength, pushed Ji Mo away, and said through gritted teeth: "Who wants to touch it!" Bah, shameless!
She clearly wanted to pinch him but couldn't find a place to do it, but it's too embarrassing to say such a thing.

Having said that, it seemed to feel really good just now?
Of course Ji Mo knew that she wanted to pinch himself, and he said that just to tease her.The goal has been achieved, and it would be too much to tease.

"Have you eaten yet?" Pulling the person to sit on the sofa, Jimo asked after putting away the books for her.

Lei Yu leaned on the sofa and watched him busy, "Not yet, where are Uncle Zhao and the others?"

"It's vacation, what do you want to eat?"

It has been a long time since I have eaten the dishes made by Ji Mo himself. Ji Mo's cooking skills are also top-notch. Thinking of his cooking skills, her mouth drools quickly. She covered her mouth while starting to cook. Order, "Tomato sirloin, pickled fish, hot and sour potato shreds, pickled cabbage vermicelli soup!"

Her taste is hot and sour, and Uncle Zhao in the refrigerator is full of ingredients. Hearing this, Ji Mo took the ingredients and put them aside, worried that she was hungry, so he cut some fruit and put it on the plate, "Eat some fruit when you are hungry, not too much eat."

She likes to eat in her spare time, because of her powerful mental activity, she gets hungry very quickly every day, but at the same time, due to her thin body, her stomach is also small, and she can't eat much at all when she eats seriously. Fruits alone can feed her, which is typical Eat less and more meals.

"I obey the Commander of the Second Battalion." I followed Zhou Bai's example and gave a substandard military salute, and then happily ate one piece after another with the fruit plate, his eyes followed Ji Mo all the time in the kitchen.

"How long will you stay this time?"

"Half a month." Ji Mo replied without turning his head.

Ever since Lei Yu developed the virtual reality technology, he has been busy a lot. Various things in the army are complicated and cumbersome.

"How are Aunt Yun and Grandpa doing? Is Mr. Lu getting better?" She occasionally contacted Lu Yun when she was abroad, but because of the time difference, she didn't talk much.

"Everything is fine, and grandpa's health is also much better." With Hongtu's special medicine and after a period of recuperation, old man Lu's body has become much stronger.

Coupled with the struggle of his descendants, he doesn't need to worry too much, he has completely put down government affairs now, and has given full power to his two uncles. He spends his days either playing chess, caring about Lu Fanyun's marriage, or urging Lu Peichuan to find a girlfriend .

Speaking of the entire Lu family, only Lu Fanyun and Lu Peichuan did not step onto the political stage. It seemed that they were the two most unworthy of them, but in fact, Mr. Lu doted on them the most.

One is because these two people are not infected with those bureaucratic habits, and they are sincere and enthusiastic, and the other is because they are the two most noisy in the whole family, and the crying children have candy to eat, plus the two have sweet mouths, so Mr. Lu is the most worried Are they together?

"Why don't you ask me if I'm alright?" Ji Mo was a little jealous, asking around, why didn't you ask him?

Xian Yu was stunned, "Aren't you just standing in front of me?" Well, she still can't see what's going on.

Ji Mo was speechless, he was right in front of her, but what's wrong with asking one more question?Can't let him feel the feeling of being cared for?Forget it, he shouldn't have expected much from his girlfriend's straight girl thinking, after all, he paid the wrong price.

After dinner, Lei Yu finally realized that he didn't read as usual, but took Ji Mo out for a walk to digest food.

But she is really not very familiar with the surrounding area, she doesn't even know where to go for a walk, so she can only drag Jimo to the school. It's a good place for a walk.

The two of them walked slowly hand in hand, with the gentle night wind blowing, chatting a few words from time to time, it seemed that even time slowed down.

 Advance payment! ! ! "Daily Life of a Drama Host as a Demon"


  As a conscientious and excellent system, Wangcai was not called Wangcai until it met Fengyao, the anti-routine gun king.

  Feng Yao: "Why does every overlord go further and further down the road of breaking the law and committing crimes?"

  "Wake up, Notre Dame de Paris is on fire, you have no home!"

  "It doesn't matter if your head is empty, the key is not to get in the water."

  "Go follow someone who can make you laugh, I can't, I can only make you cry."

  "Is your average education level prenatal education?"

  Mo Chi: "..."

  Good girl, why did she open her mouth?
(End of this chapter)

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