Chapter 316
After speaking, he was afraid that Lu Xin would say something outrageous again, Lu Yue quickly hung up the phone.

"Second Young Master Yun, don't be angry, I... I'll book a plane ticket to country m right now, and I will bring her back immediately!" Lu Yue assured Yunlu with his most sincere voice, hoping that Yunlu would trust him once .

Yunlu was noncommittal, and walked out of the tea room without saying anything.Lu Yue wanted to get up and chase after him, and make a few more promises, but he didn't dare.

He didn't wake up until Yunlu disappeared completely, hurriedly took his things, and called his secretary while walking, asking him to book him the fastest flight ticket to country M, and his For the return air ticket with Lu Xin, everything should be the fastest.

The secretary didn't know why, but he did it anyway, maybe the boss was eager to miss her.

After instructing the secretary to book the air ticket, Lu Yue called the bank himself, nothing else, but asked the bank to freeze Lu Xin's bank card.

How could he not understand his own daughter?To put it nicely, he is pampered and self-willed, but to put it bluntly, he has never been beaten by the society and is lawless. He thinks that his father is responsible for everything that happens, but in fact there are times when he can't bear it.

Over there, Lu Xin was hung up by his father for the first time, and angrily dropped the phone to the ground.Dropping the phone was not enough, the anger in her heart still hadn't been vented, and in a fit of anger, she swept all the things on her desk to the ground, smashing the bottles and cans all over the floor.

Just like that, she was still still angry, and thought about the source of everything, it was all because of leisure, she hooked up with Chen Yongting even though she had a boyfriend!She gave her such a big embarrassment, she must not let her go!

Thinking of this, Lu Xin ignored the chaotic dormitory, continued with her previous work, and talked about her request with the people she contacted online.

"I want you to give that woman an injection and a video of her being raped!"

She didn't want to do this at first, she just wanted these people to beat her up, let her know how bad it is, and in the future, be more respectful to them seniors and stay away from Chen Yongting.

But who let her let her dad know about this matter, and her dad didn't help her, and ordered her to go back to China immediately? !

Moreover, Xianyu embarrassed her so much yesterday and even slapped her in the face!This kind of humiliation in front of the public, she must repay leisurely double!

Yes, Lu Xin still thinks that her father's sentence just now about killing people and stealing goods was just a coincidence, and her father found out because she accidentally slipped the truth.

But this is not important anymore, the point is that she is very angry now, and someone needs to take over her anger, and this person can only be idle.

The reply over there was very fast, without evasion, only a simple and clear quotation and a bank card account, 20 US dollars.

This was a trivial matter to Lu Xin, and she readily agreed. The other party asked for a deposit of [-] in advance, and Lu Xin transferred the [-] without saying a word.

Although Lu Yue had already frozen Lu Xin's bank card at his fastest speed, he didn't expect that his daughter's speed was so fast, which made an irreparable mistake.

After a day of classes in his spare time, he was still full of energy. As soon as he walked to the school gate, he saw Ji Mo standing under the tree.

He leaned lazily on the tree trunk. He was neatly dressed in a slender black windbreaker, with a sense of military discipline. His body that has been exercising all year round made him look not thin, but full of strength.

Coupled with that beautiful face regardless of the country and the bold atmosphere of foreign countries, in the short time she walked in, several girls had already come forward to strike up a conversation, but without exception, they were all rejected outright.

Until she walked to his side, there was still a girl asking for contact information.

"I really have a girlfriend." Ji Mo grabbed her and pulled her into his arms.

Only then did the girl believe that the handsome man in front of her who was fascinated by him really had a girlfriend, and this girlfriend's appearance was also super good-looking, and the two looked very matched.

Although she was disappointed that she didn't get the handsome guy's contact information, it was a joy to see two such good-looking people in one day.So the girl smiled and said to the two of them: "You two are so well matched, you must be happy!" Then she turned around and ran away.

Lei Yu smiled, sure enough, most of the girls in this world are very cute, such as Zhou Mei and the others, such as Kelly who is far away in country y, and Xin Yuanyuan and Jenna she met when she came to country m And this girl just now.

Ji Mo was slightly dissatisfied with the smile on Xianyu's face, "You don't seem to mind at all?" His boyfriend was accosted by other girls, and he can still smile so happily. Is his boyfriend's status too precarious? up?

"Why do you mind?"

"Aren't you afraid that I will give them the contact information?"

"You won't." If she didn't even have this trust in Jimo, then she wouldn't be in love. Just as Jimo wouldn't believe Lu Xin's nonsense, she also believed in Jimo's self-cleaning.

And in fact, Ji Mo had been single for more than [-] years without her, and people around him once suspected that he didn't like women.So if Ji Mo really wanted to be a playboy, why did he start playing now?
For his girlfriend's trust, Ji Mo didn't know whether he should be happy or depressed, and he probably won't see the scene of Lei Yu being jealous of him in the future.

"Come on, go home."

The two of them hadn't walked a few steps before they heard their cell phone ringing.

Open it and see that it is Lu Peifeng.

Lei Yu glanced at Ji Mo, "Why is he calling me?"

Ji Mo also saw the word Lu Peifeng, but he really didn't know why Lu Peifeng contacted Xianyu alone. Was there something wrong with the previous research and development?
"Go ahead."

Lei Yu connected the phone before the other party hung up.Lu Peifeng also has no temper for taking so long to answer his phone call, of course, he dare not lose his temper.

"Grandma, the speed at which you answer the phone easily makes me think something happened to you!" Cousin and daughter-in-law?What it is?This is his aunt!

"What can happen to me?" Xianyu was confused, she was well-behaved to acquire knowledge abroad, what could happen.

"Someone is going to buy you a drug addiction, and you still have no sense of crisis!" He didn't dare to say more about making videos.

"It's Lu Xin?" I thought of Lu Xin without even thinking about it in my spare time. Only Lu Xin has such a strong hostility towards her.

Ji Mo heard Lu Xin's name next to him and realized that something was wrong.At noon, didn't Yun Mu say that it was all handed over to him? Why would Lu Peifeng specifically call to talk about Lu Xin with Xianyu now?

(End of this chapter)

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