Chapter 323 Returning to China
"I didn't go to the meeting alone. This time I was dispatched with a secret weapon."

Lei Yu's eyes lit up, did they develop any secret weapon recently?

Lei Yu didn't realize how attractive his bright eyes were, so Ji Mo's eyes darkened, he lowered his head, ignoring the people coming and going in the public, and quickly pecked her lips.

At such a serious moment, and in a place like the airport, when I was suddenly attacked on the lips, I was about to get angry when I heard Jimo say quickly before she could speak: "Didn't you give Xuanxuan the Transformers drawings before?" Have you given the information to Aunt Yu?"

Lei Yu suddenly forgot that he was going to get angry, and asked enthusiastically: "Have you researched the mecha yet?"

She remembered that before she came to country m, Yu Die had already returned to the Academy of Engineering to study for a while.

Ji Mo pulled her to the side bench and sat down, "Well, Aunt Yu had already developed it before I came to country m. Equipped with Uncle Yun's nerve connection technology, there are intelligent driverless models and autonomous models. driving money."

Before he came here, he also went to observe the already produced entities. A mecha was more than three meters high, and because it was made of light and hard alloy materials, it was not clumsy to operate.

Moreover, the exterior of the mecha can reflect radar waves, powered by a miniature nuclear reactor, and sensed by a helmet-mounted brain wave sensor. The operator can control it remotely without putting himself in danger.

Moreover, the unmanned model is much smaller than the manually operated model, and its intelligence is also extremely high.

Every man has a mecha dream in his heart, and he is no exception. When he saw that cold and textured mecha really appear in front of his eyes, his heart trembled.

Lei Yu understands that in fact, the mecha can't play much role in the process of rescuing the hostages, and Ji Mo is just comforting her.

After all, human pirates are not stupid, so you can send an iron lump out to negotiate a deal.

The mecha can play the role of a sneak attack after the hostages are rescued. It is best to keep the pirates behind.

But all she can do is: "Be careful."

Ji Mo rubbed her head again, "Don't worry."

For her, he had to come back alive safely.

His proposal of marriage has not yet been carried out.

Then Lei Yu accompanied Ji Mo to change the ticket, from flying to city b to Linhai.

After Ji Mo left, Lei Yu resumed his two-point and one-line life, but paid a lot of attention to the news at sea.

Uncle Zhao and Du Xing also returned from their long vacation. After learning about Ji Mo's mission this time, they also accompanied Lei Yu to follow the relevant information.

The rescue operation was a stalemate for about a week and was finally a complete success.

Not only the hostages were rescued unscathed, but also all the pirates involved in the hijacking were wiped out.

When the news of victory reached Xianyu's ears, she was in class.

It is rumored that the mecha played a very important role in this rescue operation.

Of course, it was mainly after the hostages were taken.

Jimo and the others put the mech down in the water early in the morning, dived deep under the speedboat that the pirates used to escape, and after all the hostages were safe, let the mecha that had been sneaking underwater with the speedboat kill the opponent by surprise .

Humans can't beat machines.

All the pirates, without exception, were captured without a fight.

But after the rescue mission was completed, Ji Mo couldn't get out immediately.

With resentment all over his body, he turned into the chief instructor again, conducting virtual reality nutrition cabin training and rehearsing mecha combat for the soldiers near the sea.

This training lasted nearly three months.

Half of her one-year exchange study abroad has passed, and she has almost mastered the theoretical knowledge of the earth system.For the rest, follow Professor Mosen as much as possible to learn more knowledge, and see if you can steal the teacher by the way.

As soon as the school was on holiday, she immediately booked a ticket to return home.

As soon as she walked out of the airport, she saw her second brother waving at her from afar.Originally, both Yunzhu and Yu Die said they would come to the airport to pick her up, but she rejected them.

It's a cold winter, and the two of them managed to take good care of their bodies, so why bother.

I refuted the two elders, but I couldn't refute Yun Mu and Yun Lu.The two argued for a long time about who would pick up the plane, but in the end Yunlu won.

Because the end of the year is approaching, Yun Mu is very busy again.

"Second brother, loosen up a little bit!" Xian Yu patted Yun Lu's back who was holding her tightly, she was about to be strangled so hard to breathe.

Hearing the voice, Yunlu let her go, and then took a closer look, "Well, it's good, not thin." It seems that his decision to invite a chef to go to country M with her was very wise.

I can't laugh or cry in my spare time, how can she lose weight with Uncle Zhao's meticulous after-dinner tea and snacks.

This time, she was the first to go back to the country, and Uncle Zhao and Du Xing had to clean up there before returning.

"Let's go, come home with me. Mom has been talking about you at home for a long time." Knowing that I was on vacation, Academician Yu basically talked about three meals a day at home.

Yunlu carried the suitcase for Xianyu and got into the car. As soon as the two of them arrived at the door, Yu Die, who heard the noise, came out to meet him, ignoring Yunlu who was walking in front carrying the suitcase, and went straight to Xianyu behind him.

Yu Die's reaction to seeing Xianyu was exactly the same as Yunlu's. First he hugged him, and then he sized him up carefully.

But the results of the two were quite different.

"Yinyin, why are you losing weight again!" Yu Die said distressedly.

Being completely ignored, Yunlu's eyes widened when he heard the words, did Academician Yu damage his eyes due to his research and development?Where has Yin Yin lost weight?He looked at it over and over several times, obviously it was almost the same as before going abroad!
"Dad, is Yinyin really thin?" Yunlu tried to seek an alliance, but this person ignored his Yunzhu.

Yun Zhu followed behind his wife, he was not excited enough to hug Xian Yu, but he couldn't hide the joy in his eyes.

Hearing Yunlu's question, he glanced at Xianyu seriously with the eyes of looking at the experimental data, and then nodded firmly, "Yes! I lost weight, a lot."

Yunlu's eyes widened, okay, now he suspects that his own experiments broke his eyes.

"Miss, madam, please go into the house. It's cold at the door. Miss must be tired from the flight for so long. I'll go make some stew to warm her body." The aunt at home comforted her.

Yu Die dragged his spare time to walk into the living room, muttering as he walked: "Eat more at home during the winter vacation, let auntie cook whatever you want, and make up for the lost weight."

Yun Zhu echoed, "Well, eat more."

Lei Yu is used to the fact that the two of them don't have a clear understanding of her body shape, anyway, she has never been fat in the eyes of Yun Zhu and Yu Die.

(End of this chapter)

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