Do you engage in scientific research?

Chapter 337 Royal Cruise Line

Chapter 337 Royal Cruise Line
When they arrived at the airport, Yun Mu and Yun Lu watched as Ji Mo who came with them got on the plane with Lei Yu, and couldn't express their feelings.

Probably the feeling that the pig has almost pushed the cabbage out of the pit.

on the plane.

"Aren't you tired of flying around with me all the time?"

After all, the Spring Festival was on holiday, and she didn't say much rest, so she flew to country m with her. She didn't know how long she could stay in country m, and she might even return home immediately because of an unexpected mission as soon as she got off the plane.

Ji Mo held the hand beside him: "You will know when you get off the plane whether you are tired or not."

After getting off the plane, as soon as the two arrived home, Ji Mo hugged Xianyu in a typical princess hug, and carried him to the bed.

"Do you think I'm tired?"

Xianyu shook his head like a rattle, "I'm not tired, I'm tired."

Ji Mo didn't let her go, and kissed her deeply.

From the last time they separated in country m, until he returned to the country, and then he came to country m with him, the two of them rarely had the opportunity to be alone, and when they didn't seize the opportunity at this time, when would they wait.

Kissing and kissing, Xianyu's stomach growled.

Xian Yu clutched his stomach fiercely, his face blushed uncontrollably, his stomach rumbled during the kiss, which was really embarrassing.

Ji Mo flicked her head: "Don't you know if you're hungry?"

Lei Yu covered his stomach with one hand and his head that was shot with the other: "You didn't even give me a chance to tell."

As soon as he entered the room, he carried her upstairs and threw her on the bed, followed by a passionate kiss. How could she have the opportunity to say that she was hungry.

Ji Mo choked: "My fault."

Blame him for not thinking carefully.

"Lie down and rest, I'll cook."

Both Du Xing and Uncle Zhao came here ahead of time. The house has been cleaned and the refrigerator is full of ingredients. Ji Mo gave the two of them a holiday as usual.

When he finished cooking and came up, Xianyu was already sleeping soundly under the quilt.

Worried that she would be hungry and uncomfortable, Jimo could only gently pat the person on the bed to wake him up.

"Is it done so soon?" Idle Yu rubbed her eyes, the bed was so comfortable that she fell asleep without knowing it.

"Well, get up and eat before going to bed."

After eating, she couldn't fall asleep again, so she took a book and read it on the bed, while Ji Mo accompanied her to read. As she watched, she changed from reading to watching people. People are much more beautiful than books.

After two days of this kind of life, school started in her spare time. This semester, she didn't choose courses as intensively as last semester, and she ran around in various classrooms all day long.

By the way, she still continued the history of full marks in the country last semester, and passed all subjects with A. Jonathan, who was watching her choose courses, was shocked.

"Yu, why did you only take so few classes this semester?" Jonathan asked curiously, looking at the spare timetable.

"Professor Mawson asked me to submit a paper to him."

"I see. Professor Mosen has high requirements for papers. If you don't understand anything, you can ask me."

The two are in Professor Mo Sen's office at the moment. Professor Mo Sen called them over. They have been here for a while, but Professor Mo Sen doesn't know where they are.

While talking, footsteps came from the door, it was Professor Mo Sen.

Without unnecessary nonsense, Professor Mo Sen directly threw a document to the two of them.

"You two will follow me on this project starting tomorrow."

I opened the file in my spare time and saw that it was the engine design of a cruise ship.

A cruise ship invested and built by Royal, the largest cruise company in country m, is called Princess, and it is required to be the largest and most luxurious cruise ship in the world.

Because of the high resistance of the water when sailing at sea, and the huge size of the cruise ship, the requirements for the engine are often very high.

This is the first time for Jonathan to work with Professor Mosen on a project, and it is such a big project. The excitement on his face can be seen with the naked eye.

Lei Yu's face became much calmer, and the two of them were kicked out of the office by Professor Mo Sen after receiving the materials.

After leaving the office, Jonathan couldn't help asking Xianyu: "Yu, aren't you excited at all?"

For such a big project, Lei Yu didn't touch it at all.

"I'm excited, I just hid it in my heart and didn't show it." Lei Yu prevaricated casually.

She has designed the engine of the starship, it's just the engine of a cruise ship. Forgive her for not getting excited.

On the contrary, Jonathan admired her when he heard her answer, "Yu, you are too calm, I should learn from you."

Early the next morning, the two rushed to Professor Mosen's office again, only to find that there were not only Jonathan and Professor Mosen in the office, but also two men and women she didn't know, standing with Jonathan. together.

It is obviously impossible for Professor Mosen to introduce who these two people are to her. Only Jonathan told her quietly that the two boys are also Professor Moson's students. She is preparing to study for a Ph. D., and the girl's name is Cynthia Cooper. She is not a student of Professor Mosen.

Hearing the name Cynthia Cooper, I was a little surprised. There was no other reason. The surname Cooper only appeared in the information given to her by Professor Mawson yesterday.

Before she could ask, Jonathan took the initiative to tell her: "Walter Cooper is her father."

Walter Cooper is the legal owner of the Royal Cruise Lines, that is, the owner of the Royal Cruise Lines.

This girl is his daughter?It seems to be the young master.

When Xianyu came in, Charlie Miller gave her a few glances, but the young master didn't give her a single look. As expected of a young master, he had the air of a young master.

"Follow me when you are all here." Professor Mo Sen got up and said.

Lei Yu didn't know where he was going, so he glanced at Jonathan and Charlie Miller. They were as confused as she was, and they obviously didn't know.Cynthia Cooper seemed aware, but said nothing.

The three of them had no choice but to walk with Professor Mo Sen, looking at the direction that seemed to be going to the school gate.

On the way, Charlie Miller reached out to say hello to Xianyu.

"Hello, I'm Charlie Miller."

"Hello, idle."

"I know you, Jonathan told me about you, you are amazing." After all, there are very few people in M ​​University who can pass so many courses with all A's, and Professor Mosen's requirements for accepting students are quite strict, so he knows in his spare time Professor Mawson's first female student.

He didn't mean to look down on girls, but in the field of energy engineering, there were very few girls in the first place, coupled with Professor Mosen's prestige like a big devil, most people couldn't bear his pressure. The probability of a rare girl becoming his student is even smaller.

Charlie Miller is much more eloquent than Jonathan, and he is also very enthusiastic. For this kind of compliment, I can only say thank you.

A few people followed Professor Mosen to the school gate, and went straight to a black extended Lincoln parked on the side of the road. Professor Mosen got into the car without saying a word, and they could only follow in the car.

 Push the new book "The Daily Life of the Host of the Opera Master as a Demon"


  As a conscientious and excellent system, Wangcai was not called Wangcai until it met Fengyao, the anti-routine gun king.

  Feng Yao: "Why does every overlord go further and further down the road of breaking the law and committing crimes?"

  "Wake up, Notre Dame de Paris is on fire, you have no home!"

  "It doesn't matter if your head is empty, the key is not to get in the water."

  "Go follow someone who can make you laugh, I can't, I can only make you cry."

  "Is your average education level prenatal education?"

  Mo Chi: "..."

  Good girl, why did she open her mouth?
(End of this chapter)

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