Chapter 344
Glancing at Angel who fainted as if he was looking at garbage, Jimo only ordered a word and left again.

"Abolish him there."

The man in black who got the order didn't hesitate at all. Not a few meters outside the door, Ji Mo heard heart-piercing shouts from behind, but it was a pity that the shouts stopped abruptly in the middle, and he didn't know if he fainted again In the past, people still kept their mouths shut.

Ji Mo guessed it was the former, after all, Angel is not like a tough guy who can endure this kind of pain.

When he returned to the ward, he was left in a deep sleep, and Du Xing was watching him, and when he saw him coming, he tiptoedly gave up his seat and left.

The next day, Lei Yu was having breakfast under Ji Mo's supervision, when the door of the ward was hurriedly opened, the two looked up, and it was Yun Zhu and Yu Die who were leading the way, followed by Yun Mu, Zhou Mei and others.

Without waiting for Lei Yu to say anything, Yu Die carefully hugged her in his arms: "It's fine, it's fine." There was lingering panic in his voice.

Yun Zhu didn't give up much, his eyes were rosy.

Lei Yu sighed helplessly and stretched out his arms to hug Yu Die, patting her on the back lightly: "Well, I am fine, nothing at all."

That's what she's afraid of.

In the end, nothing happened to her, but it was just a false alarm, which made Yu Die and the others feel tired and frightened, and even had to take a ten-hour flight to see her. She didn't want them to be frightened, nor They suffer.

After hugging her for a while, Yu Die let her go, and found that she hadn't finished her meal yet, so she hurriedly urged her to eat quickly.

Xian Yu wanted to say that she was full, but Yu Die would never believe it, so she just ate mouthfuls under the gaze of the crowd. Seeing that it was too difficult for her to eat, Yu Die cried out under Yun Zhu's persuasion. She doesn't have to eat anymore.

After the hospital bed was cleaned up, everyone had time to gather around her and ask her.

Yesterday, Zhou Mei and the others received her alarm message first, and then they immediately contacted Yun Mu and Ji Mo. Ji Mo didn't tell them in detail because of the emergency, so how could they rest assured and just followed Yun Mu flew to Country M together.

As for Yun Zhu and Yu Die, they wanted to keep the two old men a secret, but they couldn't hide such a big movement, so they had no choice but to tell the truth.

Yu Die almost fainted when he heard the news.

Fortunately, before they got on the plane, Ji Mo called and told them that there was nothing to do.

But even knowing that she was fine, they still couldn't help worrying and wanted to come over and take a look for themselves.

"Do you know that we are almost scared to death by you." Zhou Mei said to Xianyu with teary eyes, and Zhao Tian and Liu Jia were also teary.

The last time this kind of emergency happened was when Lei Yu was kidnapped. Although Zhao Tian and the others did not go with her to rescue her, they were terrified when they heard Zhou Mei tell about the danger at that time afterwards.

Yun Mu and Yun Lu watched the girls talking together and didn't step forward to interrupt, but called Ji Mo out with a look.

Yun Zhu didn't respond to seeing Yun Mu and Yun Lu calling Ji Mo out. Young people's affairs should be handed over to young people. When they are old, it's time to let them go. He believes that his son can protect their sister well.

After arriving at the door and walking a certain distance, Yun Mu, who has always been calm, punched Jimo in the stomach without saying a word, while Yun Lu stood and watched expressionlessly, and Jimo didn't hide or fight back. He deserves it.

Yun Mu showed no mercy in this punch. After the punch, he withdrew his hand coldly and said, "We handed Yinyin to you because we believe that you can protect her well. If this kind of thing happens again, you Just leave Yin Yin."

"Yes, brother." Ji Mo's voice was dull, but also firm.

For the rest of his life, he would absolutely never put leisure in danger again.

Seeing Ji Mo's performance, Yun Mu felt much better.In fact, he knew that Ji Mo was not to blame for this incident at all, and he also admitted that he was just venting his anger, but who made it happen that Ji Mo happened to be in country m, and Yinyin had the accident under his nose.

"Take us to see that person, and tell us everything in detail by the way."

Knowing that Yun Mu was talking about Angel, Ji Mo took them to the ward where Angel was located without saying a word. On the way, he handed over the video recorded by his spare watch to Yun Mu. He had already copied the video to I'm on my phone.

Yun Mu and Yun Lu watched the video silently at double speed, and when they saw Xian Yu hit the desk, the veins in their hands bulged, and they almost crushed the phone.

When he arrived at the door of the ward, he had almost finished watching the video, and his expression changed from the anger at the beginning to calm.

It's just that there seems to be a stormy sea hidden under the calm eyes, if you don't pay attention, you will be dragged into the tsunami and drowned.

Opening the door, Angel has woken up again, but he is not as energetic as yesterday, lying on the ground like a puddle of mud. When he saw Jimo among the visitors, even though he was too painful to move, he still Climbing back in fear, wanting to stay away from Jimo.

Those bodyguards ended up not much better than Angel, but one of them was particularly miserable, and seemed to have suffered worse than Angel. If it wasn't for the slight heaving of his chest, people would think he had died .

Yun Mu and Yun Lu looked at the bodyguard struggling on the verge of death, it was the one who captured Yinyin.

"I remember this is a hospital? Send the person for treatment." Yun Mu pointed to the bodyguard and ordered to the man in black guarding him.

The people in black didn't act immediately, but took a look at Ji Mo first, and then went to lift the bodyguard after seeing him nodding.

When Angel heard Yun Mu asking them to save the bodyguard, he instantly felt that he had seen a savior.

"Please, save me too, please, my dad is Walter Cooper, as long as you can save me, he will give you a lot of money!" He didn't even care about his fear of Jimo, and actually Struggling to climb to Yun Mu's feet.

Yun Mu ignored him, but first said to the men in black who were about to carry him out: "Cure him, use the best medicine, and arrange the best doctor. I don't want him to be unharmed." After the punishment he deserved, he died."

Angel at his feet was stunned when he heard his words, and the hand holding his trousers dropped unconsciously.

" are devils, you are devils!" Angel walked away from him faster than he could climb to Yun Mu's side.

Yun Mu smiled coldly when he heard Angel's description of the devil.

He paced around Angel, stepping on his chest, not allowing him to back away.

"I'm a devil? Didn't you think that today would happen when you attacked my sister?"

He is said to be a devil, which one of the things that Angel did is not a devil?He dared to forcibly kidnap a girl in his company and no one dared to stop him. How many times did this happen before he could be so arrogant?

(End of this chapter)

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