Chapter 347 Untitled
"I just don't know if Mr. Cooper, when he was worrying about his son, thought about how terrified we should be when we learned what your son did to my sister."

Whose relatives are not relatives?Is it because Angel is from the Cooper family that his safety is more important!

"But as far as I know, this lady just suffered some skin trauma on her waist, didn't she!" Walter Cooper was unwilling to admit Angel's fault, and still avoided the serious ones.

"Then do I still have to thank your son for letting my sister go?" Yun Mu's face turned gloomy, and his face was full of anger.

Just skin trauma?The skin trauma Walter Cooper spoke of was caused by Yinyin relying on her calmness and reason!
If Yinyin was an ordinary person, if she didn't have that watch, or if Ji Mo went a little later and let the three bodyguards kick the door open, what would happen to those waiting for Yinyin?
"Why does this gentleman misinterpret my meaning so much? It is an established fact that your sister was not injured. If this is the case, why don't we each take a step back!"

"Take a step back? Mr. Cooper is used to dreaming. We would like to kill him alive, and you want us to take a step back."

Yun Mu's dark tone scared Walter Cooper back two steps. Before he could say anything, Jimo waved his hand, and Du Xing pushed Walter Cooper out.

Cynthia didn't let Du Xing do anything, and walked out obediently.

Due to her position, she didn't speak during the whole process, but she felt very comfortable in her heart.

Some things really don't know if you don't check them, and you will be shocked when you check them.

After she went back to the company yesterday, she checked carefully and found out that what happened to Xianyu had happened three times in the company.

Lei Yu was the fourth victim.

The first three were all new employees who came to work in the company. They were seen by Angel by chance, and they coveted their beauty.

The first victim was forcibly insulted by him calling him to the office on official grounds.Afterwards, the female employee was settled by her father, Walter Cooper, with both money and threats.

But if there is one, there are two. Since Angel has done such a thing, there will definitely be rumors in the company.

So when the second woman he liked was called to the office by the same means, that woman refused.

But no one thought that Angel would be so bold as to be too soft to be tough, and directly asked his bodyguard to take him to the office.Someone stopped, but they were all stopped by Angel's bodyguards.

Afterwards, the woman was also settled by her father with money. Not only that, but her father also fired all those who stood up to stop her.

With the connivance of his father, Angel became more and more lawless, so there was a third and a fourth, but this fourth was idle, not only did Angel not succeed, but also caused him to fall. Big somersault.

These are just what she found happened in the company. Angel can be so lawless in the company, so what about outside?Who knows how many other girls have been persecuted by him.

So Angel will end up like this today, who can be blamed?
However, after the comfort, what comes to the face is the lingering self-loathing.

No matter how much she despised and hated Angel and her father's behavior, it couldn't change the fact that her surname was Cooper, nor could it change the fact that she had the same blood as Angel in her body.

Angel's behavior is no longer worthy of being called a human being, he is a beast!But as the beast's younger sister, how could she be any better?She can only live with the name of the animal sister forever.

She couldn't help but hope that Brother Xianyu could really kill Angel alive as he said, and avenge those girls who were persecuted by Angel.

"Cynthia! Cynthia!"

Walter Cooper's loud cry woke Cynthia.

"Can't you hear me calling you!"

"I'm sorry father, what can you do?"

Walter Cooper didn't care about Cynthia's trance, and asked himself: "Who is that woman Angel is looking at? Didn't you say that she is just a student of Professor Mosen!"

"She is indeed a student of Professor Mosen. As for her family background, Professor Mosen hasn't mentioned it, so I don't know much about it."

"Trash!" Walter Cooper swore angrily and left in a huff.

He has to go back quickly to find out the identity of that woman, and arrange for someone to rescue Angel back as soon as possible!
Looking at the appearance of that woman's brother today, his Angeldo is more dangerous if he stays in their hands for a minute.

On the other side, in the ward.

"In other words, it won't be a problem for us to hold Angel like this?" Idle Yu asked hesitantly.

After all, this is country M, so things are not as comfortable as in the country. She is worried that Walter Cooper will do something irrational by jumping over the wall in a hurry.

"Don't worry about these things, we are here for everything." Yun Mu put on a warm smile again and said to Xianyu.

Xianyu pursed his lips, how could he not worry about this.

"I just have a little skin trauma, so I don't think I need to recuperate. Why don't we hurry back to China together."

Yun Mu was stunned: "Aren't you going to study with Professor Mo Sen here for a year?"

"I've already learned almost everything. This semester, there's only one thesis that Professor Mosen explained. It doesn't matter where I write the thesis. It's the same when I go back to China to write it."

The main reason is that country M is in chaos, and she can't help but shoot. She used her toes to think that Angel's current situation would definitely not be good. Walter Cooper hadn't seen Angel's tragic situation yet, so he could He can hold his breath, when he sees Angel, he will definitely lose all reason.

The Cooper family is one of the largest consortiums in country M. What will they do if they hire people to retaliate against them?

"I think it's okay." Yun Mu was still thinking, but Ji Mo had already agreed.

"The son of a thousand gold can't sit down." Seeing Yun Mu looking at him, Ji Mo explained again.

They didn't care, the main thing was that Yun Zhu, Yu Die and Zhou Mei had time to return home.

Otherwise, when Walter Cooper really didn't care about it, he would definitely attack them, and Idle Yu would definitely bear the brunt.

The persimmons are soft, and Walter Cooper will definitely regard leisure as the culprit for all this.

So it is necessary for them to return home first.

Yun Mu understood what Ji Mo meant, so he nodded, "I'll be returning home tomorrow."

"You two will go with us, right?" Looking at the posture of these two people, there was a feeling of 'everyone go first and I'm the last'.

"We stay to deal with some things." Ji Mo said.

They were already ready to face Walter Cooper when they dealt with Angel. Now that they had met, of course they had to fight until the opponent was unable to fight back.

So they still have to make some arrangements in country m.

(End of this chapter)

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