Chapter 349
"Cynthia, I thought you should know that the company belongs to your brother Angel from the beginning to the end!" Walter Cooper said angrily.

"Yes, I know, so I will not touch anything about the company again."

"But you know that the company needs you now! Are you trying to threaten me by refusing me at this time!"

Cynthia shook her head indifferently: "No, I don't mean any threat."

But Walter Cooper didn't believe her story at all.

Thinking that this was his daughter after all, and that the company really needed someone to help him share the pressure, Walter Cooper made a step back.

"Cynthia, I can give you three percent of the equity, this is my biggest step back."

He owns 20.00% of the shares of Royal Cruises and is the company's largest shareholder, with the second largest shareholder holding 17.00%.

He gave up a maximum of [-]% of the shares to Cynthia. Only in this way can Angel have absolute control over the company in the future.

Walter Cooper thought that he had reluctantly promised to give her three percent of the shares, and that Cynthia should just accept it.

But who knew that Cynthia still just shook her head indifferently: "Father, I think you have misunderstood. I sincerely refuse, without any threat."

She looked at Walter Cooper word by word, and clearly stated her decision: "I don't need the company's equity, not a single bit."

Her contribution to the company in the past was never out of coveting money and power, but just to prove herself.

Prove that you are good, better than Angel, who is useless, and better than many other good people.

She thought that since she was so good, maybe Angel would not be the only one in her father's eyes.

But now everything has changed.

In her eyes, her father, who was good in everything except his preference for Angel, is actually a beast like Angel, both cold-blooded and inhuman, except that one is more stupid and the other is smarter.

So why on earth does she want to get the approval of such a person, and what can she make him agree with?Only the beasts are recognized by the beasts.

"Do you really don't want it or do you actually want more?" Walter Cooper insisted. He couldn't understand why Cynthia, who used to be so concerned about the company, suddenly didn't care about the company's shares. She can only think in her own way, that is, she actually wants more.

It's useless to talk too much, cynthia knew that she couldn't explain it to Walter Cooper, so she didn't explain it any more.

"Father believes it or not, it doesn't matter, I still have something to do at school, so I'm leaving first."

Walter Cooper was so pissed off by Cynthia's behavior that he just walked away. He still didn't believe Cynthia's words, but he was unwilling to give more shares, so he just let Cynthia go away. .

After Cynthia left, Walter Cooper, who was busy alone, was full of hatred for Jimo. He not only hated Jimo for disrupting his company, causing him to suffer huge economic losses, but also hated him for torturing Angel. out of shape.

And most importantly, the doctor told him after the examination that not only was Angel's leg broken, he would never be able to stand up again in this life, his mind was also extremely confused, and he didn't know when he would recover, and his life was gone.

This means that regardless of whether Angel can regain his sanity in the future, he will no longer be able to touch women, nor will he be able to continue the future generations of the Cooper family.

To cut off the hatred of his sons and grandchildren like this, he and Jimo are at odds with each other!
If nothing happened to the company, he might think of a way to deal with Ji's family, make Ji's family suffer a crushing defeat, and then capture Ji Mo, making him endure all the pain that Angel has experienced.

But now the situation is unfavorable, he has no extra energy and capital to deal with Ji's family.

It is obviously impossible for him to give up dealing with Ji Mo. If he can't deal with Ji's family, he has to catch Ji Mo directly.

First arrest Ji Mo and torture him, he is slowly saving the company, and then deal with Ji's family.

Didn't Jimo ruin the inheritance of his Cooper family? Then he will let Jimo watch his parents die in front of him in all kinds of humiliation!

Cooper, who had lost his mind, hired a large number of people to catch Jimo. No matter what method, he wanted to see the living Jimo escorted to him.

But when he arranged for someone to catch Ji Mo, Ji Mo and Yun Mu had already returned to the country together.

Just kidding, everything has been arranged. If you don’t want to go back to China and wait for the Royal Cruise Line to be defeated, and then watch Walter Cooper lose everything, why don’t you stay in country m and play gunfights with Walter Cooper?
Don't be silly, it's not a movie.

They only need to go back to China to watch a good show for a period of time, then they can reap the results, and finally they can kill them all.

Walter Cooper, who learned that Jimo had returned to China, completely lost his mind. He didn't even care about the precarious company. He spent a lot of money and wanted to hire people to go to China at all costs, and he didn't ask to see Ji Mo alive. Ink, as long as he can kill him, the mission will be completed.

But no individual or organization accepted his employment.

Those who do this are not fools, how can they not investigate who the target of the task is before accepting the order?
Ji Mo himself is a stubborn stubble. As the Canglong of Huaguo, he has dealt with people like them who wander in the black zone both openly and secretly, and they have never taken advantage of him.

If the opponent is in country m, under the temptation of huge commissions, they dare to try their luck at home.

But the other party is now in China!Did they run to his territory to run wild?
Not to mention Ji Mo's own influence, they don't want to go to Huaguo alone except for traveling and relaxing!
All the policemen there are more ruthless than these desperadoes. When encountering some situations, they are like mad dogs who want to die, stalking, fierce and difficult.

There was once a colleague who didn't believe in this evil, was blinded by money, and insisted on going to Huaguo, no matter how much others persuaded him, it was useless.

As a result, the person left on the same day, and the body was brought back two weeks later.The bullet holes on his body were like a hornet's nest, his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, his hands and feet were broken, and the broken parts were in strange shapes. He didn't know what kind of humanoid weapon he encountered before his death.

Of course, it's not that there are really no escapes.It's just that those who escaped by chance became the most steadfast dissuaders after they came back, and advised everyone not to go to Huaguo for a stroll, because the business there is not for life, but for merit.

Whether he can come back alive depends on how much virtue he has accumulated in his previous life.

Under such circumstances, Walter Cooper could only add money again and again, until the final employment amount was as high as 1000 million US dollars.

But even so, his list was still not answered.

If you have a life, you don't get it, and if you get it, it's in vain.

(End of this chapter)

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