Do you engage in scientific research?

Chapter 351 Wormhole Technology

Chapter 351 Wormhole Technology

In fact, not only was she not sad, she was even a little thankful that it wasn't Leisure who died, not that beautiful, calm and amazing woman.

That's fine, since her father is dead, she will probably be the next one, even if it is to avoid future troubles, her death is inevitable.

But she waited for a long time, so long that she had already dealt with her father's funeral, and so long that the company collapsed completely, and there was no possibility of recovery, but she was still alive and well.

So, did Lei Yu let her go?
It should be, otherwise her father and elder brother did such a thing. She, Jimo and Xian Yu's elder brother have never met before, so why would they let her go.

It's just that she didn't understand why Xianyu let her go. She was almost insulted by Angel, so why did she let her, Angel's sister, go?

She couldn't figure it out, she could only attribute it to idle kindness.

City b, big q.

"I'm so hungry, let's go and eat quickly, I'm going to starve to death." Zhao Tian yelled.

"Ah! I'm going to die, oh my god, how did you survive under Professor Mo Sen's hand?!" Liu Jia's face was full of disbelief.

Zhou Mei didn't say anything, either because she didn't want to, or because she was so tired that she couldn't speak.

"Just exhale, then inhale, and you're alive."

"Listen, are you speaking human language?"

Xianyu is also very helpless, she really survived like this, is there something wrong to be honest?
It has been more than two months since she came back from country m. In the second week after her return, Professor Mo Sen resigned from University M and came to China, and then became a visiting professor at University Q for half a year.

The reason is very rigid. He is Xianyu's teacher. Because he failed to protect her well, Xianyu had to come back from Country M and ended his one-year study at M University ahead of schedule. He has the responsibility and obligation to take responsibility for this matter.

And the way he was responsible was that he also went to Huaguo himself, and became a visiting professor at Q University for half a year. He insisted on teaching her the remaining half year of studies.

Lei Yu felt that there was absolutely no need for this, but Professor Mo Sen had his own insistence, and she could not change his decision. Even if she brought out Professor Qian to persuade him, she could not make Professor Mo Sen give up.

In the end, Professor Qian turned around and persuaded her not to worry about it, because he has such a temper, has an incomparable talent, and also has a stubborn persistence and a bottom line.

In the end, it turned out that Professor Mo Sen became one of their teachers, and at the same time, he was also the tutor of Yu Yu alone.

Lei Yu also became the only person in Q University who has two mentors.

Professor Qian has no objection to Professor Mo Sen's staying and teaching for the rest of his life, but he is very dissatisfied with his tutor name.

It’s okay for him to be a spare tutor in M ​​University, but why is he still a tutor when he returns to Q University?If he is a mentor, then what is he?
However, he couldn't compete with this guy Mo Sen. He argued with him, but the other party turned a deaf ear to him, didn't even say a word, and let him sing a one-man show alone.

The last time he encountered such a situation was when he was a graduate student at M University and he and Mo Sen were classmates.

There is no other way, Professor Qian can only comfort himself, it's only about this semester, he will just endure it for a few months!

Thinking of Professor Qian's suffocated face, she felt funny in leisure time, it was the first time she saw Professor Qian angry like a child.

"Could you please hurry up, I'm really going to faint here from hunger."

"Okay, okay, don't rush, let's go."

After dinner, they had no class in the afternoon. Zhou Mei and the three were busy with the topics assigned to them by Professor Qian, and went to find Professor Mo Sen by themselves in their free time.

During her winter vacation, she was preparing for the thesis that Professor Mosen asked her to write. She planned to go to country m to do the experimental part, but the following things disrupted her plan. In the end, the experiment was still done in Q University.

Now her experiment is almost done, and the thesis has also been written. Now she is going to take the paper to Professor Mo Sen for a review. If there is no problem, she can submit it for publication.

Professor Mosen looked at Xianyu's paper with a dull face. To be honest, he was very satisfied with Xianyu's paper, but due to his personality, no matter how satisfied he was, his face did not fluctuate.

"You can submit your paper for publication." Professor Mo Sen returned the paper to Lei Yu.

"Good Professor Mawson."

Suddenly, Professor Mosen asked, "What are you going to study next?"

I was taken aback for a moment, "I haven't made up my mind yet."

She is interested in a lot, and there are many things she wants to develop, but most of them are unable to do it or research it at all due to constraints.

Professor Mo Sen just asked casually, and didn't expect to get any answer. Seeing that Xianyu hadn't thought about it, he didn't say anything, and waved her away.

On the way back, Xianyu was also thinking about what he should do next, what could be developed under the current conditions but would not have so many hidden dangers.

After thinking about it, she thought of the curvature engine and wormhole technology.

Both are possible under existing conditions.

In the end she chose wormhole technology.

The realization of the curvature drive engine requires huge energy, which is somewhat difficult. If the earth has such a strong energy source, her thesis is not a model superconducting maglev but a real maglev vehicle.

In contrast, wormhole technology is relatively simple.

What wormhole technology needs to solve is the problem of excessive gravity in wormholes. The gravity in wormholes will destroy everything that enters.

But compared to the positive matter that produces energy, antimatter also has negative mass, which can absorb all the energy around it

And the negative mass can just be used to neutralize the super strong force field in the wormhole, so as to stabilize the energy field of the wormhole.

And most importantly, wormhole technology is the same as virtual reality technology. Although it is ahead of this era, it is not so far ahead. The development of wormhole technology is inevitable in the historical process. Without her, wormhole technology can be realized.

Once the wormhole technology is successfully researched, human exploration of outer space will be one step closer.

As for aliens or something, don't think about it without a curvature-driven engine, and don't think too much about it with a curvature-driven engine.

Relying on wormhole technology alone to cross galaxies is like a fucking dream. Coupled with the curvature-driven engine, human beings can only be discovered.

But if she wants to study wormhole technology, then her laboratory is not enough, she has to borrow the national laboratory.

Capturing negative mass requires equipment, and this kind of advanced large-scale equipment is only available in the country.But she is not the only one in the country to study this, there must be other scientists who are also studying this, using equipment, where is it her turn to use it?

Maybe she could join their team?

(End of this chapter)

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