Do you engage in scientific research?

Chapter 353 The span is a bit big

Chapter 353 The span is a bit big

Is Lu Peifeng blind? Didn't you see Mr. Lu who she supported?What does it look like if she doesn't call her cousin in front of the elders, but calls him by his first name? !

It's good for him. By saying this, doesn't it expose the fact that she has been calling him by his name all the time?

Fortunately, Lu Peifeng was stupid occasionally, not really stupid, when he caught a glimpse of Xianyu's unattractive expression, he knew he had said something wrong, so he shut up quickly.

Mr. Lu is a sensible person, but he is neither deaf nor dumb nor a family man. He has the right to pretend that he has not heard anything. What should young people do so much? It is not a matter of principle. Why bother everyone? happy.

"Grandpa, aren't you going out?" Lu Peifeng changed the subject in order to ease the awkward silence.

"Why, old man, I can't hear you?" Mr. Lu asked back.

Lu Peifeng was extremely wronged: "I can listen to it, of course I can listen to it."

There is no old man in the entire Lu family who can't listen to it. Is the prestige of the head of the family a joke?

But the old man is too unfriendly today, forget it, he should communicate with Xianyu.

"Tell me, why did you come to see me?" Lu Peifeng asked Xianyu straight to the point.

Mr. Lu's pretending to be deaf and dumb made Xianyu less embarrassed. Hearing what Lu Peifeng said, he hurriedly talked about his reason for coming.

"I want to ask you where you can buy equipment for capturing negative mass, and how much it costs."

A device that captures negative mass?

"Why did you buy that thing?" Lu Peifeng asked puzzled.

I want to say something to him in my spare time: What do you think I bought it for?But Mr. Lu is here, so it's not good for her to be so rigid.

If you think about it with your feet, you know what else this kind of scientific research equipment can do besides buying it for scientific research. Could it be that she bought it for barbecue fried chicken?

Even the old man couldn't listen to the stupid question Lu Peifeng asked. He frowned brazenly and rolled his eyes at Lu Peifeng with disgust, and then took the conversation.

"What do you want to study, girl?"

When Mr. Lu asked the question, he became more serious in his spare time, and answered correctly: "I'm a little interested in wormhole technology recently."

"Your span is a bit big." Lu Peifeng answered unwillingly.

Just after developing virtual reality on the front foot, I want to study wormhole technology on the back foot. The two cannot be matched.

But thinking about the fact that the virtual reality she studied in the past was completely incompatible with her own major, he was relieved again, he had to learn to get used to it.

Mr. Lu didn't care about the question of whether the span is not span, he just asked: "Are you sure?"

Lei Yu knew that Mr. Lu meant to ask her if she was sure that the research and development would be successful, but...

"Are you sure you don't have to try?"

This is the true meaning of scientific research. Whether you are sure or not, you have to try. This is a process of exploration. You can't stop trying because you are not sure. If this is the case, technology will never progress.

The old man was taken aback when he heard the answer, and then said with a smile: "It's the old man who is fooling me."

He's getting old, and he can't think clearly.What the girl said is right, how can one make a decision based on whether one is sure or not.

Don't do it if you are not sure?With so many martyrs, which one is sure to succeed?Who can foresee that China will become the country of China today?

Aren't they all fighting with the heart of mortal death and the heart of giving it a go?Whether they succeed or not is determined by God, but it is their own decision not to try their best.

If scientific research is stopped just because of grasping the word, then there is no talk of construction or progress.

Seeing that the old man came to understand, Lei Yu said mischievously again: "But I am still very sure about the wormhole technology."

The old man almost didn't realize it, but when he did, he became excited immediately.

This is wormhole technology!If virtual reality technology is only helpful to advance scientific construction, then wormhole technology is a big step forward in scientific construction, especially in aerospace.

"Then you asked Peifeng about the equipment, because you want to buy one yourself?"

Idle nod: "Yeah."

The old man frowned and said: "The country has equipment, why not use the country's equipment directly?"

At this time, Lu Peifeng was completely speechless, and could only listen to the conversation between the old man and Xianyu, as if he didn't exist.

So today, did Lei Yu come to find him or the old man?What the hell is he sitting here for?Do you sit in and study?

Hearing the old man ask her why she didn't use the equipment of the country, Lei Yu explained: "I originally thought about using the equipment of the country, but after thinking about it, I decided to forget it. I am not the only one who studies this in the country. I use what other people use. , I might as well buy one myself.”

"Then you can join their team to develop together."

It was too boring not to talk, and there was no sense of participation, so Lu Peifeng finally found a chance to join this topic.

Xianyu shook his head: "Other people's team, I can join if I say so. And it's inconvenient to be controlled by others."

At that time, if the research and development ideas and ideas are different, can she still work alone in other people's teams?The most important thing in a team is cooperation, allowing suggestions, but not differentiation.

Both Mr. Lu and Lu Peifeng were lost in thought. The question that Lei Yu mentioned was indeed a big one.

One is that other people have established a team long ago and have worked hard for this technology for many years. How can she join if she says she wants to join.

This kind of experiment sponsored by the state, if ordinary people want to join, it has to be that the laboratory needs people to open up the quota and expand the enrollment, and they have to pass a lot of exams such as written exams and interviews to get in. After entering, it is not immediately Those who can participate in the experiment have to start from the basics, run in for a period of time, and understand the general process and progress of the experiment before they can start to help out.

The second thing is, since Xianyu says she is sure, she must have her own thoughts and ideas about research and development in her heart. If she is asked to be in someone else's team and listen to others' instructions on how to develop, then she might as well buy equipment and develop it herself.

Lu Peifeng: "But if you want to buy equipment, you will have to wait."

I am puzzled: "Why?"

It was Lu Peifeng's turn to be stunned, "Why do you need to ask? This large-scale equipment is imported and the latest, and many countries have placed orders and are waiting for it."

"Moreover, it usually takes half a year or a year to manufacture one of these large-scale equipment. If you want to buy it, even if you jump in the queue to produce it for you first, you will have to wait at least half a year or a year."

Lei Yu was stunned, that's right, why did she forget that this is not Interstellar, and any equipment she wants can be delivered to her door in a month at most, even if it is a starship.

What can we do now?
(End of this chapter)

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