Chapter 359
Mo Lao was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, and then he burst out laughing. He didn't expect that after telling the girl not to be humble, she would be so honest when she turned around.

"Okay! If you do your research well, it doesn't matter if I join your team. It doesn't matter whose team it is. What matters is that you can research something and make a contribution to the country!"

"Old Mo is right, that's the truth." A second-level researcher behind Mo Lao sighed.

Although the rest of them didn't say anything, they agreed. It didn't matter whose team belonged to Huaguo, as long as it could produce results, and as long as it could contribute to the country.

It is lonely to do scientific research, especially to study something like wormhole technology that they may not be able to find a result in their entire life. If it is not supported by the belief of serving the country, how can they persist for so long.

Several young people still disagree, except for one girl.I couldn't help but take a second look.

She was an extremely beautiful girl, her slightly curly long hair was randomly tied into a ball, but it was a bit messy and beautiful.

She also didn't take it seriously, but that disapproval was hidden very deeply, with only a faint smile on her face.

"Come on, let me show you our department and show you the equipment." Mr. Mo beckoned to Xianyu and showed her to familiarize himself with the laboratory. Zhou Mei and the three hurriedly followed.

The others dispersed separately, they had already met each other, and they still had their own things to do.

Mr. Mo is not only open-minded but also very funny. He introduced each equipment carefully and made sure they were familiar with it before leaving.

After Mr. Mo left, they went to find Lu Peifeng again. Lu Peifeng came with them, and he was going to be stationed here too.

It's just that he doesn't need to be familiar with it. He and his secretary went to get their documents.

With the certificate to enter and leave the laboratory.

Of course, this is not enough, and they will have to record fingerprints and pupils later.

Two days later, the professors and doctors of Q University also reported one after another that the group went to the laboratory and met with Mo Lao and others, and even exchanged familiar greetings.

Only then did I find out that these professors and researchers knew each other.

Thinking about it, there are not many people who study wormhole technology in China, and the professors are about the same age as Mr. Mo and others. They are in the same industry and they should know each other.

And Mr. Mo was also taken aback when he learned that Xian Yu was their team leader. At the same time, he felt more and more that the girl Xian Yu was going to bring them a big surprise.

After exchanging pleasantries, several young people in Mo Lao's team changed their views on leisure.

At the beginning, they thought that the few idlers were younger than them, how could they be so good.

But now he is already a team leader at a young age, and there are even professors in the team who are as famous as Mo Lao and others, and there are many doctors, and looking at the expressions of those professors and doctors, it seems that none of them have anything to do with being a team leader in leisure time objection.

What objection can there be? With the precedent of virtual reality technology, how can they not know what kind of strength this girl is?Besides, the professors from the computer department who worked with Xianyu before came back to snatch the student crazy, and some news was also revealed.

For example, Xianyu's surname is not Xian, but his surname is Yun, and he belongs to the Yun family.

Speaking of the Yun family, they only had to obey.That gene is really not what they envy.

The father is Yun Mu, the mother is Yu Die, they joined forces, what's wrong with being a monster at a young age, it's justified.

If you understand this, there is nothing to be reconciled to, and there is state support behind them, and there are many benefits to follow the research and development, so why not be willing to offend others for some unnecessary things, not to mention that they really don't necessarily have someone who is excellent.

So next, the two teams did their own research and development without disturbing each other, but the idle team was obviously much busier.

After working for a few days, I suddenly saw Zhou Jinsheng at the door of the laboratory one day.

"Director Zhou, what do you need from me?"

Zhou Jinsheng was a little embarrassed, "I didn't come to find you."

"Then you came to look for Mo Lao? Do you need me to call Mo Lao for you?" Since you didn't come to find her, then you should come to Mo Lao.

"Not really." Zhou Jin sounded even more embarrassed.

Now I was puzzled, but seeing Zhou Jinsheng's embarrassment, she didn't intend to ask more.

"Then it's up to you." Then he turned around and prepared to leave.


Suddenly, a female voice came from behind.

Lei Yu's steps paused, this voice...was Xiao Ran, a research intern in Mo Lao's team?

She turned around and saw that she was indeed Xiaoran.

Is Zhou Jinsheng whom Xiaoran called just now Jinsheng?Lei Yu suddenly remembered that Lu Peifeng had said that Zhou Jinsheng's girlfriend was also working in the laboratory, but he couldn't remember her name or which department she was in.

Could it be Xiaoran?How lucky is she?
Xiaoran also saw Xianyu who had stopped, and she greeted Xianyu with a smile: "Miss Xian."

Zhou Jinsheng saw that Xianyu did not leave, so he simply introduced to Xianyu: "Miss Xian, this is my girlfriend, Xiaoran."

"But you are in the same laboratory, so you should know each other."

I was a little surprised, but immediately calmed down again: "Knowing is knowing, but I didn't know that Miss Xiao is Mr. Zhou's girlfriend."

"Talk slowly, I'm going to eat first." Lei Yu was not interested in watching the two of them talk about each other, so he left directly.

 Last week I said to add more updates, but I was too busy, so I didn’t update them. I made up today, only one update, don’t be disgusted, don’t shoot me <(; ;)

(End of this chapter)

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