Chapter 367 The Truth
In the clear picture on the monitor, Xiaoran was slowly walking towards the entrance of the laboratory with a lot of things in her arms, but stopped at the entrance of the laboratory.

She looked around for a while with difficulty, then chose a direction and walked straight over.

That direction is exactly where Ji Mo came.

When approaching Ji Mo, Xiaoran fell flat for some reason.It doesn't look like anything from the front, but judging from the panoramic view in the surveillance, the fall was very deliberate.

Such a deliberate flop was full of flaws in Ji Mo's eyes. Before Xiaoran pounced on him, he avoided Xiaoran with a slight sideways movement, and then Xiaoran fell to the ground and was caught by many people. The scene where sharp folders and sundries cut through the arm.

At the same time, at some point, Xianyu's figure also appeared on the screen. She folded her arms and leaned against the wall, watching Xiaoran calmly from walking over to falling down.

Seeing this, everyone already understood everything, and looked at Xiaoran in Zhou Jinsheng's arms with surprise, as if they didn't expect her to be such a person.

Of course, Zhou Jinsheng was the most surprised at the moment.

He looked at Xiaoran and slowly put Xiaoran down, then looked at Xiaoran who was about to cry expressionlessly and said, "What do you want to explain to me?"

Xiaoran reached out and grabbed Zhou Jinsheng's sleeve and explained with extreme aggrievedness: "Jinsheng, you believe me, things are not what you see."

Zhou Jinsheng didn't push her away, he just looked at Xiaoran coldly: "What is that like, please explain to me."

"I...I..." I talked for a long time, but I couldn't tell the reason. The surveillance had completely shown what she had done, and whatever she said now was just sophistry.

"Is there anything else to explain, isn't she like this from the beginning?" Lu Peifeng answered gloatingly.

Xiaoran's heart skipped a beat, feeling a little bad.

Sure enough, Lu Peifeng said immediately afterward: "Don't make such a fuss, it's not the first time she did this kind of thing, I was also a victim back then."

So far, Lu Peifeng didn't say more.

But everyone present understood the meaning of his words.

Emotional Xiaoran once seduced Minister Lu?
Immediately, everyone understood the reason why Minister Lu had always had a bad feeling for Xiaoran.You must know that Minister Lu and Director Zhou have always been good brothers, but the girlfriend of the good brother shamelessly came to seduce him?They wouldn't have a good look at Xiaoran if it were them!

"Is what he said true?" Zhou Jinsheng sent these words to Xiaoran again.

Xiaoran cried and shook her head: "No, no, what he said is not true, you believe me now."

"Hey, is it true that you didn't have any clues in your own mind? It's also my fault that I was unlucky at the beginning, and there was no surveillance to help me prove my innocence."

Otherwise, he wouldn't have just talked about it today.

Zhou Jinsheng didn't believe Xiaoran anymore, he brushed Xiaoran's hand away firmly and resolutely, and didn't say anything about sending her to the hospital, and left the monitoring room by himself.

The rest of the people looked at each other in blank dismay, and some of them were a little embarrassed, they were deceived by Xiaoran, and just accused Xianyu of being so condescending.

In the end, the truth of the matter is that Xiao Ran has to blame herself, if someone touches her significant other like this, they might even go up and kick her, not to mention helping her up.

Xiaoran watched Zhou Jinsheng leave, and looked at Xianyu with resentment: "Are you satisfied? Are you satisfied with killing me like this!"

Xianyu doesn't quite understand her brain circuit. She provoked her first from the beginning to the end, and tried to hook up with Jimo. As a result, the matter was exposed, but she accused her of harming her like this.

"Do you understand what these four words mean? If you don't understand, I suggest you go back and look them up in the dictionary." After speaking, I was not interested in continuing to enjoy the farce here, and turned to Ji Mo Zhou Mei and the others and said, "We let's go."

As soon as Xianyu and the others left, the others also pointed and left one after another, leaving only Xiaoran standing where she was, her figure still looked a bit pitiful.

Xiaoran understood that everything about her was over, and when she thought about it carefully, she felt a little unbelievable, and she didn't understand how things had turned into this situation.

Zhou Jinsheng could quarrel with Lu Peifeng because of her, and even quarrel with his family because of her.

She thought she could play Zhou Jinsheng in the palm of her hand, but the fact is that she lost to a small surveillance, lost to her carelessness.

"Miss, please leave the monitoring room now." Seeing that everyone had left, only Xiaoran was left, and the duty officer asked Xiaoran to leave without politeness.

It's not just rude, there is also obvious contempt in the tone.

Xiaoran was extremely embarrassed, now even a supervisor in the monitoring room has the right to despise her.

But she didn't know that there were more embarrassing things behind her.

Lei Yu took the inspection report to Lu Peifeng, "Now is the time to publish the inspection report."

Lu Peifeng understood what she meant in seconds, taking advantage of someone's illness to kill someone.We have to publish the inspection report when everyone has a bad feeling for Xiaoran and the reputation has dropped sharply. At this time, the inspection report has the most credibility.

Lu Peifeng took the overhaul report and left cheerfully. He wanted to find Zhou Jinsheng, hand over the overhaul report to him for publication, and then give him a head-on blow.

If he had fallen out with him because of a woman like Xiaoran, he deserved to be hurt like this by Xiaoran today.

When Zhou Jinsheng saw the overhaul report that Lu Peifeng gave him, there was no expression on his face, neither the shock that Lu Peifeng imagined nor the regret he imagined.

He seemed to accept this matter very calmly, and accepted that Xiaoran was such a woman.

"You didn't say anything?" Lu Peifeng asked unwillingly.

Zhou Jinsheng looked at him indifferently: "What do you want me to express?"

Being cheated by a woman for so long, even going against everyone around her for her, what should he do?Need him to cry?
No, he has already lost enough face, and if he shows that he cares about being decadent, he will really lose a trace of dignity.

Seeing his state, Lu Peifeng was rather embarrassed.All right, he was the one who went too far, Zhou Jinsheng was hurt enough now, it would be really inhumane for him to rub salt on his family's wounds.

Brother for many years, he was very happy to see him walk out of Xiaoran's pit of fire.

Lu Peifeng patted Zhou Jinsheng's shoulder to express his comfort, then left his office without saying a word, leaving him alone.

After Lu Peifeng left, Zhou Jinsheng's hand holding the inspection report became tighter and tighter, until the veins in his hand protruded, his fingers were pale from pinching, and the inspection report was even more wrinkled.

Xiaoran didn't understand how things turned out like this, and neither did Zhou Jinsheng.

Is he not good enough for Xiaoran?For her, he gave up everything he had.But why did Xiaoran hook up with Lu Peifeng and Ji Mo?

He can understand just Ji Mo, after all, Ji Mo is indeed better than him.

But why is there still Lu Peifeng?

She knew that Lu Peifeng was his brother!And Lu Peifeng has a wife!

At this time, he could no longer deceive himself that Xiaoran was innocent, and he had reasons.

The fact is that Xiaoran is a person who sees differences and wants to change, she just uses him as a springboard and a spare tire from the beginning to the end!

The next day, everyone in the laboratory saw the announcement that Xiaoran was fired from the laboratory on the bulletin board and faced huge compensation.

The reason for his expulsion was that Xiaoran intentionally modified the equipment program, resulting in damage to the equipment.

For a while, everyone was talking again.

"This damaged device doesn't refer to the device that was paid to the laboratory by Leisure some time ago, right?"

"It should be. Recently, there is only one device that has been damaged in the laboratory."

"So at the beginning, Xiaoran did everything on purpose and blamed Xianyu?"

"Wow, no, why is she so vicious! It turns out that she has been eyeing Xianyu so early."

"What do you say she is for? At that time, Captain Ji hadn't come to our laboratory yet."

"What else could it be for? A woman's jealousy."

"Maybe, I am so good at such a young age. We all share the same laboratory and see each other all day. Who wouldn't be jealous?"

Everyone gathered around the bulletin board expressing their opinions one by one, Xiaoran behind the crowd didn't even need to squeeze in front of the bulletin board to see what was written on the bulletin board, she already knew it from other people's comments She's now fired and faces a huge payout.

She backed away from the crowd and walked towards Zhou Jinsheng's office.

She can't be fired, and she doesn't have that much money to compensate.

At this moment, Zhou Jinsheng was the only one in the office. Seeing Xiaoran who came in without knocking, he said coldly, "Won't you knock before you come in?"

Xiaoran was stunned, Zhou Jinsheng had never spoken to her in this tone before, and she never had to knock on the door to enter Zhou Jinsheng's office.

"Today, I..."

"Please call me Director Zhou." Xiaoran was interrupted by Zhou Jinsheng before she finished speaking.

Looking at Zhou Jinsheng's cold face, Xiao Ran admitted that she regretted it.

Obviously Zhou Jinsheng is the best person to her, why doesn't she know how to cherish it, instead she has to look around and only think about better things.

Xiaoran's tears came as soon as she said it, she sobbed and looked at Zhou Jinsheng: "Jinsheng, I know I was wrong, can you forgive me, I really know I was wrong."

"Go out if you have nothing else to say."

"Do you have to speak to me in such a tone?"

"What kind of tone should I use instead of this tone? Do you want him to confess you?" Lu Peifeng's voice came from the door.

"Your office door is open, it's not that I eavesdrop." Lu Peifeng explained.

Zhou Jinsheng didn't give him a look, but looked at Xiaoran and said, "Please leave."

Seeing that Zhou Jinsheng was not moved at all, Xiaoran stopped crying and trying to arouse his pity, but said hesitantly: "I... I saw the announcement on the bulletin board."

Zhou Jinsheng: "Oh, that's just right, please repay the compensation within the prescribed time limit, otherwise we will sue you according to law."

Sure enough, there is no most embarrassing, only more embarrassing.

Xiaoran didn't expect that there would be a day when she begged Zhou Jinsheng for money.Obviously, Zhou Jinsheng had always accommodated her in the past.

Her face was extremely red, both shame and embarrassment.

"I... don't have that much money."

"Didn't you ever think of this when you damaged the equipment?" Zhou Jinsheng asked back, and then said: "That's right, you definitely didn't think of this, after all, you wanted to frame Xianyu at the beginning."

Because the one who has to compensate for all this is leisure and has nothing to do with her, so of course she would not think about it.

But hasn't she considered what would happen if Lei Yu couldn't pay the huge amount of compensation?

Zhou Jinsheng guessed that she had thought about it, but she didn't care because this was the result she wanted to see.

So how stupid was he to fall in love with such a femme fatale woman?Everyone around him could see his true face, only he, like a demon, couldn't see anything bad about her.

Lei Yu's evaluation of him at the beginning couldn't be more appropriate, he is a complete idiot.

Fortunately, idiots have a day of sobriety, and it's not too late.

Xiaoran didn't know how to respond to Zhou Jinsheng's words, she could only put down her figure and beg Zhou Jinsheng: "I beg you, I... really don't have that much money."

She is a research intern. Although she has fallen in love with Zhou Jinsheng, in order to maintain her image, she will accept Zhou Jinsheng's gifts, but she has never taken Zhou Jinsheng's money.

Besides, Zhou Jinsheng didn't have that much money, he was the director of the laboratory, and he wasn't in business, so where did he get so much money.

"That's your business." Zhou Jinsheng said indifferently, "Please leave now."

"Do you really want to be so nostalgic?"

"Old love? Heh!" Zhou Jinsheng sneered, "Are you reminding me how stupid I was before?"

After speaking, Zhou Jinsheng directly picked up the phone on the desk and asked the secretary to come in and see off the guests.

Xiaoran finally couldn't bear this humiliation anymore, and ran away before the secretary came in.

"It seems that you are still not stupid enough." Lu Peifeng said leisurely.

He hurriedly followed after seeing Xiaoran coming to Zhou Jinsheng's office, because he was afraid that Zhou Jinsheng would be fooled by Xiaoran's rhetoric again.

Zhou Jinsheng didn't reply for a while, and after a long time, he murmured: "I seem to be such a stupid person?"

Lu Peifeng didn't speak, but just laughed.

This laugh has fully expressed his point of view.

That's not like, that's what it is.

As Lu Peifeng's brother for many years, could Zhou Jinsheng not understand what Lu Peifeng meant?He also let out a snort, but his snort was full of self-mockery.

Also, if he wasn't stupid, how could he be fooled by Xiaoran for so long?There is no one more stupid than him in this world.

Not long after Xiaoran left Zhou Jinsheng's office, all her documents were confiscated by the security personnel of the laboratory, and they watched her pack up all the things and forced her to leave the laboratory without giving her any chance. Go find Zhou Jinsheng again.

It wasn't until she stood at the door of the laboratory in a mess that she clearly realized what she was going to face next.

 Today's update has been delivered, and the monthly ticket is almost [-]. If it reaches [-] today, I will add [-] more tomorrow.Guaranteed by my hair.

  There are not many left, everyone take it easy. (;`)
(End of this chapter)

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