Chapter 379 Uncle Dean
Xianyu said to ask the other two parties in the photo to investigate, but the first person in the office to be frightened was not Mr. Xiao Dong, nor the teacher who refused to tell Xianyu what he knew. professor.

Because among the teachers present, no one knew better than him who the identities of the two men in the photo were.

Anyone who has developed virtual reality technology with Xianyu has seen these two men before. The one holding Xianyu's arms is Xianyu's boyfriend, the prince of the Ji family, how normal it is for them to hug each other.

The other one who opened the door for Xianyu was one of the young masters of the Lu family, and he is also Xianyu's future cousin, so it's normal to open the door for Xianyu.

As for the vague ambiguity in the photo, it is simply nonsense. It is said that he is the future cousin, how can there be ambiguity, whose cousin is so wicked to pry his cousin's corner.

And this is one of the reasons why Professor Yu is so enthusiastic about helping Xianyu investigate this matter. If they can't solve it internally and really attract the two great Buddhas Ji Mo and Lu Peifeng, the consequences will be disastrous.

In desperation, Professor Yu hurriedly comforted Xianyu: "No, no, no, no need to find those two, I will ask for you."

After appeasing him, he immediately turned to the teacher who was still hesitating: "If you know something, tell it quickly, don't hide it. If you are found out in the end, can you take responsibility?"

The teacher was taken aback by Professor Yu's seriousness: "What... what responsibility?"

Professor Yu hated iron for being weak. As a colleague, he was knowledgeable and a teacher. In short, he was okay in everything. The only bad thing was that he was a little timid.

But this is also common in the world, and it is already quite good to be able to do what his colleague does.

But it's not the time for him to be so timid and afraid.

"Don't you know that Lei Yu is a national key protection scientist? If you don't say it now, wait for the country to verify it. When it is found out, can you have good fruit?!"

Professor Yu's words made it even more difficult for the teacher. He knew that Xianyu was very good, after all, he had developed virtual reality technology, but he ignored that such a powerful person is protected by the state, and the state must be very concerned about her every move. care.

He can't afford to offend Xianyu, but can he offend Xiao Dong?That's the dean's student. Some people say that Xiao Dong will take over the dean's class in the future.

Professor Yu's current status naturally does not fear the dean, let alone the dean, the principal also has to give a little face.

But he is not Professor Yu, he is just an ordinary teacher with no background or background.

Seeing that the teacher was still hesitating, Professor Yu already knew his temper. His colleague was hesitant to say anything, he must be afraid of offending others.

Among the people here who asked him to identify, Xu Xiangchao was just an ordinary student from a poor family and somewhat introverted. As a teacher, it was impossible for him to be afraid of this student.

The only thing he was afraid of was Xiao Dong.

He thought of the identity of Dean Xiao Dong's student, and the rumors that Xiao Dong was going to take over the dean's class.

This little Dong is really good, and he is also smart. If he works hard for another ten years, he may really be able to take over the dean's class in the future.

But not necessarily now.

Letting this kind of post spread to smear Lei Yu, and it also involved Ji Mo and Lu Peifeng, let alone taking over from the dean, whether he can stay in Q University is a question.

Professor Yu sighed: "If you don't say yes, then I can't help you, let the country send someone to investigate."

The teacher's spiritual defense was finally breached by Professor Yu's sigh. He regretted that he didn't control his mouth just now, and muttered a few times, and at the same time he said what he knew.

"I... I just heard that the doctoral thesis written by Teacher Xiaodong was in the same direction as... and the virtual reality technology of Xianyu, but because Xianyu successfully developed virtual reality technology, so his The dissertation is also abolished."

Once some things are spoken, it is easy to say them again.

After he finished speaking, everyone in the office fell silent, and by the way, they all looked at the pale teacher Dong.

Tsk tsk, this really can't be said to be without enmity or resentment.

It takes three months at the fastest for a doctoral dissertation to go from the first draft to the first review, and then to revise the draft for re-review, and finally to finalize the draft.

This is not counting the time for collecting materials for the dissertation. If you want to ensure the quality and add the final perfection, it is not uncommon for a standard doctoral dissertation to take a year and a half.

However, the thesis that Xiao Dong spent so long writing was almost finished, but because of his spare time, he developed virtual reality technology, which resulted in all his efforts for a year and a half being wasted.

This grudge is really a bit big.If it were them, they wouldn't be able to help but want to deal with idlers.

The truth has been revealed, but Mr. Xiao Dong still refuses to admit it.

He quibbled sternly: "It turns out that what you were talking about is the enmity. It is purely a coincidence that Lei Yu's research and development collided with my thesis, and Lei Yu's research and development of virtual reality technology for the country is a matter of glory for the country." , How could I resent her for such a thing!"

"You guys think I'm too stingy. It's a big deal to rewrite the paper. There are so many people who write papers in the country. Is it possible that everyone will not allow scientists to do the same type of research because they are worried about being bumped into? ? Isn’t that the advancement of science and technology in the motherland?!”

The more Mr. Xiao Dong spoke, the more plausible his words became, and the more he spoke, the more righteous he became, as if that was what he thought in his heart.

But if it's true what he said, why was he guilty and pale just now?

It's just that there is no evidence right now, and it's hard for anyone to point this out.

After speaking, Teacher Xiao Dong glanced at Xianyu, his eyes were full of self-deception and righteousness, this is probably the highest level of deception, after all, he even deceived himself.

He felt that if he didn't admit it, there would be nothing he could do for leisure, and only Mu Sheng suffered from it.

But Xianyu is not a person who likes to suffer. She met Teacher Xiao Dong's gaze directly: "What Teacher Xiao Dong said is also very reasonable, but after all, there is no basis for what he said. To be fair, it is better for Teacher Xiao Dong to give me the phone. Shall we take a look?"

Teacher Xiao Dong seemed to be offended by the impolite request to check the mobile phone, and angrily slammed the table, causing the pens on the table to fall to the ground.

"Do you believe me? Also, who gave you the right to check other people's mobile phones? I am also a teacher, and you are a student. Is that how you respect teachers!"

Teacher Xiao Dong is actually not afraid of checking his mobile phone in spare time, because he is not an account logged in with his mobile phone at all, and now his mobile phone shows a status of not logged in, so there is nothing that can be found out in leisure time.

But he couldn't let Xianyu take his mobile phone to check so easily, firstly, he didn't want to follow Xianyu's heart, and secondly, what's the face of him?

So he not only rejected Xianyu, but also accused and scolded her from the moral high ground.

But Xianyu, who was accused and scolded, was indifferent to his words, only looked at him calmly, and said after he finished speaking: "You are right, I have no right to check your mobile phone."

Teacher Xiao Dong thought she had given up, and was about to breathe a sigh of relief, but saw that Professor Yu's face suddenly became ugly standing beside her.

Before he could figure out why Professor Yu suddenly changed his face, he listened to Xianyu and said, "I don't have the right, but I can't bear to let other people pour dirty water on me with such dirty tricks behind my back." .”

"So let's find someone with authority to investigate." After finishing speaking, he looked at Professor Yu: "Professor Yu, I'm sorry I can't give you this face."

The reason why she agreed with Zhao Tian and the others to come to the computer department was also because she didn't want to make a big deal out of it. After all, it was a campus matter, and if Lu Peifeng and the others were involved, they would rise to the national level, and she had a close relationship with the computer department, so she could easily To solve the matter is also to give Professor Yu face.

But the current situation is that some people are just shameless, so she can't be blamed for taking other methods.

Professor Yu was so helpless, he couldn't even sigh now, so he could only say to Xianyu with a mournful face: "I see, you can do it according to your idea."

This matter in the post bar can be big or small, if Xiao Dong is willing to admit and apologize, with his spare temper, he will not have to deal with it, this matter is nothing more than a personal grudge in the end.

But Xiaodong didn't want to admit it, so the matter had to be dealt with in a big way.

With Professor Yu's understanding, Lei Yu took one last look at Teacher Xiao Dong, and took Zhou Mei and the others away.

After they left, Xu Xiangchao was also sent away by Professor Yu.Everyone in the office looked at each other in blank dismay, not understanding why Professor Yu's face looked as if his mother had died for a moment, and he couldn't raise his spirits.

Others don't understand, but Teacher Xiao Dong does.His complexion is also a little bad now.

He did it, and he has been paying attention to Xianyu, so he naturally knows who is the person who opened the door for Xianyu in the photo.

This identity is definitely considered a behemoth, and it is not something he can offend at all.

But because he was bored, when he logged into the post bar and saw that post, he was full of thoughts that his hard work for more than a year had been ruined by leisure, and leisure could still accept the worship and praise of the world, but he wanted to start anew. Writing your own dissertation is a waste of a year.

Being swayed by this kind of thinking, he couldn't think of other concerns at the time, so he passed the review and sent out the post on a whim.

After the review, he had a brief moment of regret, but when he saw the unsightly insults to Xianyu in the post, his regret disappeared in the blink of an eye, and only pleasure followed.

But now he regretted it again. He remembered Lu Peifeng's identity. He didn't know who the other man was, but he could tell from the photos that he was honorable. He probably wouldn't be an ordinary person.

And now Idle. Can he really guarantee that nothing will be found?

No, not necessarily, what if Lu Peifeng finds an expert to check out the traces of his login?With Lu Peifeng's status, it couldn't be easier to be the first to reach such a master.

Teacher Xiao Dong, who became more and more panicked, turned pale again. After the teachers talked for a while, they finally dispersed and their attention was no longer focused on him. Teacher Xiao Dong left the office with his notebook in his arms.

However, he thought that everyone's attention was no longer on him, but the figure of him leaving with the computer in his arms was actually seen by everyone.

Teacher Xiao Dong carried the computer all the way to the office of the dean of the Department of Computer Science.The dean was typing on the computer, when he heard the knock on the door, he called out, "Come in."

Then he saw Xiao Dong flustered.

"Uncle, you must save me!" As soon as he entered the office, Teacher Xiao Dong rushed to the Dean's side, tightly clutching his arm and pleading.

The only one who can help him now is the dean, the uncle.

Yes, that's right, the dean is his uncle, his mother's brother!No one knows this, because he has never called him uncle in school, and has always been honored by the dean.

The dean frowned and brushed away Teacher Xiao Dong's hand: "How many times have I said, don't call me uncle in school, call me dean! Do you want to be suspected by others that you came in through the back door?! "

I have to say that Mr. Xiao Dong is indeed capable, otherwise there would be no rumors that he is the successor of the next dean. Apart from the fact that he is a student of the dean and the dean is very fond of him, It is his strength, which is obvious to all.

But the dean has been around for so many years, and he knows the nature of the world best.Once others know about his relationship with Mr. Xiao Dong, no matter how much they recognized Mr. Xiao Dong's strength before, they will think that Mr. Xiao Dong got into Q University through the back door.

Teacher Xiao Dong has always respected and feared his uncle, so when he heard his uncle scold him seriously, he immediately stood up straight and became obedient.

"I'm sorry Dean, I slipped my tongue."

The dean nodded in satisfaction: "Tell me, why come to me in such a hurry."

As for what he just said about saving him, the dean didn't take it seriously at all.

In a society ruled by law, as long as it is not about murder and arson, where such a serious word as Shangjiu is used, his nephew does not have the temperament to dare to kill and arson.

Upon hearing the dean's question, Mr. Xiaodong suddenly remembered his own reason for coming. He put his computer on the dean's desk and hurriedly told what happened just now.

Because of his panic, what he said was a little bit wrong. The dean listened carefully, and it took him a long time to sort out the cause and effect.

After figuring it out, the dean became angry, and he slapped Mr. Xiao Dong with hatred.

"How could you do such a mindless thing!"

Teacher Xiao Dong, who is in his 30s, has forgotten that he has not been slapped in the face for many years, but now he does not care about the ugly face at all, only a deep fear.

 Doctoral dissertations are all from Baidu, not necessarily right, just take a look.

(End of this chapter)

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