Chapter 385

In this way, Mr. Mo dragged his leisure all the way, talking eloquently about his new discovery. Many people shook their heads and smiled helplessly when they saw Mr. Mo like this. Presumably Mr. Mo had a new discovery.

After the two arrived at the laboratory, they watched a small experiment done by Mr. Mo with his new discovery in their spare time. They found that, as Mr. Mo said, it can be used, but the utilization rate is extremely low. To become a reality, you have to go through a process. Research for a long time.

After Xianyu finished reading it, Mo Lao happily said, "How about it, I didn't lie to you, did I?"

Xian Yu smiled and nodded, she never doubted Mr. Mo from the beginning, why didn't she lie to her.

"How, are you interested?"

Xianyu was also helpless, Mr. Mo already knew the answer, and he wanted to ask her if she was interested.

If she wasn't interested, she wouldn't have listened to Mo Lao talking about it for a long time.

"When will the research and development start, I will join at any time."

This is the idle answer.

Mo Lao didn't expect to have other answers, so he wasn't surprised when he heard Lei Yu's words.

"Half a month later." After talking, Mo Lao remembered something, and added: "Zhou Mei and the others, I won't look for them alone, you go back and ask them if they would like to come."

This experiment relies on wormhole technology. Zhou Mei and the others have contributed a lot to the wormhole technology experiment. When it's the turn of this experiment, they are naturally the best.

"Okay, I'll go back and ask them."

"Well, then you can go." After getting the answer, Mo Lao started to chase people away. Now he can't wait to continue to study his new discoveries.

Crossing the river and tearing down bridges, and throwing them away after use, means that Mo is old.

Seeing that Mr. Mo had lowered his head again and concentrated on the experiment, I could only leave by myself.

As soon as he left the laboratory gate, he met Zhou Jinsheng who was walking towards him.

She planned to just pass by like this, but Zhou Jinsheng stopped her.

"Sorry for being idle."

The decisive apology made Lei Yu a little unresponsive.Is this an apology for his behavior just now?

Lei Yu hummed indifferently, as long as he knew he was wrong, he was not stupid enough.

But there is a saying that you can repeat and repeat, Zhou Jinsheng has already offended her twice because of Xiaoran, and if there is a third time, she will not accept his apology so easily.

After returning to school, Lei Yu brought Mo Lao's message to Zhou Mei and the three.

Naturally, the three of them agreed immediately without any excuses.But after agreeing, they collectively languished for a while.

"Ah! It's time to get busy again!" Zhao Tian sighed weakly.

At the end of the previous research and development of wormhole technology, they were really women acting as men, and men acting as animals. They really wished that they could be broken into two halves, and there were 48 hours in a day.

Everyone is very tired, physically tired or relaxed, even more tired is the mind and spirit.

After all, the experiment is a very brain-consuming activity, and their brains have been running at a high speed. During that time, their hair did not lose their hair.

It's been a long time since I rested, and my hair hasn't grown back yet, but Mo Lao discovered something new.

But can they refuse?cannot.Because I can't bear it.

Although research and development is very tiring, the kind that tired people can't hold on to.But the joy of successful research and development can offset all the fatigue.

At the moment of success, they even felt that they could fight for another 300 years.

And in the past, how could they have imagined that one day they would be able to participate in such a high-end research and development project.You must know that when they were freshmen, they only wanted to graduate from doing nothing, and then find a job to support themselves, and never thought about their dream of becoming a scientist.

But now their dreams have been realized, not only realized, but also moving towards a higher goal.

It is very comfortable to do nothing, but this kind of life is what they want!
Zhao Tian just said such a sigh of emotion, and immediately cheered up after sighing.

"Let's go! The library is going, I'm staying in the library today!"

Zhou Mei attacked mercilessly: "The library closes at eleven o'clock in the evening."

"Haha, people are hard to break, Zhou Mei." Liu Jia made up the knife with a smile.

Lei Yu just smiled and watched them play tricks.

Half a month passed in a flash. During this half month, they lived in the library almost every day, went in when the door opened, and went back to the dormitory when the library was closed, looking through all the journals and papers.

And when they were busy with the new experiment, Su Lian's side had the same scene, but the things they were busy with were different.

Xianyu asked Liu Han to take Xianlou's mistress and his illegitimate son to visit him. Originally, he was not allowed to visit, but knowing that it was Xianyu who came here, there was no doubt about it. After all, this person was still I got it because I was free.

The mistress did not disappoint Xian Yu's expectations, she tried her best and finally got Xian Lou to sign the property transfer document.

It's just that Xianlou is not stupid, he knew that he would never be able to get out in this life, so he signed this transfer document, but the transfer person was not the mistress, but his illegitimate son.

It is stated that these properties will be managed by special people first, and will be given to him after his illegitimate son becomes an adult.

Moreover, although Xianlou favored sons over daughters, and felt that the illegitimate son was the one who would inherit the incense for the Xian family, but after all, he still left a penny or two of his property to Su Lian, at least it was because of his blood.

It's just that this one or two shares of property are not enough compared to the illegitimate child's share.

After getting the certificate of transfer, the mistress of Xianlou didn't say anything, she immediately found a lawyer and approached the mother and daughter Su Lian, asking them to hand over their property.

Liu Han also helped a lot here, otherwise, with the strength of that mistress, there would be no good lawyers at all. After all, Su Lian and her daughter are now under the protection of the Luo family, and ordinary lawyers are still not good enough. Willing to offend rich people like the Luo family.

Su Lian's mother and daughter were shocked when they saw these two people, especially Zhang Li.

She always knew that Xianlou was not clean outside, but she didn't know that Xianlou even produced illegitimate children.

And the mother of this illegitimate child is still holding the property transfer document signed by him and asking her to hand over his property!
Zhang Li almost had a myocardial infarction out of breath.

After Su Lian was shocked, she was angry and hated, she stared at the mother and child with sharp eyes: "Is Lei Yu the one who asked you to come here?"

So what I said the other day was true?Did she really send this mother and son in front of her to embarrass her?
Su Lian hated her so much, she wished she could run to Xianyu and kill her right now.

But she couldn't get away at all, because the mother and son and the lawyer they brought were staring at them and asked them to hand over Xianlou's property immediately.

Su Lian and Zhang Li obviously couldn't agree to this matter, and the two sides were at such a stalemate, it was a dog-eat-dog mess.

In desperation, Zhang Li asked Su Lian to call Luo Ye and ask him to help.

No matter what Luo Ye said, he is also the president of Yingjie Technology. The Luo family is better than the Xian family. It can be regarded as a second-rate class in City B. He will definitely be able to easily solve the mother and son.

Su Lian was not very willing to make this call, money was spent wisely, and so were feelings.

If you bother Luo Ye with anything, it will easily consume the friendship between her and Luo Ye.

How will she marry into Luo's family then?

Moreover, it is not a glorious thing for an illegitimate child to come to fight for property, and the person who fights for property has brought the authorization of Xianlou.

Su Lian didn't want to lose face in front of Luo Ye, nor did she want to trouble him because of this kind of thing.

But in the current situation, she can't help being unwilling. The lawyer has been aggressive, and will resort to legal means if there is a disagreement, and she wants to see the truth in court.

They have a transfer document signed by Xianlou in their hands, and if they go to court, the mother and daughter will lose.

Finally, under procrastination, Su Lian chose to ask Luo Ye for help.

The phone rang for a long time and was only connected in the last few seconds.

As soon as Su Lian gave a feed, an extremely impatient voice came from the other side.

"What's the matter? I'm very busy here."

Su Lian was surprised by Luo Ye's impatience, and was really a little embarrassed to speak, so he hesitated and couldn't speak for a while.

However, she hadn't hesitated for a few seconds, but the other side had already hung up the phone, and there was no chance for her to speak.

Su Lian was stunned, she knew that something must have happened to Luo Ye, otherwise she had been showing pity to her all the time, how could the gentle and gentle Luo Ye hang up her phone so impatiently all of a sudden.

Thinking of this, Su Lian became even more impatient when she looked at the mother and child.She has no time to deal with the mother and child at all now, she wants to go to Luo's house, or to Luo Ye's company, to find out what happened.

She must have a clear grasp of all the circumstances in order to plan better and allow herself to successfully marry into the Luo family.

"It's useless for you to make trouble here now. Even if I want to hand over the property, I can't hand it over to you now. We must give us some time to prepare?"

Su Lian said this while looking at the lawyer, she didn't even bother to talk to the mother and son, an illegitimate child, a mistress, not even a spare time!

Thinking of Xianyu, she once again gritted her teeth with hatred.If it wasn't for leisure, how could she face the current situation.

The lawyer also knew that he couldn't push too hard, and he had already investigated clearly before coming. The mother and daughter opposite were the real wife and daughter of the signatory of the property transfer document, and the real wife and daughter were currently relying on Luo's.

To put it bluntly, this is actually someone else's housework. If the commission from his client is not high enough, he would really not want to accept this commission.

After thinking about it, the lawyer compromised: "We can set aside ten days for the two ladies to prepare, and you two can also find another lawyer to verify the authenticity of the transfer document for you. We will visit you again in ten days."

The lawyer compromised, but the mistress, mother and son were not so willing to compromise, but seeing that the lawyer didn't discuss it, they didn't dare to talk anymore.

After all, they had already found a lot of lawyers. After finding out the identities of Su Lian's mother and daughter, those lawyers found reasons to reject them. Only this lawyer was willing to take over.

After the mother and son and the lawyer left, Su Lian hurriedly comforted Zhang Li and went out.

Among the two choices of going to Luo's house or Luo Ye's company, Su Lian chose to go to Luo's house.

Judging from the phone call just now, Luo Ye is extremely impatient. If she goes to Luo Ye's company, she won't be able to help, and will disturb Luo Ye.

It's better to go to Luo's house to find out the news first, and wait for Luo Ye by the way.

Su Lian drove to Luo's house. The butler of Luo's house saw her, the expression on her face didn't change, but she muttered in her heart.

The young lady of the Xian family is really dependent on their Luo family, and the old man is willing to let her visit because of his friendship with the Xian family. Otherwise, how could a person who has gone bankrupt and his father is in prison still be able to enter the Luo family? Door.

After the housekeeper welcomed Su Lian in, he went to work on his own. Luo Ye's mother, Mrs. Luo, was sitting in the living room.

Mrs. Luo didn't look good when she saw Su Lian.

The marriage contract between the Luo family and the Xian family was originally on the body of Xian Yu. She looked down on Xian Yu at the beginning. A cowardly little girl like that is not worthy of her son.

But for the sake of the idlers behind her, she could only endure it.

Later, I found out that Xianyu turned out to be a counterfeit!And the real Miss Xianjia is actually this Su Lian.

This Su Lian does seem to be more generous than Xian Yu's dead girl, but women know women best, this Su Lian is better than Xian Yu, but it is definitely not easy to control.

If such a woman marries into the family, her mother-in-law probably will not have a good life.

But there is no way, her son likes this girl, and the Luo family does not let her decide.

So the object of the marriage contract was naturally replaced by Su Lian.

But I don't know if it's because of the unfavorable years. Not long after the marriage contract was changed, the Xian family collapsed, and it was so bad that the Xian building was arrested for such a crime!
In this way, Su Lian, the daughter-in-law, made her even more dissatisfied. If she had no family background, no background, and a father who was in prison, she would never let such a woman be with her son. Wan disagrees.

Fortunately, because of these changes, the old man and her husband who are in charge of the family acquiesced to her thoughts.

The man in the family was too embarrassed to be too ruthless, but he was still kind to Su Lian, so she was the only one who could be the bad guy.

"Why are you here?" Mother Luo asked angrily.

Su Lian's face froze, and she secretly clenched her hands, this old woman with such strength!
Before Xianlou was arrested, she was still friendly to her, but after Xianlou was arrested, she changed her face and looked down on her no matter what.

If Luo Ye hadn't defended her, she would have been unable to stay in Luo's house.

Su Lian, who hated the old woman in her heart, had a sweet smile on her face, as if she didn't mind Luo Mu's cold face at all.

"Aunt Luo, I'm going to see Brother Luo Ye. I called him just now. He seems to be in some trouble. I'm a little worried."

Luo's mother looked at Su Lian's smile and frowned tightly. Look, she said that Su Lian is not an easy girl. Her face is so stinky. She can still smile at her without changing her face. In fact, she is not sure. How to curse her.

But when she heard what trouble Luo Ye had encountered, Luo's mother couldn't help but think of Luo Ye, his father, and the family of the second bedroom who were frowning at home every day these days.

The old man is getting old, and the company's affairs have long been ignored. He has already handed over to Luo's father and his second son, Luo Er, but the position of president has been handed over to Luo Ye.

This is also what Luo's mother is most proud of. She has a good son who can surpass his father and uncle and take over the power from the old man.

(End of this chapter)

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