Chapter 390 Proposal
Even though he was about to vomit blood from the idle anger, Luo Ye held back his internal injuries and asked, "Ayu, what you just said was all angry, right? Are you taking revenge on me for being so cold and ignoring you before?"

Impossible, it is impossible for Xianyu not to love him anymore, he does not accept this possibility.

Reality has always been cruel.

Without any hesitation, Xianyu rejected him again: "You think too much, revenge you? Who are you? Can you really not see the gap between yourself and our second battalion commander? Anyone with a discerning eye knows that we should choose our second battalion commander , I beg you not to disgust me again."

In fact, if Luo Ye really repented and realized her sincerity, she wouldn't have such an attitude. After all, even if he ignores his aura as the male protagonist, this is someone the original owner has liked for more than ten years.

But after Luo Ye came here today, every word he said did not contain the slightest sincerity, but was filled with greed and covetousness.

Even when it comes to getting married, it's just a bargaining chip that he can use. He thought that the original owner would always like him after liking him for more than ten years.

The original owner's humble love for him gave him a high self-confidence, and he even felt that he was willing to promise her marriage in exchange for the technology in her hands, which was a charity to her.

Such an attitude is [-]% disgusting to the point of idleness, she is worthless for the original owner.

She was a pure and kind girl. She didn't get the love from her family when she was young, and she kept chasing things that didn't belong to her. She died with regrets.

And Luo Ye is still trampling on the original owner's love for him.

Without giving Luo Ye and Su Lian another chance to speak, Lei Yu directly said to Ji Mo: "Second Battalion Commander, get them out."

Ji Mo was delighted to hear it, so he called someone to drive the two out without saying a word.

Luo Ye and Su Lian tried to struggle, Luo Ye kept calling Xian Yu's name, trying to get her to change her mind, but under the threat of being armed with live ammunition, he had to silence him, and finally he could only half push and half be kicked out of the laboratory.

After the two were driven away, the reception room suddenly fell silent, and I felt that the atmosphere was a little dull, so I shrank my neck and wanted to escape.But just two steps away, someone strangled Destiny by the back of his neck, and Ji Mo snatched him back in an instant.

It's over, it's over, it's time to settle accounts after the fall.

Ji Mo pushed the person who had slipped back with his hand to sit on the chair, and got up to close the door of the reception room by himself. Suddenly, the originally empty reception room made Lei Yu feel a little narrow and cramped.

After closing the door, Ji Mo dragged a chair and sat down opposite to Xianyu, and stretched his legs.

"Our scientist, how about explaining to me your views on marriage?"

There was no expression on Ji Mo's face, and his voice was very steady, but inexplicably, he felt a feeling of storms coming.

It's time to follow my heart, and in my spare time, I counseled: "I think marriage is sacred and beautiful! It's what my heart wants!"

"Oh? But why did I just hear someone say that he doesn't plan to get married in his life, and wants to be in love with scientific research?"

Did he give her too much freedom?It actually reduced him to the point where he couldn't even do scientific research.

"Who said it? Who said it? How can someone have such a low level of ideological awareness? Such people should be pulled out for re-education!"

Xianyu shook his head left and right, as if he wanted to find out who said that.

There is no need to comment on the acting skills, the posture is enough anyway.

Ji Mo is also very helpless to her rogue attitude, he has never had anything to do with her.

I just looked around and finished my role, when I turned around, I found a man kneeling in front of me. This man was holding an exquisite small box no bigger than a palm. The box was opened, and it was lying quietly inside. a ring.

The rose gold ring body is paired with sharp-cut blue square diamonds, shining dazzlingly.

Of course, this is an exaggeration. In fact, the ring is not particularly shiny, but for some reason, Lei Yu feels that the light on it is very dazzling, piercing into her heart all the way, causing her heart to thump out of control. Jump.

Looking at Xian Yu's stunned and shocked look, Ji Mo sighed.

He also had no choice but to prepare a grand and romantic marriage proposal ceremony, so he even asked Lu Fanyun for advice, and agreed to let him attend the same marriage proposal ceremony, because he also wanted to take the opportunity to propose to Zhao Tian.

Lu Fanyun felt that if Lei Yu was present, if Lei Yu agreed to Ji Mo's marriage proposal, then the probability of Zhao Tian agreeing to his marriage proposal would be higher.

Cannibalism is short-mouthed, soft-handed, and Lu Fanyun contributed a lot to the marriage proposal ceremony. Ji Mo can only agree. As for whether it can really increase his probability of marriage proposal, that is beyond his control.

Everything was planned well, but the plan couldn't keep up with the changes. Before he had time to propose, he started researching and developing new projects in his spare time.

Just when he thought his marriage proposal was nowhere in sight, Luo Ye and Su Lian came to the door together today.

He admitted that Luo Ye's nonsense still brought him a certain sense of crisis.Because what Luo Ye said was not all false, at least in the ten years before I met him, I really only liked Luo Ye.

He knew that his position in Xian Yu's heart must be higher than Luo Ye's, and he also knew that Xian Yu only loved him, Jimo, but he didn't know whether the relationship between him and Xian Yu in just a few years could occupy her heart More square footage.

He was still jealous, crazy with jealousy.

Why didn't Lei Yu meet him in the first place?He missed those ten years of liking.

And Lei Yu's reckless non-marriage speech made his sense of crisis multiply again,
So he took out the ring that he always carried with him, regardless of the occasion, the time, or whether the proposal was romantic or perfect.

He didn't want to wait any longer, he wanted to fix this person as soon as possible, lock her by his side, and let her be his other half.

"Since you think marriage is what your heart desires, are you willing to let me be the end of your heart's desire?"

Ji Mo looked at Xianyu firmly with his eyes. Under the seemingly calm appearance, only the violent beating from his heart and the white fingers holding the diamond ring box could show his nervousness.

The other party, after being dazed for a while, stroked his heart with his hands, as if trying to slow down the frequency there, but it was obviously of little use.

Since it was not very useful, Lei Yu simply broke the can and broke it, regardless of the abnormal frequency, she didn't make Jimo wait too long, and stretched out her hand straight to make her own answer.

"Ahem, I still lack a decoration on my hand. I think your ring is pretty good. Give you a chance to help me wear it."

After stretching out my hand, I feel that my hand seems to be stretching too fast, isn't it a bit immodest?So Xianyu raised his chin slightly, arrogantly trying to restore his momentum.

Under extreme tension, Ji Mo's brain was not working very well, and he almost didn't react when he heard her tactful agreement.

After understanding what she meant, he immediately showed a delighted smile, quickly took the ring out of the box, and put it on his spare hand.

The ring fits very well, not too big or too small, it fits just right on my hand, I looked at it with a little joy and reserved, um, it's beautiful!
Ji Mo got up and held that hand tightly, "We will get married after your experiment is over."

I haven't admired the ring enough yet, when I suddenly heard Ji Mo jumping to the wedding, Lei Yu let out a surprise: "Is it so fast?"

In fact, it's not too fast. The development of the warp drive is not much simpler than the wormhole technology. Putting it all together, it will take about a year and a half.

"It's not fast." Ji Mo said.

He has been waiting for a long time.

As for his future father-in-law and others who have not yet succeeded, Ji Mo felt that he could not be so rigid.

The world of adults is very complicated, and some things can be solved in a different way.

For example, the father-in-law that he can't conquer can completely be handed over to the old man and mother-in-law at home to solve it.

With the status of peers or even elders, the conversation between the two parties may be more harmonious, and he thinks it may be beneficial to speed up his marriage.

And he believes that Grandpa and Ms. Lu must be willing to work for him.

Leisurely agreed to the marriage proposal, and it seemed that marriage could indeed be put on the agenda, so he forgot his reserve again: "That's fine."

End it.

The next day, Ji Mo took a leave of absence and went home.

The house was as deserted as ever. Ms. Lu probably went out to meet friends. Mr. Ji and the butler grandpa were not at home. I don't know which auction they were wandering around. Most of the orchids and antiques of Mr. Ji came from this way.

Ji Mo had a headache, obviously he had notified him in advance yesterday that he was coming back, no one cared about him when he got married, if it wasn't for him being the only child in the family, he would have doubted whether he was his own.

In the evening, there was finally a commotion in the quiet Ji residence, and people came back one after another, and the first one was Ms. Lu.

Lu Yun was still a little stunned when he saw Ji Mo sitting quietly on the sofa.

"Why did you come back so early? I thought you would come back at night."

It's not that Lu Yun, a mother, doesn't really care about her child, she is her own son anyway, although she wants a daughter more.

It's just that she thought that Ji Mo should come back at night. After all, Ji Mo used to say that he would go home after dinner, so she went out for a walk with her little sister during the day.

As a result, she came back so early unexpectedly today, she couldn't help being a little surprised.

At this time, Jimo also realized his mistake. He forgot to tell when he came back yesterday. No wonder there is no one at home today except the servant. He said that he should not fall out of favor to this point.

A little later, old man Ji and the housekeeper also came back together, holding pots of orchids in their hands as expected, followed by Father Ji, they happened to arrive home at the same time.

The three of them were taken aback when they saw that Ji Mo and Lu Yun had the same reaction. Grandpa the housekeeper first asked on behalf of everyone: "Why did Xiao Mo come back so early today?"

The corner of Ji Mo's mouth twitched, and then he straightened his face and said, "I have something to do, come back and ask Grandpa and the beautiful Ms. Lu for help."

Ji Mo, who has always been quiet, started flattering. Lu Yun realized the seriousness of the matter. She hesitated and sat on the sofa, not in a hurry to speak. She was thinking for a while that Jim Mo's request was too much. How should she refuse.

Here, Mr. Ji and the others also took their seats, waiting for Ji Mo to continue.

"I proposed to Xianyu today."

There was a thunder on the ground, and Ji's father was the first to react. He slapped Ji Mo's back with a generous slap, making a loud noise.

Ji Mo is as immovable as a mountain, and he can hold on if he needs help from others today.

"Good boy! Finally proposed!" Ji's father was more excited than Ji Mo's client.

This rhythm is almost catching up with his pursuit of Ms. Lu back then.

Mr. Ji and others are also very excited, not only excited, but also very happy.Ji Mo is not young this year, he is 28 nine, and he does not know how many years he can live as a grandfather. Of course, he hopes that Ji Mo will get married as soon as possible.

After everyone calmed down, Ji Mo said again: "I plan to get married after the research and development in Lei Yu's hand is over."

"That's why I want to ask Grandpa and Mom to help me go to Yun's house to find out, and propose a kiss by the way."

At first, Mr. Ji and Lu Yun thought it was some great request, but they didn't expect that they were asked to propose a marriage. They were very happy with this task, and agreed immediately without saying a word.

Mr. Ji patted his chest and promised: "Xiao Mo, don't worry, Grandpa, I will definitely take care of it for you!"

Isn't it just to propose a kiss?It's not like he hasn't done this kind of thing.I think he went to the Lu family to propose a marriage for Ji's father back then, but he accumulated a lot of experience.

Of course, he didn't lose his face.

After all, it is a family with a daughter, he can understand that daughters are treasures in the palm of their hands.If he had a daughter, he could discount the legs of the brat who came to propose marriage.

He is confident that he will go too far than that guy old Lu.

Now it's my grandson's turn. Think about it, the Yun family is also the first two older brothers, how similar is it to the Lu family?
He just exposed his old face again.

"Son, don't worry, Mom will help you out!" It was the first time that Lu Yun showed her motherly love so bluntly.

When Xianyu came in, she could go out and brag that her daughter-in-law was a great scientist, thinking about it would make her look good.Those little sisters of hers couldn't help but envy herself to death.

"Then there will be Grandpa Lao and our beautiful Ms. Lu." Ji Mo praised without hesitation.

After achieving his goal, Ji Mo began to wait for the good news.

He reckoned that this would be a protracted battle, and it would definitely not succeed once, so he could only force himself to wait patiently.

Finally, one day, he received a call from Mr. Ji, the content was only four words, fulfilling his mission.

So Ji and Yun's family completed the marriage proposal in the absence of both Ji Mo and Xianyu.

There is no way, special circumstances are treated specially, and you can't spare time in the experiment. As the captain in charge of all safety matters, Ji Mo can't always ask for leave during the mission.

After knowing that all of this was agreed by Xianyu himself, Father Yun compromised within a short period of stalemate.

It's really impossible not to compromise.

Mr. Ji is very old, he will give up his skin, and even use his seniority to suppress others. Several times, he tried to catch his feelings, and Father Yun and Yun Muyun were defeated one after another.

And when they resisted in the corner, Yu Diezheng chatted happily with Lu Yun.

(End of this chapter)

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