Do you engage in scientific research?

Chapter 396 About Marriage Proposal

Chapter 396 About Marriage Proposal
The conclusion is very simple. Firstly, it is stated that the recent early technology leakage of the drug that inhibits the malignant proliferation of leukocytes is not done by idlers. Then it is pointed out that the real culprits of this incident are the two Meng sisters. Finally, the end is to appeal to netizens Don't listen to the wind and rain, but have your own opinions.

Of course, a brief translation of the last sentence can also be interpreted as not being full of food all day long and doing nothing to go around being a keyboard warrior to ruin people's reputation. It's just that Guanbo knows the art of language very well, and he didn't say it too bluntly.

With the evidence thrown out by the official blog, a large number of people on the Internet who wronged me because of this matter began to apologize online. At the same time as there was a wave of apologies on the Internet, many people who had waited and watched rationally began to ridicule the official blog recently. Active like a fake account, since the official announcement that Xianyu won the Nobel Prize, he has posted several Weibo for Xianyu in a short period of time.

The official blog has almost become a spare personal backup station.

This posture also made many people see the country's resolute protection of leisure, which is no different from protecting one's own daughter.

After learning about Meng An and Meng Ya, she went back to the lab to continue her research in her spare time, and boasted that Haikou was awarded the Nobel Prize for the next five years. The price was that she almost lost her personal time. It is an experiment, and sleeping at night is a dream with the experimenter in it.

Originally, she wouldn't be so tired, but who made Mo Lao, who told her about his new discovery with great interest, quit the experiment.As I said before, after the research and development of wormhole technology, Mr. Mo was greatly inspired, and turned around and plunged into the research of string theory. The research on the conversion and utilization of wormhole energy was that Mr. Mo inadvertently studied string theory. found.

As soon as he found out, Mo Lao called her to come and see, and after arousing her interest, he invited her to join the experiment. At that time, she was still a little puzzled, thinking that why Mo Lao hadn't researched string theory yet, why did she want to start a new one? item up.

But she was obviously too young to figure out the behavior patterns of these aging people.

When she, Zhou Mei and the others came to the laboratory to start research and development, who would have thought that Mr. Mo only accompanied them for a while in the first few days of research, and then he pretended to be busy with his spare time. , should not need his help, turned around and ran to do his own research on string theory.

I tricked her into coming here, but she ran away. What can she do? Isn't it just one person who instigates the workload of two people, gritted his teeth and persisted? Entrusting her to research is equivalent to giving her an amazing research and development for nothing.

If Mo Lao can do this step, she can't live up to Mo Lao's kindness.

It's just that she originally thought that Mo Lao's string theory research would produce results this year, just in time for next year's Nobel Prize, but now looking at Mo Lao's progress, it may be a bit difficult to catch up with this year's Nobel Prize, so she is the only one here. She worked overtime, which was another reason why she was so busy.

Probably God will never disappoint those who work hard. With the efforts of the whole team, she did not break her promise, and succeeded in developing it by the end of the year, and got the result she wanted.

The warp engine, this is a cross-age invention. It is no exaggeration to say that if the wormhole technology is the prologue of the interstellar era, then the warp engine means the official opening of the interstellar era.

But now, this era was initiated by her and her entire team, and it is impossible to say that she is not proud.

After quietly researching and developing, Lei Yu handed over all the results to Lu Peifeng, and then she took a vacation. Now she urgently needs to rest to relieve her tired spirit and body.Not only her, but the whole team had their own holidays, and it happened to catch up with the end of the year, so everyone was very happy.

She didn't go back to Yun's house immediately after the holiday, mainly because her current state of mind is really not very beautiful, and this appearance is afraid that it will cause Academician Yu's distressed tears again. She can't bear such a psychological attack, so She and Jimo went back to the house outside the school, planning to recuperate here for two days before going home.

During the two days of recuperation, she fully realized what it means to stretch out her hands when she has clothes, to open her mouth when she has food, and what it is to live like a pig.Ji Mo takes care of her meticulously every day, he barely eats and sleeps for her.

Of course, no matter how meticulous you are during the day, you just don't let her go at night, and that's probably the case with beasts in clothes.

After a few days of self-cultivation, Lei Yu felt that the flesh on his body didn't seem to be so small, and he was more energetic, so he took advantage of Ji Mo being hired by Lin Zhi to handle official duties, patted his buttocks and slipped home, and never left , she suspected that in a few days, either she would be wiped out, or Jimo would be completely devastated.

Cough cough, there is no way, this is called Jimo is a man of integrity, she has to persist until after marriage or something, she can only endure the grief and agree no, she swears, she will never bear it every time she looks at Jimo Sweaty and grinning behind her ears, she is a compassionate person!

When Ji Mo came home at night, the dark living room and the quiet room all reminded him that there was no one in the house. When he turned his gaze, he saw the note left on the coffee table, picked it up and quickly scanned it, very good, Someone has slipped away.

Sighing helplessly, Ji Mo turned around and left without any pause.

A place with spare time is called a home. There is no longer her here. It is no different from a hotel. He doesn’t want to stay here. He has to go back to Ji’s house. It’s just that the experiment is over now, and the marriage that was discussed earlier can be put forward The schedule is up, he can speak to the person who is on the verge of talking earlier, otherwise he will really start to worry about his body.

As the end of the year approached, Ji's father had also been on vacation. When he saw Ji Mo returning from a snowstorm, he didn't care at all, instead he teased him first.

"Yo, are you willing to come back?" Father Ji squinted his eyes while drinking the steaming tea that Ms. Lu had just poured for him.

They were the first to receive the news after the spare experiment was completed. After all, the warp drive is related to the future exploration of outer space. The candidate for this exploration is not under his hands, and ordinary people do not have the body and mental quality.

Ji Mo looked at the sharp contrast between the hot tea in Ji's father's hand and his blizzard, which made him more determined to hold the wedding as soon as possible and marry Lei Yu home.

Although depending on how busy he was with the experiment in his spare time, it may not be certain who will pour hot tea for whom in the future, but at least he will have some comfort in his heart, so that he won't have to passively accept his father's teasing now.

After all, she is still a mother's beloved child. Lu Yun said it's okay to dislike her, but she still hurriedly got up and helped Ji Mo wipe off the wind and snow on his body, and took a thick clothes for him to replace the wet clothes .

"Xiao Mo hasn't eaten yet, I'll ask Auntie to cook a bowl of wontons for you." Steward Ji said distressedly.

The entire Ji family, Ji Butler, loves Ji Mo the most, and even doted on him when he was a child.This is not to say that the rest of the Ji family don't feel sorry for Ji Mo, but the Ji family's long-standing tradition is to raise boys rough. The influence of the family background is indispensable, but the backbone and blood that a man should have must not be less, otherwise he will enter the family. I don't know how much I will suffer if I lose the B team.

Fortunately, Ji Mo has grown up very well, has lived up to their expectations, and has been able to take care of the entire Ji family.

After dinner, Ji Mo took the initiative to ask about the preparations for Mr. Ji's marriage. Mr. Ji has been busy with Lu Yun during this period of time. Seeing Ji Mo's question, he told him the general situation.

The overall situation is almost the same, and the rest is to see what the young couple likes, and then make changes.

"Since you are all done with your work, I think you should prepare for it yourself during this time, and try to have the wedding between you two before the next project starts." Mr. Ji said.

He looks forward to Ji Mo's marriage no less than Ji Mo himself. After all, he is old, and the granddaughter-in-law Xianyu is capable. When she gets busy, she is busier than her grandson and disappears. He is both proud and relieved. Panic, if this drags on, when will he be able to see his great-granddaughter!

Mr. Ji stamped his crutch on the ground in a hurry: "You also have some snacks, and quickly marry him back."

Ji Mo was extremely helpless, did he think he didn't want to marry him back sooner?Isn't this because the time can't be arranged? My girlfriend is too capable, so what can he do?

"Good grandpa." No matter how helpless he felt, Ji Mo could only compromise according to the old man's words.

He planned to go to Yun's house tomorrow to plead guilty and try to get the beauty back as soon as possible.

As for why he had to plead guilty, the reason is also very simple.You must know that this marriage can be confirmed, it is all thanks to the efforts of the old man. Father Yun held his nose and agreed so readily because of the old man's face. Wait.

He admitted that the reason why he asked the old man to propose marriage for him in person was because he wanted Father Yun to agree as soon as possible.Now that it's done, it's impossible for Father Yun not to see his intentions. If he doesn't make an apology, he will be in big trouble in the future, and his father-in-law cannot be offended.

The next day, Ji Mo was about to go out, but was stopped by Lu Fanyun who came to the door suddenly.

As soon as Lu Fanyun saw Ji Mo, he rushed forward crying and howling, not even caring about Ji Mo's indifferent face that was about to freeze to death.

"Brother Mo, I have been waiting so hard for you!"

This mourning-like formation made Ji Mo, who had always managed his expressions well, tend to twitch his veins. He pinched Lu Fanyun's shoulder, forcing him to stand upright and keep him an arm's length away.

"Oh, brother Mo, I was wrong, I was wrong, take it easy, take it easy."

The hypocritical Lu Fanyun who was howling just now started to yell sincerely.

Ji Mo cast a sidelong glance at Lu Fanyun, making sure that he can stand on his own and won't jump on him again, then let him go.

As soon as Ji Mo let go, Lu Fanyun grinned and rubbed his shoulders. How could he have forgotten his brother Mo's terrifying force value? Now that it's all over, his shoulders must be blue.

"What do you want from me?" Ji Mo asked blankly, ignoring Lu Fanyun's loving face.

Speaking of business, Lu Fanyun stopped rubbing his shoulders and just looked at Jimo more sadly. After a while, when Jimo was about to leave impatiently, he said quietly: "Brother Mo, you Did you forget something?"

Ji Mo frowned: "What's the matter?"

The sadness on Lu Fanyun's face was gone, replaced by a look of shock, looking at Ji Mo as if looking at a heartbroken man.

He couldn't help raising his voice: "Brother Mo, have you really forgotten? We agreed to propose when my sister-in-law and the others finished their experiments? I prepared everything, but you told me you forgot?! "

Although this proposal was made by him to be with Brother Mo in order to ensure the success rate, it would be too much to forget.

Proposal?Jimo finally remembered this matter. He seemed to have promised Lu Fanyun, but because of Luo Ye and Su Lian, he had already made a successful proposal, and after he succeeded, he naturally forgot about Lu Fanyun. rear.

Ji Mo had a rare guilty conscience: "I've already proposed."

Lu Fanyun plucked his ears, and couldn't believe what he heard. After plucking his ears, he said to Jimo: "Brother Mo, what did you just say?" I didn't hear clearly, please say it again.

"I said I've proposed."

Lu Fanyun was confused, what about proposing together?Why abandon him?Is this really a brother?

"When did it happen?" He asked in a daze.

"Idle time is still in research and development."

There was another half-hour of silence, perhaps because of guilty conscience, but now Jimo was impatient to leave, and he gave Lu Fanyun enough time to react.

Lu Fanyun still didn't give up, he asked Jimo about his proposal at that time, and wanted to see if there was anything he could learn from.

Ji Mo didn't have the patience to speak, but seeing Lu Fanyun's pitiful expression, he finally spoke patiently.

After finishing speaking, Lu Fanyun's eyes dimmed visibly to the naked eye.

There is nothing to learn from this. If he wants to propose so concisely, [-]% will be rejected and then beaten up.

No, he has to find a way to get Brother Mo to propose again, and propose with him.

Thinking of this, Lu Fanyun changed his expression, and said exaggeratedly: "God, brother Mo, this is your proposal? This is too shabby, sister-in-law can agree to you, she is really kind-hearted. "

"Brother Mo, I'm not talking about you. Although sister-in-law is beautiful and kind-hearted, you can't just bully her like this. Which woman has no illusions about her proposal and wedding, it's only once in a lifetime, and you are so sloppy It’s over, it’s really unpleasant for you to let your sister-in-law recall your marriage proposal in the future.”

Lu Fanyun's acting skills were not good, and his performance was exaggerated. Ji Mo saw his plan at a glance, but he didn't refute it.

Because what Lu Fanyun said is very reasonable, there is no woman who does not like romance, and no woman does not have illusions about her proposal and wedding ceremony.

And he wanted the best for Leisure.

 I'm really busy these few days, I haven't updated normally, I'm sorry to everyone, I will resume normal updates from today, [-] words per day, if I have more time, I will make up for the previous ones.In addition, this book is almost finished, let me say in advance, so that everyone can be mentally prepared.

  Well, mua good night goblins.

(End of this chapter)

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