Chapter 400

"Everyone must keep an eye on the door for a while, don't let them in easily!" After being amazed, Zhao Tian decided not to let those men in too easily.

Such a beautiful bride, without any effort, is sorry for this beauty.

Xianyu was dumbfounded by their compliments, "That's so exaggerated."

She hasn't looked in the mirror seriously yet, so she doesn't know how beautiful she is now.

Beauty without knowing it, Zhou Mei and the others said that they were used to it, and they didn't bother to refute her. Who would expect a person who doesn't even bother to put on makeup to know how beautiful he is.

But when it comes to makeup, they feel that they are becoming more and more assimilated by Xianyu. The difference is that Leisure has neither time nor desire to apply makeup, while they want to apply makeup but have no time.

While they were chatting, they finally heard the familiar sound of firecrackers downstairs and the faint noise. Zhou Mei and the three of them looked at each other. It was Ji Mo who came to pick up the bride.

Sure enough, within a few minutes there was a knock on the door, and it was Lu Fanyun who led the charge.

"Everyone inside, please open the door."

As a girlfriend, Zhao Tian didn't think about her boyfriend at all: "Let's go if you say so."

Outside the door, Lu Fanyun smiled wryly at Fang Zixing's and his group's sympathetic and appreciative eyes. What else could he do with the girlfriend he found? Let's pamper him. Forget it. These single dogs won't understand his pain. Happy and sweet and troubled.

Knowing that it is useless to rely on lip service, Lu Fanyun was convinced, and stuffed a few red envelopes through the crack of the door.

As soon as the red envelope was stuffed in, Liu Jia picked it up, touched it with her hand, let out a small exclamation, then turned her head and said, "Hey bank card!"

Is it such a big deal?The opening red envelope is directly stuffed with a bank card!
Both Zhao Tian and Liu Jia were stunned by this handwriting, but Zhou Mei said without changing her face and heartbeat: "Who knows how much there is in it, besides, it's not more than this money if you just throw a bank card on your body ?”

Hearing this, both Zhao Tian and Liu Jia calmed down quickly. In the final analysis, the two of them are not used to this kind of local tyrant's style. Although they are rich, they have no place or time to spend money because of research and development. Knowing is not much different from before.

In terms of assets, Zhao Tian felt that it was hard to say who was richer, she or Lu Fanyun.

You must know that whether it is the previous wormhole technology or the warp speed engine this time, Lei Yu specially asked them to participate in it. Although they have little money and don't invest much, they can't bear the high returns, and they themselves It's R&D technicians, you can't treat them badly if you treat them badly.

Thinking of their wealth, the two of them corrected their attitudes again, and Zhao Tian was still the main force. She coughed and said, "You want to send us money? What we want to see is sincerity! If you can't see sincerity today, don't even think about coming in." .”

Facing Ji Mo's pressured eyes, Lu Fanyun couldn't smile anymore, and there was only bitterness on his face.

Brother Mo married Xianyu, but in the end it was a battle of wits and courage between him and Zhao Tian. If he won, Zhao Tian would give him a good look. If he lost, could Brother Mo let him go?
What is all this? What crime did he do in his previous life?

"How about I sing you some love songs?"

It's no secret that he's tone deaf anyway.

Zhao Tian tuied, "Whoever wants to hear your tone-deaf singing poison the ears, let Ji Mo sing."

Normally, Zhao Tian would never dare to embarrass Ji Mo like this, but today is different, they came with a mission, Yun Mu and Yunlu had explained to them in advance, how to embarrass them.

"Okay, I'll sing." Ji Mo agreed with a good temper.

"The spring flowers bloom, take away the sadness of winter, the breeze brings the romantic atmosphere, every love song is suddenly full of meaning, I suddenly see you at this moment......

Listen to me, walk with me hand in hand, create a happy life, it will be a pity if yesterday is too late, will you marry me today..."

No one can deny how suitable this song is to sing on this occasion. The slightly hoarse voice of the original singer has formed another style after Ji Mo sang it, but what remains unchanged is the deep affection contained in it.

Zhao Tian couldn't say without conscience that the singing was not good.

After all, they are a new couple. Although they wanted to make things difficult for Jim Mo, it was only to make him cherish his spare time more in the future, not to really make him unable to embrace the beauty, so after a few more rounds of embarrassment, Zhao Tian and the others finally opened the locked door.

As soon as the door opened, everyone rushed in, and then they all looked dumbfounded, what the hell!This is too beautiful!

Everyone sighed the same as Zhao Tian.

Ji Mo is also one of the stupefied ones. He has always known that Xianyu is beautiful, but Xianyu doesn't like to dress up, so he is used to her usual sober appearance.

Today, she suddenly put on so much makeup that people couldn't take their eyes off her.

Lei Yu just looked at Ji Mo with a smile on his face, and was very satisfied with his astonishment.

Amidst the uproar, Ji Mo hugged Xianyu who was dressed in red, turned around and walked out of Yun's house step by step towards Yixianzhuang.

That's right, their wedding was also arranged in Yixianzhuang. You must know that the roses in that place were not the whole picture that I had seen in leisure time. Under the night, she only got a glimpse of a small corner.

The entire Yixianzhuang is decorated with lights and festoons, and the bright red colors indicate that there will be a happy event here.

During the bustling first worship to heaven and earth, second worship to high hall, and husband and wife worship, Lei Yu married Ji Mo in the sixth year after he came to the earth. It turned out that she and Jimo had been together for five years.

She still remembers her apprehension when she first came to Earth, the astonishment when she first met Jimo, the rational refusal when facing his confession, and the frankness when they were together later.

Counting it carefully, in fact, the relationship between her and Jimo has been very smooth. There are no quarrels and conflicts between other couples. Their relationship is more like a long stream of water that gradually converges into a vast ocean, out of control.

She thought, maybe it was her destiny that she traveled to the earth, and she was destined to have a home, a person who loved her, and two or three friends.

 I really can't write about the wedding, after all, I haven't experienced it, and Baidu doesn't have details, ah, I'm dead! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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