pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 1020 Buy sea mud mask

Chapter 1020 Buy sea mud mask (3)
And after the carp spirit forgave An Xin, An Xin went on an adventure with the carp spirit. After finding a lot of things in the surrounding soil, An Xin was also ready to go ashore. Although the carp spirit was a little reluctant, he would not let An Xin to be sad.

After all, the carp spirit also knows at this moment that An Xin is a person on land, and at this moment, An Xin can't stay in the water for a long time. After all, it has been underwater for a long time, which will eventually make An Xin feel a little uncomfortable.

At this moment, Qin Yihan was on the shore, but he was already burning with anxiety. After all, he shouldn't let An Xin go into the water at the beginning, and he would not be burning with anxiety here.

After all, An Xin may have been in the water for a long time, but there has been no movement at this moment, and the rope just now has already been lost by An Xin. In fact, the reason why An Xin gave Qin Yihan the rope was to let Qin Yihan pull something on the shore.

In fact, it was also to give Qin Yihan a reason to wait for him on the shore, and at this moment, when Qin Yihan saw the rope floating on the shore, he thought about it and wanted to jump into the water, but at this moment, he still didn't dare to jump.

After all, it's not that Qin Yihan is afraid at this moment, but Qin Yihan is afraid that if he goes down, what will he do if he doesn't see himself after a while?
And when Qin Yihan was turned around in a hurry, there was a wave on the water surface, and soon Qin Yihan saw a small head protruding, and when Qin Yihan saw this, the big stone in his heart was put down in an instant up.

After all, as long as the woman in front of her is fine at this moment, then everything is easy to talk about, and when An Xin saw that Qin Yihan breathed a sigh of relief, she immediately knew that she had stayed underwater for a long time.

It's just that the reason why she stayed for a long time today was to get more seaweed and lake mud. After all, when she went back later, she planned to let everyone learn how to make seaweed and lake mud masks.

And after An Xin came out of the water, Qin Yihan quickly pulled An Xin ashore, but when he didn't see anything on An Xin's body, he was slightly taken aback, but he soon let go of it.

After all, this girl has that space at this moment, allowing her to enter it anytime, anywhere. When thinking of this, Qin Yihan has a lot of worries in his heart, but when he pulls on this peace of mind, he still bears it. I couldn't stop saying a few words.

"Don't stay underwater for too long next time, I'll be very worried," Qin Yihan looked at An Xin and said, stretching out his hand to hold An Xin, after all, the beginning of An Xin's sewer at this moment, it's already over Two hours.

In the past two hours, although Qin Yihan hadn't entered the water, he stuck his head into the water to see An Xin's appearance, to see where An Xin was, but even if Qin Yihan had good eyes, the snobbery in the water Not that good.

"And don't worry, I will pay more attention next time, I won't stay underwater, and I won't ignore you all day long," An Xin replied with a smile when she heard Qin Yihan's words. .

It's just that the tone seemed to be laughing at Qin Yihan, it was childish enough to laugh at Qin Yihan, but at this moment, An Xin liked it, because this man was considered a child at the moment, he was also a big child, and he would run around jealously. He is good to himself.

And when Qin Yihan heard An Xin's words, his cheeks turned slightly red, but he was soon suppressed by Qin Yihan, and then turned his head to refuse An Xin, after all, he didn't want An Xin to be a joke.

And when An Xin saw Qin Yihan's appearance, she immediately smiled subconsciously, after all, what An Xin said just now meant, well, I'll just play with you, just like being with you.

(End of this chapter)

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