pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 1022 Buy sea mud mask

Chapter 1022 Buy sea mud mask (5)
Soon An Xin told everyone about the sea mud mask, and then found a few people to try the sea mud mask, and after the sea mud mask was put on other people's faces, An Xin told others The seed box was taken out.

"Just now it was called the mud spring, which can improve your dull yellowness, but now it can replenish water and make your complexion better," and at this moment, An Xin also mentioned the seaweed mask.

Then I found someone to try it out. After the effect of this mask came out, although I still hesitated for a while, I quickly made up my mind to buy it.

Because this is a new product on the market today, there are many people here at the moment. When they saw this sea mud, they all hesitated. I bought them one by one and went back to use them.

After all, at this moment, everyone is in the mood to give it a try. After all, there are too few beautiful rouge powders for you. At this moment, this is really the kind, and the rhythm of eating is fast.

But at this moment, An Xin did not disappoint everyone. When everyone took it back to use, when they first saw the black thing, they all had hesitation on their faces, but when they thought of An Xin in the afternoon, When I also used this sea mud mask, I immediately made up my mind, and everyone wanted to try it.

After all, this thing can make a woman look more beautiful and younger. Naturally, it is impossible for this woman to let it go at this moment. Soon everyone put the sea mud mask on their faces one by one. Waiting quietly, as the minutes and seconds passed, the very important person went to wash his face.

And on the second day, when An Xin opened the door, there were many more people around, but at this moment, they all came to ask An Xin for the lake bottom mud mask.

After all, after everyone took the mask back at the beginning, they applied it on their faces in a safe way, and when they washed it off, they immediately found that their skin was much better.

With this concept, those women who love beauty, everyone is willing to give up a lot of worries for this good appearance, so at this moment, there is a way to obtain beauty, and everyone is naturally surprised at this moment.

And at this moment, in a place not far away, that is, in the embroidery spinning chamber, there is a beautiful woman in a red robe, with a look of anger on her face, especially when she sees An Xin, The gaze became even more distorted.

"You all tell me, why can this stinky girl come up with so many weird things? But you people can't even come up with one thing. Not only can you not get it out, but you can't even do things. , I'm really mad," said the beautiful woman and threw a cup of tea on the ground.

Especially when she thought about Anxin's lake bottom mud mask, which was launched yesterday, she had also used it, and the effect was not good, but because it was good, she felt very angry and very angry.Thinking of doing better and better for your beauty, this beautiful woman was almost pissed to death, but at this moment she had no choice but to take this peace of mind, because she had asked for help from the Jun family, but it was a pity that the Jun family At this moment, he ignored his plea for help.

When thinking of this point, the beautiful woman's eyes suddenly flashed a gloomy look. After all, this family has cut off contact with her for no reason at this moment.

In fact, even glamorous women like to use this underwater mud mask. After all, it is only those who have used this soothing mask at the moment, even if I am an outsider, I like it very much.

(End of this chapter)

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