pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 1039 The Jun family is here

Chapter 1039 The Jun family is here (5)
Although there was a smile on this face, An Xin could feel that this person's heart was cold, and it was still very cold, so at this moment An Xin didn't intend to have any entanglements with this woman.

What's more, this little girl is already her family at this moment, so she naturally won't let her out. The person in front of her is not her parents, and she has never seen her since childhood The relationship between Ya and her is not good. If you give her little Yaya at this moment, who knows?What will this person do to the little girl?
Well, maybe she is too extreme, thinking that everyone in the world is a bad person, but at this moment, no matter whether it is selfish or not, this little girl will not give it to anyone, including the woman in front of her.

And when the auntie heard An Xin's words, her face suddenly became gloomy, and she looked at An Xin with a bit of twisted eyes, "You have to give if you don't give today, don't you know?" Do you know who my husband's family is? People like you, even if there are a few more families in my husband's eyes, can make you bankrupt with a wave of your hand. Brat, I advise you, you better give I'll be quiet, and hand over the little girl, otherwise, be careful and I'll make your whole family feel overwhelmed."

Seeing An Xin's refusal to hand over the little Yaya, and when you see the little Yaya holding An Xin and crying loudly, a shadow suddenly appeared in the aunt's heart, so she threatened.

At this moment, in the eyes of this great aunt, even ten peaces of mind are not enough for one finger of her husband. At this moment, if this brat obediently handed over the little girl, she might let her go regardless of the past, but if she If she is obsessed with obsession, then don't blame her for being cruel.

She has experienced many things, and at this moment, this aunt is also full of vigor, not to mention that this aunt came out of a brothel, where she was treated very unfairly.

At this moment, her heart was almost twisted, especially when she saw the same sister, who was sold the same, but had a different fate, that jealousy had already burned her reason. How many years has it been?

It is almost ten years now, and she will never forget it for the rest of her life. The scene of her sister being taken away that day was so enviable, but she was left behind from beginning to end, but her sister never Come back and save her.

That seemingly innocent little girl, she betrayed herself and never came back to redeem her, but at this moment, she doesn't think about the little girl's mother at that time, thinking about it, Dr. Li's family doesn't have much money.

At this moment, if Xiaojuan is redeemed, she is almost bankrupt. At this moment, someone will sell the land and sell herself. After all, they saved Xiaojuan because Xiaoya's father liked Xiaojuan, and it would be out of love if they didn't save her reasonable.

What's more, she was not the only sister who was betrayed at that time. If the eldest sister was saved, the younger sister would naturally be saved as well. At that time, the little girl's father had the money to save her. Therefore, there is a reason to save people's feelings and not to save others.

She just thought that Xiaojuan had never gone back to redeem herself, but she also didn't think that Xiaojuan was sold at that time. Not necessarily without trying.

"Haha,,," upon hearing what the aunt said, a sneer flashed across An Xin's eyes, and she looked at the aunt with a sneer, as if mocking her arrogance.

"Your husband's power is so great, I really think about it, how will you make me unable to go around?" An Xin looked at the aunt with a sneer, and there was a hint of mockery on the corner of her mouth, "Unfortunately Yes, to be afraid of everything is not to be afraid of other people's threats, let alone the law of heaven, I bought this little girl with real money at this moment, so I don't believe that your husband can be blind. I would love to meet your husband."

(End of this chapter)

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