pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 1041 The Jun family is here

Chapter 1041 The Jun family is here (7)
But at this moment, an angry voice came, "What are you doing here? The old man didn't tell you to stay at home. Now that the old man came out, you came here to make trouble and offend Young Master An. Did you take the old man's words as a deaf ear?"

But at this moment, a shout of anger came from not far away. The voice was slightly startled at first, but soon he yelled angrily, "Women and Taoists came to Zhengzhou, why don't you go back quickly?"

And when everyone heard this, they saw a few people approaching not far away, and the leader at the moment was a man in his forties, and he was wearing a long gown and a gray robe. Thievous eyebrows, and at this moment, those eyes are turning around constantly, constantly flickering this shrewd chill.

But at this moment, when the aunt heard the middle-aged man's words, she was taken aback for a moment, and when she saw the people who came over, she said, "Husband, they bullied me,"

And the two people behind the middle-aged man at this moment, she also knows An Xin, because at this moment, those two are the two who went to Yuyue Building that day to ask Junhua for the bean sprouts formula, one An Xin seems to be called Boss Chen, As for the other man in the green clothes, An Xin didn't know his name.

And that An Xin just frowned slightly when she saw the two, and quickly recovered. After all, at this moment, An Xin knew that the two were members of the Jun family from the very beginning. Even if I saw it at this moment, I wouldn't be very curious.

But at this moment, Boss Chen is different. When Boss Chen saw An Xin, a slight surprise flashed in his eyes. He knew An Xin, but when he saw An Xin, he didn't know him. It suddenly felt very strange.

After all, the An Xin I saw that day was a little girl carved with jade, but at this moment, An Xin suddenly seemed to be overwhelmed, and the whole person grew up a lot in an instant. An Xin is much taller, but at this moment, An Xin is half a head taller than her peers.

So at this moment, when Boss Chen saw An Xin, he was taken aback for a moment, and he didn't recognize him for a while. At this moment, he was a little suspicious. Is this An Xin the An Xin he saw that day?

However, Boss Chen was very annoyed about what happened this time. He was annoyed that he had been confused by Junhua's smokescreen the last time. Find peace of mind.

As soon as he thought of this, Boss Chen immediately regretted it. After all, if he had firmly grasped this peace of mind last time, his status in the Jun family would definitely rise at this moment.

What's more, the growth of the girl in front of me is valued even by the Patriarch, so Boss Chen is regretting it, why is he?Why didn't you grab An Xin, the fast baby, from the very beginning.

"My husband, I came to look for my sister's child. I didn't expect these people to be so unreasonable. They even scolded my husband that you want to avenge my slave, my husband." At this time, the aunt also threw herself into the arms of the leading middle-aged man. .

And at this moment, the aunt was also the same, suddenly changed her fierceness, and turned into a small bird's appearance, and that delicate voice made An Xin feel shabby immediately, only to see that the aunt was leaning against the man at this moment. In her arms, she said with winking eyes like silk.

"Husband, you also know that there are no children in this slave family. At this moment, I thought that my younger sister was dead, so I planned to take her child back. I didn't expect that this person not only opened his mouth, but also said that Husband, you are a fool." Shit, husband, you have to uphold justice for the slave family," and at this moment, the aunt said coquettishly, and with that charming face, she suddenly looked a little cute.

(End of this chapter)

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