pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 1046 Sowing discord and fighting at the dinner table

Chapter 1046 Sowing discord and fighting at the dinner table (3)
Especially when they saw the big aunt kowtow just now, everyone immediately felt that they couldn't accept this change for a while, and it was difficult to adapt to it.

But at this moment, whether they accept it or not is not a big deal to An Xin, and soon An Xin brought this gentleman, Qian Jun, and his party into her house.

And when this Jun Qian Jun walked in, a faint light flashed in his eyes. The design of this courtyard is really unique, and it was the first time he had ever seen such a unique courtyard.

At this moment, Jun Qianjun had to sigh, the girl in front of him is not a genius, she is really a genius at the moment, after all, this Jun Qianjun has also investigated some things about An Xin's cooperation with Junhua, and he also knows that the menu of Yuyuelou is Out of the hands of peace of mind.

At this moment, Jun Qian Jun had to say that the girl in front of him was a piece of treasure, and she was also the most valuable treasure, but at this moment, this treasure was snatched away by this bitch, Junhua.

But this Jun Qian Jun quickly sneered, even if the person in front of him is living with Junhua at this moment, he also said to their Jun family at this moment, but he is absolutely sure that he can bring this peace of mind into his own camp .

After all, there is no one in the world who does not love money, and the girl in front of him is a smart person, so she naturally knows the pros and cons. At this moment, he believes that this little girl will make a good choice. Kind of gangster, or mess with Jun's family.

At this moment, Jun Qian Jun came here not only for the formula in An Xin's hands, but also for An Xin. After all, the Jun family can have the current power and status, so naturally they will not be short-sighted.

At this moment, for others, An Xin's most valuable thing may be the formula, but at this moment, their Jun family values ​​An Xin, as long as they can get this little girl, whether it is the formula or other things, she at that time What's in your mind will naturally come at your fingertips.

After all, the formula is dead, but the little girl in front of her is alive. Compared with a dead thing, it is natural that An Xin, a living person, is much more useful at this moment, let alone a woman, who just wants to coax and deceive.

Soon this gentleman, Qian Jun, was brought to the living room by An Xin, and the style of the living room at this moment also has a strong Qin and Han flavor, but it doesn't look like it. When it looks like it, I don't know how to describe it for a while. , but the only idea is that it is very refreshing and concise, but not generous.

At this moment, when Jun Qian Jun saw this, he looked at An Xin and said, "Miss An is really a big hand. At this moment, the decoration really took a lot of effort. I wonder who made this house?"

When he saw the design of this house, Jun Qian Jun couldn't help asking, and at the moment, Boss Chen who was beside him nodded his head quickly, saying that what Jun Qian Jun said was not wrong.

And when An Xin heard it, she took the tea in Chun Yue's hand, looked at the gentleman Qian Jun and said, "It's just a humble house, it's hard to be elegant, if there's something wrong, I hope the second master can enlighten me." up,"

When An Xin heard Jun Qian Jun's words, she smiled at Jun Qian Jun, but there was a trace of leisure in her eyes. At this moment, she didn't believe these people, they came to discuss these shitty things with her.

And when Jun Qian Jun heard this An Xin's words, a look of surprise flashed across his face, although he had already heard about it, but when he heard it now, he was still very surprised.

How many things does this little girl know?The more you know about this girl at this moment, the more you will like it. Naturally, the liking at this moment is the talent in her mind, not An Xin.

(End of this chapter)

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