pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 1060 Negotiation Failure

Chapter 1060 Negotiation Failure (8)
And when An Qiao heard An Xin's analysis, his face turned pale with fright, he took An Xin's hand, shook his head desperately and said, "You can't go, Xin'er, you must not go, otherwise, Something will happen to you, my sister doesn't want you to go to that kind of place for us, "

It has been said in the book that this big mansion is a devil's den, and everyone in it is a wolf. Putting his little sister, a sheep, in it at this moment is definitely not courting death. When he thought of this, An Qiao desperately shook his head.

She hadn't thought about it that deeply just now, but when she thought about all this now, she immediately thought clearly, after all, that place is really not for people to go to.

And when An Xin heard An Qiao's words, she smiled softly, "Sister, don't think too much, I said, I will take care of this matter, so don't worry, sister, I am afraid right now, Those people will attack you and your mother, and they will come back after a few days, so sister, I hope you will take good care of this house, other things, sister, you don't need to worry, "

Regarding An Qiao's words, An Xin felt warm in her heart, but she also felt a little guilty. At this moment, was she right or wrong to push An Qiao so hard?She is constantly instilling this bad thing in An Qiao, is it right to want An Qiao to know the cruelty of her own world?
At this moment, should she really make An Qiao harden her heart like this?An Xin was a little confused at the moment, but quickly shook her head, this woman was too soft-hearted, and was doomed to be bullied by others for the rest of her life, just like An Shi at this moment.

And when An Qiao heard An Xin's words, he nodded and said, "Don't worry, Xiner, sister will be careful. In the future, sister will bring someone with her when she goes out, and nothing will happen,"

When An Qiao heard An Xin's words, she also knew that An Xin was probably worried about herself at the moment, so she opened her mouth to speak, and when An Xin heard An Xin's words, she nodded.

Soon this An Qiao walked out, and when An Xin saw An Xin leaving, she shook her head and sighed softly, this big family is really not good to you at this moment, when she thinks about it.

An Xin then decided to set up family rules for her family, absolutely not to marry a concubine, after all, it would be a disaster if a concubine married back, no matter which woman is good or bad, it is not a good thing for a family.

If her child marries a concubine in the future, she will really slap him to death. Soon An Xin shook her head, thinking too much. too much.

After all, she wanted to be a child, so how many years later would it be for her child to marry a wife?

And after An Xin shook her head, she looked around with a smile, and said with a smile in her eyes, "Han has been hiding for a long time, shouldn't it be time to come out?"

And when An Xin's words fell, a figure quickly appeared in the dark, and after that person appeared, he said, "My heart and ears are getting better and better. I just hid for a while, and you discovered it."

And the person who appeared at this moment was Qin Yihan, and at this moment, Qin Yihan had just returned from work outside, so he also heard the conversation between An Xin and An Xin. Guess what.

When Qin Yihan saw An Xin, he walked over, and couldn't help but feel a little cold, but when An Xin heard Qin Yihan's words, he just smiled.

After all, it's not because of how good her ears are at this moment, but because Qin Yihan has never hidden his aura at all, that's why she discovered it, but seeing Qin Yihan's cold face at this moment, An Xin immediately Also guessed a bit.

(End of this chapter)

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