Chapter 1067
I went to see this female master for a doctor. This woman has a bit of a bad temper. Because she has been wandering in the rivers and lakes for a long time, she speaks very directly. She told herself that she can't cure the poison, but there is a way to suppress it, but the only home is Allow yourself to marry her.

When Qin Yihan saw this, he naturally wanted to take people away, even though he really wanted to save the master, but at this moment he knew that if the master was rescued, he might be wiped out in the next second.

Of course, the person who killed him was An Xin, and Qin Yihan didn't want to ask An Xin for help at first. After all, if that woman could save the master, he naturally didn't want An Xin to take the risk of participating in this matter.

Knowledge is different at this moment. At this moment, it is fundamentally related to his lifelong event, so at this moment he has no choice but to come to An Xin for help. After all, there is a voice deep in his heart telling himself that An Xin is definitely possible. Now that there is a way to get the best of both worlds, he will naturally choose this.

When Yao Hong heard this An Xin's words, a look of surprise flashed across his face, this woman is vicious, and she directly said such words in front of the real young master, isn't it afraid that the young master will hate her?

After all, this man likes kind-hearted women, and at this moment, this woman really has nothing to do with being kind-hearted, but when he saw Qin Yihan showing aggrieved eyes and looking at An Xin, he immediately felt a poke around him. Blind impulse.

Is this person his young master at this moment?Why is he showing such a useless expression at this moment? For Qin Yihan's eyes looking at An Xin, Yao Hong suddenly felt that he was sleeping and had not woken up so he saw the hallucination.

After all, on weekdays, when Qin Yihan was in front of them, he was always cold on both sides, as if others owed him money from the beginning to the end, but now in front of An Xin, he became the big brother next door. up.

After looking at Qin Yihan, An Xin looked at Yao Hong again, and frowned immediately when she saw that the child's face was overwhelmed. This child won't be stimulated by anything, right?
Fortunately, Yao Hong recovered quickly, and when An Xin saw this, he looked at Yao Hong and said, "How about we make a bet?"

And when Yao Hong heard An Xin's words, he frowned at An Xin and said, "Then what do you want to bet on, Miss An?"

Although Yao Hong's gaze towards An Xin has changed slightly at this moment, but there is still a slight hostility. When An Xin saw this, she frowned immediately. She has never done anything to apologize to this person. Why did Yao Hong Every time he looked at himself, it was as if he had done something to offend him?Really strange.But at this moment, although An Xin felt very strange, he didn't ask any more questions. Instead, he looked at Yao Hong and said word by word, "Just bet on this ghost doctor's poison. If I get rid of it, you will kneel on the ground for me." , obediently call me sister, "

And when Yao Hong heard An Xin's words, he immediately sneered, but he opened his mouth to say something very unpleasant, but when he saw Qin Yihan, he immediately swallowed and took those words back went.

Yao Hong looked at this and said with peace of mind, "If you can't solve it, then you have to persuade this young master to marry this Biyu fairy, and let the Biyu fairy suppress the poison in the body for the sect master."

At this moment, when Yao Hong saw An Xin coming to his door, he immediately opened his mouth and said, after all, he didn't believe that An Xin could detoxify at this moment, so naturally it was impossible to give up such a good opportunity at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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