Chapter 1070
But at this moment, he is here to destroy his relationship with An Xin. When he sees this, he will naturally not condone and raise an adulterer. He will absolutely not allow anyone to destroy his relationship with An Xin.

And when Yao Hong heard Qin Yihan's words, he looked at Qin Yihan and said Anxin, "Young master, I want to know what is good about her? Fairy Biyu, she has done so much for you. She was the one who took care of you when you were injured, and she was the one who helped you when something happened to the ghost doctor, but where is this woman in front of you? Young master, you sent him the poison-avoiding beads, and the subordinates have nothing to say. It's just that the subordinates want to know what is so good about this woman, how can Fairy Biyu compare to her?"

At this moment, Yao Hong really wanted to know what happened to An Xin?In her opinion, this woman is rude and vicious, domineering and authoritarian, without the slightest softness of a woman, she is not a woman at all.

But Fairy Biyu is not as good-looking as other parents, and she is kind-hearted, especially when the young master has an accident, she wholeheartedly helps the young master, but now that the young master is firmly seated as the master of the ghost doctor, she suddenly Come out and sit back.

But when Qin Yihan heard Yaohong's words, he was never angry, he just glanced at him lightly and said, "You don't need to meddle in Master's affairs, you will go back to the ghost doctor tomorrow, and my No one can disclose your whereabouts, if you reveal half a sentence, you will be dealt with according to the door rules."

Ask what is good about An Xin, why should she tell others about her good, as long as he knows it himself, at this moment he wants to hide An Xin, how can he be willing to release this An Xin, so Qin Yihan has never returned to Yao Hong's words at this moment.

"As for your saying that Fairy Biyu took care of me, then I have to make this clear today, lest you talk about these things in the future, listen to the first point, I didn't let her take care of me, let alone she is The female doctor of the Ghost Doctor Sect, even if she takes care of me as the sect master, it is only natural. Is it possible that your subordinates take care of the master and hope that the master will repay your favor? Although she is only temporarily joining the ghost doctor sect at this moment, but even so, she still I'm a ghost doctor, so no matter what she did? That's her job, not to mention there were a lot of servants who took care of me at that time, maybe you want to take them out one by one to tell this heart Compare?"

Qin Yihan looked at Yao Hongdao, but the reason why Qin Yihan said so much at this moment was because he was afraid that An Xin would cause a misunderstanding. After all, he didn't want An Xin to misunderstand that he had a relationship with that woman.

And at this moment, what he said was not only to Yao Hong, but also to everyone in the dark, telling them that An Xin was not someone they could touch, nor was he someone they could talk about casually, including the person in front of him from childhood to adulthood. People who follow their master.

"You ask her where is Xin'er, this is also very simple, in my mind, Xin'er is the best, so you go back," Qin Yihan looked at Yao Hong and said, at this moment he really regretted bringing this person here.

At this moment, Qin Yihan secretly looked at An Xin, and when he saw that there was not much movement on An Xin's face, he was relieved. At this moment, he was really afraid that An Xin would be divorced from him because of that woman.

An Xin looked at Yao Hong and smiled softly, "The cold man stays, and I really want to know what's good about me. In that case, let him have a look. Let him make his own decisions about good and bad, but After reading it, get the hell out of here. Don't tell me about that woman. Don't tell me about your kindness. If you have feelings, you can exchange them for kindness. Who doesn't owe some kindness? Isn't it everyone? For the sake of that kindness, marry someone you don't want,"

An Xin never let this Yao Hong go, but instead opened her mouth to keep Yao Hong, she would let this person see whether she is good or bad, if this person in front of her was not Qin Yihan's subordinate, she would not be like this at this moment.

It's just that this person in front of her is Qin Yihan's subordinate, so she wants to prove to these people that she is worthy of Qin Yihan, not the one who killed Cheng Yaojin halfway, she is Qin Yihan's sweetheart.

At this moment, he naturally has to be worthy of Qin Yihan, and this person in front of him is for him to see whether he is worthy of this Qin Yihan, and when Qin Yihan heard An Xin's words, he also understood in an instant.

And when Qin Yihan realized it, she immediately smiled in her heart. After all, she is doing this with peace of mind at this moment, probably to prove her own vision. To prove herself, she wants to tell everyone that the woman he chose is not the best. bad.

It's just that she really doesn't need to do this at this moment, after all, in his mind, no matter what kind of peace of mind is it?It's the woman she likes the most.

Yao Hong looked at An Xin, and when he saw the confidence in An Xin's eyes, he didn't know why?At that moment, he also had an illusion, maybe this woman in front of him is really not that bad?

(End of this chapter)

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