pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 1072: Weirdly Besieged by Snakes

Chapter 1072: Weirdly Besieged by Snakes (2)
And when Qin Yihan heard An Xin's words, a smile flashed across his eyes, and then he nodded hastily, admitting his mistakes quickly is the most important thing for a good man.

When Qin Yihan saw An Xin's appearance, he nodded happily. After all, he is the most law-abiding boy. At this moment, the flower did not come by himself, but by her, let alone him. It is also enough to guard oneself like a jade, so at this moment, An Xin has absolutely no chance to drive himself out.

And after An Xin told Qin Yihan about the ghost doctor's illness, he opened the door and prepared to go back. After going back, he planned to go to the mountains with Qin Yihan the next day.

However, when An Xin was leaving, he still went to find An Qiao. After all, there were many things at the moment. An Xin wanted to tell An Qiao. When An Xin heard that he was going to enter the mountain, An Qiao was a little worried. .

However, when I heard that Qin Yihan also followed, I let go of my worries a lot, "Xin'er, don't worry, my sister will take good care of the people in the West Wing, but Xin'er, when you enter the mountain, you must Be careful, don't let anything happen to you."

And when An Xin heard it, she nodded, and after talking to An Qiao, she said goodbye to An Qiao, and on the second day, An Xin and Qin Yihan went to the mountain ready to go .

But at this moment, it was because of the lonely man and widow, so the people in the mansion didn't know about it at this moment, and when the two went to the mountain, there were green leaves everywhere, and the green one made people look relaxed and happy.

Especially when seeing the lush green scene, people can't help but feel more comfortable. After all, when people are close to nature, that is the best and most comfortable one.

And at this moment, when An Xin and Qin Yihan entered the mountain, because Qin Yihan was there, and Qin Yihan wanted to investigate some things, the two of them planned to walk into the mountain at this moment.

But at this moment, because there were only two people on the mountain, An Xin felt relieved at this moment, and directly handed the basket to Qin Yihan's back, while he looked around.

Because when I entered the mountain last year, this peace of mind came a little late, so at that time there were many things on the mountain, which had already withered, and now it is the spring that has just come, and the season of spring for all things, so at this moment There are many, many unexpected things on the mountain.

And at this moment, Qin Yihan is also holding a few pieces of paper, and the paper in Qin Yihan's hand at this moment has several paintings on it, because there are several patterns in those paintings at this moment.

At this moment, Qin Yihan began to look around, and at this moment, An Xin was also walking in front, but his hands kept patting the surrounding bushes. After all, although An Xin had grown taller at this moment, it was just this person. But it's still tender.

When walking in the bush at this moment, there are a few red marks on his body soon, after all, the long thorns in the bush at this moment are occasionally hooked on An Xin's body.

At this moment, after An Xin slapped off those broken branches, he continued to walk forward, and the people behind An Xin, seeing An Xin's appearance, secretly kicked An Xin to clear away some obstacles.

After the two of them walked for a while, An Xin also felt a little tired from walking, so she asked Qin Yihan to sit down and rest first, but when the two sat down, An Xin looked a little unhappy.

"There are really fewer animals in Han Mountain. We've all been here for a while, but we haven't even seen half a rabbit. It's strange," An Xin looked around and turned her head. Looking at this, Qin Yihan said.

(End of this chapter)

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