pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 1085 The Shamelessness of the Qin Family

Chapter 1085 The Shamelessness of the Qin Family (7)
After all, I did have an affair with Qin Yihan, so these people in front of me are not wronging me, but at this moment, Anqiao is different, at this moment, Qin Tiezhu is so affectionate in front of everyone, calling her a fool Ah, her sister can be teased too.

And when Uncle Qin saw An Xin hitting his son, his face immediately became angry, and he immediately wanted to hit An Xin, but when he saw An Xin's cold eyes, he subconsciously felt that the whole person wanted to let the poisonous snake hit him. Staring at General, made Uncle Qin shudder.

At this moment, when Qin Shi on the side saw Qin Tiezhu being beaten, she never looked at Qin Tiezhu in her eyes. After all, this person in front of her was not her own son. Even if she was beaten to death today, she could only be happy. .

After all, if this Qin Tiezhu dies, then the family property that the Qin family waits for in the future will not belong to himself and his youngest son. When thinking of this now, the Qin family thinks that this peace of mind is underestimated .

Just now, the pressure was to smash it with a stone, so that Qin Tiezhu could be completely disabled. After all, in the days of the Qin family, the Qin family and Qin Yaya have suffered a lot. This Qin Tiezhu's anger, when he saw him being beaten at this moment, he naturally clapped his hands and applauded.

And at this moment, when Qin Tiezhu was being beaten by An Xin, a flash of anger flashed across his eyes, and he immediately began to scold An Xin and An Qiao, "The stinky bitch became a bitch..."

It's just that before Qin Tiezhu finished speaking, An Xin slapped him, and at this moment, he kicked Qin Tiezhu's abdomen, kicked Qin Tiezhu's knee, made Qin Tiezhu half kneel in front of him, and then An Xin slapped him hard.

And at this moment, when Qin Tiezhu was being beaten by An Xin, he wanted to yell, but every time Qin Tiezhu cursed, An Xin slapped him, and only when he looked at Qin Tiezhu did he realize that An Xin's hand strength was really not ordinary. .

Let him have no way to break free for a while, and at this moment, when Qin Tiezhu looked at An Xin, his eyes seemed to cry, "I won't say anything, grandma, and I won't scold you, stop beating me. Auntie, please let me go, I won't be looking at your sister anymore,"

Nima is beautiful, but this girl is too fierce. The slaps seem to be light, but when they hit the face, they are hot and painful, especially the cheeks are red and swollen at this moment.

At this moment, Qin Tiezhu is in admiration for Qin Yihan. If this woman is really his wife at this moment, how much courage does it take to marry her back home?After all, even he couldn't help but feel chilled at this young age for beating someone but not being soft-hearted.

And when An Xin heard Qin Tiezhu's words, she looked at Qin Tiezhu coldly and said, "Next time you will be a good boy, this beauty looks good, but you have to take a look. Who is that person looking at the beauty? Next time In this case, it’s not just about being beaten, I’m not serious about it, if you go into the city and look at the lady of that house, someone will chop you up on the spot, so next time you behave better, it’s not yours Just don't look around,"

An Xin patted Qin Tiezhu's face, and when Qin Tiezhu heard it, he nodded his head, and tears filled his eyes, how easy is it for you girl at this moment?This is simply disabled.

When An Xin saw this, he kicked Qin Tiezhu away. After Qin Tiezhu escaped from An Xin's grasp, he quickly scrambled and walked behind his old man, but his eyes were a little angry.

(End of this chapter)

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