pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 1087 Qin Yihan: I Have No Family

Chapter 1087 Qin Yihan: I Have No Family (1)
"How is it possible? How could you write a deed of sale for your relationship with that wood? This is what you want to lie to us. You are a vicious woman. You even do this kind of thing to scare us. Wait for this After Mu Mu comes back, I will let him divorce you," Qin Tiezhu jumped out and shouted when he heard An Xin's words.

At this moment, he seemed to have completely forgotten about the incident of being beaten just now. At this moment, she only remembered An Xin's words, and An Xin refused to admit it. Wouldn't it be like that his dream would be in vain.

When thinking of this, Qin Tiezhu couldn't help it anymore, and when the Qin family and Qin Yaya heard it, they also nodded, indicating that what Qin Tiezhu said was very good.

When An Xin heard Qin Tiezhu's words, she sneered coldly, "How is that impossible? You treat me as my family's caretaker, and I sent out a few hundred taels of silver casually, and I will not take it back. At this moment, this person It's still Brother Qin, if others don't say 500 taels, I'm afraid even if it's 100 taels, I won't give a single cent. At this moment, it's all because of the kindness that Brother Qin has shown us in the past, so I decided I would be willing to give up the money. If not, at this moment, you really think I am a fool or a lunatic, and I will give it away casually for a few hundred taels, not to mention that my brothers are clear about it, and at this moment, Brother Qin is not my brother, why? Is it impossible to settle accounts?"

An Xin looked at Qin Tiezhu's appearance, as if he was looking at an idiot. After all, Qin Tiezhu's words at the moment seemed to be saying, I think you are stupid, so much money was given by no relatives, and when she was A fool or a lunatic?
And at this moment, if An Xin meets someone else, it is indeed not Kai Shan Tang, but if this person is Qin Yihan, he has become Kai Shan Tang, but even if it is at this moment, it is impossible for An Xin to say it out, after all, this person This kind of thing is tacitly returned.

And when these people heard An Xin's words, their expressions were not to mention how pretty, especially at this moment when Qin Tiezhu's expression was on, it was even more wonderful, and at this moment, the people around seemed to nod their heads.

"That's it, An Xin is not a shantang. These hundreds of taels of silver are not a few taels of silver. Who would give it away for nothing? I'm afraid my family would not be willing to give away a few taels of silver?"

At this moment, the people around said one by one, "Even if I don't want to part with the money, after all, it's hard-earned money, how can it be given away for nothing, these people are talking ridiculous at the moment, not to mention How does he feel at ease? What about his son? My daughter-in-law is still here, she really wants to eat swan meat."

It's just that as soon as these words fell, An Xin glanced at them coldly, and quickly restrained herself. After all, when these people said Qin Yihan at this moment, An Xin felt a little concerned.

After all, she didn't like others to say that Qin Yihan was wrong, that Qin Yihan was bad or bad, but at the moment she held back a bit, after all, if she opened her mouth at this moment, I'm afraid this matter would not end well.

And at this moment, when Qin Tiezhu heard the words around him, his expression became even more unpredictable, and at this moment, when Mr. Qin saw this, he looked at him and said with peace of mind, "I don't know if this deed of sale can be given to me. have a look?"

At this moment, Mr. Qin had no choice but to come out after seeing the people around him arguing. After all, if this matter continues to quarrel at this moment, he will really deviate from his own track.

After all, at the beginning, Mr. Qin didn't want this effect. If he wanted this effect at the beginning, then he wouldn't have worked so hard to calculate it. When he thought of this, Mr. Qin Then he looked at the contract of sale in An Xin's hand.

(End of this chapter)

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