pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 1089 Qin Yihan: I Have No Family

Chapter 1089 Qin Yihan: I Have No Family (3)
When Uncle Qin saw this reassuring gaze, a faint light flashed in his eyes, and he quickly shook his head and said, "Shit, that's not my son, my son won't be that kind of broomstick Xing, my sons are just these two, where is the broom Xing, don't talk nonsense, and don't recognize relatives indiscriminately, "

When he heard that the money would cost hundreds of taels, Uncle Qin naturally shook his head immediately. After all, how could he have the money to give him peace of mind at this moment, let alone the broom star, he just let him go, why should he give it to him? ?

Just the next second when Uncle Qin finished speaking, a cold voice came from the side, "You are right, when did I have a family when I was born and raised, all the folks and elders present here today, today I, Qin Yihan I want to break off the relationship with the Qin family, and I hope everyone can bear witness that I, Qin Yihan, have had no father or mother since I was a child, so they are not worthy to be my parents at this moment, and I, Qin Yihan, will break off this relationship today."

And just when Uncle Qin's words fell, Qin Yihan came out. Qin Yihan had been standing aside for a long time when he got up, and An Xin had already discovered Qin Yihan the moment Qin Yihan arrived, but he never let him Qin Yihan just appeared.

But when Zhenhe was behind, when An Xin agreed to Qin Yihan's coming out, she never expected to hear such words from Uncle Qin. As soon as she heard what Uncle Qin said, Qin Yihan immediately spoke out.

At this moment, when Qin Yihan saw the person in front of him, there was a hint of sarcasm in his eyes. This is his father at this moment, and the other is his elder brother, but what kind of relatives are these?
Qin Yihan has really seen through all of this. This kind of relatives will be broken as soon as they are broken. What is there to remember? There was a touch of sarcasm.

But at this moment, when Uncle Qin saw Qin Yihan, he was taken aback for a moment, looked at Qin Yihan and said, "Who the hell are you? I'm talking here, why are you interrupting?"

When this uncle Qin saw Qin Yihan, he cursed loudly, but the next second when he saw the eyes around him, he couldn't help but look at Qin Yihan, and when Qin Yihan heard it, his eyes widened. A shadow flashed inside.

"Who am I? It sounds really nice to ask you. At this moment, it seems that you really only have two sons. Indeed, you and I are no longer father and son. Now the villagers have also heard what he said just now. The old village head and Lizheng, uphold justice and write this divorce letter for me, I want to divorce this marriage, "

When Qin Yihan heard Uncle Qin's words, he felt a slight pain in his heart, but the pain dissipated in an instant. When he looked at the Qin family who said this again, his eyes were completely dark. In those long eyes, there is no emotion at all.

And at this moment, when the people around heard Qin Yihan's words, they all said, "We support you. This kind of father doesn't even know his son. What is this kind of father doing here? Where did you recognize your relatives just now? But don't even know who the son is? It's really funny, "

And when Uncle Qin heard the words of these people, his face flushed slightly, and his dark yellow face suddenly felt a little embarrassed. After all, even his own son recognized the wrong person at this moment, and he took it seriously at this moment. Be the first person.

And when this Qin family and this Qin Yaya heard Uncle Qin's words, both of them looked like they hated iron and steel. At this moment, Uncle Qin really embarrassed them. After all, you don't know this person. What he said just now was so nice, it's not his own mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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