pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 1099 The ghost doctor wakes up

Chapter 1099 The ghost doctor wakes up (5)
It's just that Yao Hong's words hadn't finished at this moment, so Qin Yihan glanced at Yao Hong lightly, "I have said that, I believe that Xin'er will not harm Master, and I hope you will not speak again next time, if you You really can't help it, I don't mind pointing your dumb acupoint, lest you talk too much about questioning me and Xin'er, you will watch from the sidelines for a while, no matter what happens, don't mess around, otherwise don't blame me This seat is welcome, "

Qin Yihan looked at Yao Hongdao, the person in front of him was suspicious again and again, this peace of mind had already made Qin Yihan a little dissatisfied, at this moment Zheng Yaohong was simply questioning himself.

After all, his trust in An Xin was something that everyone knew clearly, but at this moment Yao Hong said again and again that it was really unpopular, but what happened to Yao Hong at this moment?Why is there such a big change?

Where did this heart make him dissatisfied?That would make him fight against Xin'er again and again. When thinking of this, a look of displeasure flashed across Qin Yihan's eyes, it's best not to let him guess.

But at this moment, Yao Hong swallowed his saliva when he faced Qin Yihan's eyes, and didn't dare to say anything more. After all, Qin Yihan was really angry at this moment. If he was talking too much, I'm afraid the next second It will anger this Qin Yihan.

After all, even though Yao Hong contradicted Qin Yihan again and again at this moment, he was also afraid of Qin Yihan in his heart, so when seeing Qin Yihan angry at this moment, Yao Hong did not dare to say a word.

"It's my subordinates who know about it, and my subordinates won't act recklessly, please rest assured, young master," and at this moment Yao Hong said, with a look of seriousness and fear on his face.

When An Xin on the side saw this, a sneer flashed in her eyes. Facing Yao Hong's inexplicable hostility, An Xin's eyes flashed a trace of murderous intent. If this person came to hinder her, she would I don't mind finding a remote place to deal with him.

After all, at this moment, Yao Hong provoked her, not once or twice, and every time he looked at him, it was so contemptuous, with a touch of sarcasm, if it was not because of Qin Yihan, She turned away a long time ago, she really is a masochist.

But An Xin will not embarrass Yao Hong in front of Qin Yihan. After all, this person is also Qin Yihan's subordinate, so she will not do anything unless it is absolutely necessary. After all, she does not want to have a child with Qin Yihan because of Yao Hong. If there is any gap, wouldn't Yaohong succeed in that way?

At this moment, after An Xin looked away, he took out acupuncture on his body, and soon started acupuncture on the ghost doctor. Not long after, An Xin's forehead was already covered with beads of sweat. .

Acupuncture is more troublesome when it is practiced, and she has not learned it for a long time, so she is more cautious at the moment, and must concentrate all the time, for fear that she will have the slightest trouble in the middle.

And when Qin Yihan saw this, a trace of worry flashed in his eyes. At this moment, he can naturally see that this acupuncture is operated with internal force. When thinking of this, Qin Yihan can't help but worry for An Xin up.

It's just that at this moment, he didn't say much, he just wiped the sweat off An Xin's forehead, after all, everything has come to this place at this moment, if he turned around, it would be impossible.

And when An Xin saw the worry on Qin Yihan's face, she immediately smiled at him, as if saying in her eyes, let Qin Yihan not worry.

And after laughing, An Xin started to do it, just after the injection, the ghost doctor's body twitched desperately, and a painful expression appeared on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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