pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 1101 The ghost doctor wakes up

Chapter 1101 The ghost doctor wakes up (7)
The basin of cold water was quickly contaminated, and when An Xin squeezed out all the contents of the veins, he quickly gave the ghost doctor a pill, and he was relieved immediately, but he was relieved just now. As soon as he took a breath, An Xin immediately became even more confused with the blood in his body, and spit out a mouthful of blood.

After seeing An Xin vomit blood, Qin Yihan handed the water basin to the hidden guard, and then hurriedly walked in front of An Xin, "Xin'er, are you alright?"

As he said that, he took the pulse of An Xin, and when he found the mess in his body, he couldn't help but look a little ugly, and when An Xin saw this, he shook his head and said, "I have nothing to do, it's just that I don't have enough internal strength, I'm working hard." The ghost doctor's acupuncture practice is very ingenious, use it well, be careful, after all, my skills are not as good as this ghost doctor's."

As he said that, he looked at Yao Hong, and a glint of darkness flashed in his eyes. For this person who almost caused his blood to be confused just now, if she hadn't stabilized it in time, at this moment, even himself and the ghost doctor really wanted to fight. dead.

"Yaohong, I told you from the beginning, and Han also said, if you can't control it, you can tap your acupuncture points, or go out, but you haven't done it, and you still come to disturb me. If you don't I have some background, are you going to collect the body for the head of your family now, I told you, I can understand if you don’t believe it, but your unbelief is born because of other things, but I can’t bear it Already," An Xin looked at the medicine Hongdao, and when he was talking, he took a pill to stabilize the breath in his body.

It's just that the breath has stabilized, but the anger in my heart can't be stabilized, "You think over and over again that I am not worthy of your young master, but at this moment you are, don't forget, this is my home, This man in front of me is everyone of mine. If you don't like my existence, you can stand up for me one by one. Why bother to play tricks behind your back? At this moment, you don't want my life, but the ghost doctor's life. At this moment, it is because of a woman that you are prejudiced against me, thinking that I am inferior to her in everything, but I want to know why I am inferior to others. If you think so, you can ask that woman to compare, I was born inferior to her? It’s just that I’m still young at the moment. In a few years, who would say that, I’m really not worthy of anyone in the world? At this moment, I like your young master, if I don’t love you , even if she is the king of heaven, I don't need to look at her, "

An Xin looked at Yao Hongdao, then walked in front of Yao Hong, pulled Yao Hong to a halt and said, "Don't veto others with the thoughts in your heart, now you look at people with colored glasses, It is doomed that you will be a slave all your life. Since you are a slave, you should be obedient and not let you meddle in the master's affairs. At this moment, Qin Yihan just doesn't like that woman. Even if you let that woman take off her clothes at this moment, he will not I will take a look, and at this moment you'd better not play tricks on me, if you are following this next time, I will kill you, you can try it, "

As he said that, he pushed Yao Hong away, and when Qin Yihan saw this, when he saw that An Xin was about to be there, he wanted to catch up, but he didn't follow, but looked at Yao Hong, his eyes were filled with tears. Then with a bit of self-deprecating.

"Yaohong, I have always thought that you will understand one day, but at this moment, I am wrong, and I have also explained it to you at this moment. In the future, you will no longer be a person in the ghost doctor's school, and you will be kicked out of the ghost doctor." Doctor, why don't you meddle in my affairs? If you are nosy, I don't mind killing you and that woman. You should take care of my affairs. If it is not for the sake of the master at this moment, I will I really want to beat you to death with one palm," Qin Yihan looked at Yao Hong and said.

(End of this chapter)

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