pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 111 An Xin Was Beaten Please Subscribe

Chapter 111 An Xin Was Beaten Please Subscribe (12)
When An Xin came out of the city, she would bring Qin Yihan with her because she knew that if she had Qin Yihan, she would have an extra guarantee.

In fact, what's more important is that it seems that with that person in her heart, she will be much more stable, and no matter what happens, she can solve it easily.

In fact, when thinking of Qin Yihan at this moment, An Xin doesn't need to think about Anshi and the others, and she doesn't know what is going on with them at the moment?Are you worrying about yourself?
Are they arguing about their own affairs? I hope that Anshi and Qin Yihan will not have conflicts, and I also hope that Anshi and the others can quietly wait for him to go back.

"Smelly girl, I'll leave it to you to write, and I didn't make you daze." At this moment, An Xin's head was slapped by An Tietian's slap, and An Xin soon felt a little muddy and dizzy.

"I want to meet people. If I don't see the person behind you, I won't write. Unless you kill me, anyway, you don't want to get any menu secrets from me," An Xin looked at An Tie indifferently. Heaven.

At this moment, there was a hint of ruthlessness in those black eyes, and coupled with that embarrassed little face, they immediately looked a little crazy, as if they were desperate people.

Seeing this scene, An Tietian couldn't help being taken aback, but soon became annoyed, pressed An Xin's little head to the ground, and said viciously, "Will you write it, bitch? If you don't write me, I'll beat you to death now." you,"

An Tietian's temper is notoriously bad, and he had a grudge against An Xin, so if he didn't beat An Xin to death right now, it was still for the sake of that nobleman.

However, bloodlust flashed in An Tietian's eyes. After he got the menu, the first thing he wanted to do was to tear the mouth of this bitch and break her hands and feet. He wanted to see this little girl. How can the cheap girl be fierce and beat herself in the future.

When his face was rubbing against the ground, traces of blood oozed out, and the burning pain soon spread across his cheeks, but at this moment, An Xin didn't even groan.

It's just that there is a hint of cruelty in those eyes, no matter who it is, as long as she walks out of the prison, she will pay back double, of course An Tietian can't escape at this moment.

"Write or not, I don't want to chop off your hand today," An Xin soon heard An Tietian's gloomy voice, and there was still a hint of anger in that voice at the moment.

And when An Xin heard it, she asked An Tietian to pull up her hair again, and her face met An Tietian's bloodthirsty face, and at this moment, An Tietian looked at An Xin as if she was looking at a dead person.

There was bloodlust and sarcasm in that look, "Don't resist, anyway, as long as you write obediently, I will let you go, otherwise, you can also try the pain of gouging your eyes, "

"I want to see someone, otherwise if you kill me, don't even think about me writing a word," An Xin said while looking at An Tietian with blood in her mouth, her indifference remained the same from beginning to end, cold and indifferent.

As if the person in danger at this moment is not himself, he is as high as ever, and An Tietian's eyes are happy, with a bit of contempt.

"An Tietian, do you think you have the ability to touch me? If you don't get the recipe for the menu, you will cripple me. I'm afraid that person won't let you go, so let him come to see me, otherwise Don't think about me writing a word, you can also try to poach my eyes, if you really do that, you will never get that formula in your life, so bring that person to see me, otherwise I won't say anything Sentence recipes and the like,"

And when An Tietian heard An Xin's words, his face really changed. From wanting to strangle An Xin to finally giving in, this made An Xin confirm that that person really wanted to get the formula in his hand, but she came Want to see who that person is?
"Smelly girl, wait for me," An Tietian spat, "See how I deal with you in a while, don't worry, even though the nobleman valued the formula in your hand, he didn't say that I can't touch you , Hmph, don’t you want to meet someone? Well, I’ll bring it to you tomorrow, and if you don’t write by then, I’ll break your hands and feet and ruin your face.”

After speaking, he left in a gloomy manner, and at this moment An Xin was paralyzed on the ground after An Tietian left, and the pain on his face made An Xin grit his teeth.

But at this moment, she didn't dare to enter the space, because there were still several cells inhabited not far from her, and at this moment, because of An Tietian's arrival, they all looked at her one by one.

And when those people saw An Xin, they were both surprised and sympathetic. After all, although An Xin had grown a lot taller than when she just crossed over, she was still shorter than her peers at this moment.

So when everyone saw that the ten-year-old child was actually in the cell, they seemed to have woken up, and they all wondered, what did this little girl do wrong?
And at this moment, An Xin was lying on the ground, even seeing the mice around her, she was in no mood to pay any attention to it. The effect of the drug hadn't dissipated, and then An Tietian gave him a fistful.

An Xin immediately felt that the whole person was about to die. If it wasn't for the existence of the Bailingquan in the beginning, An Xin would not be able to bear the torment at this moment.

But even though she used the Bailingquan to improve her physique, she still felt like her whole body was about to split apart. It was so uncomfortable, and she was so dizzy, Nima, did she offend that bastard?
(End of this chapter)

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