pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 1114 The Plague Is Really Coming

Chapter 1114 The Plague Is Really Coming (3)
An Xin was indeed a little disappointed and a little bit chilled by the old village head's words. After all, he was trying his best at the moment, but he was suspected by the old village head and wanted to run away, let alone himself.

I'm afraid that other people can't help but feel chilled, but at this moment, An Xin can also understand the old village chief's mind. At this moment, the old village chief didn't worry about himself first, but worried about the villagers first, so it can be seen that he is a good person. village head.

He is also a good old man who thinks of his own village head, and when the old village head heard the words of An Xin, his face couldn't help but turn red, but when he looked at the words of An Xin, there was a touch of complexity.

"Don't blame me, Miss An, it's just that I've seen the old man a lot. Ten years ago, there were a lot of people who could not be saved. They all ran away. Almost half of the village chiefs died. Look at him now." At least half of this flat village is missing. In the beginning, the haunted house you lived in, you didn’t know that there were doctors and a lot of medicinal materials in it at the beginning, but when the drought and plague came, they left us and ran away , I haven't tried my best at all," when the old village chief looked at An Xin, there was sadness on his face.

That expression became much older in an instant, and at this moment when Li Li was hearing the words of the old village chief, he couldn't help showing that sad expression, "Do you know? Help, if they were willing to let the doctor come out, these things wouldn't happen, but they didn't, don't worry, you have to know, this kind of heart is very ugly, I don't dare to say how good my heart is, but I also know this morality, the village People inside, they drank water from a river. After such a big incident, they left without mercy. Isn’t that chilling? Anxin, I know what I said just now, it made you sad, but Anxin, are you A smart kid should understand better than the old man, "

The old village head looked at An Xin and said, and when An Xin heard the old village head's words, she never refuted the old village head's words, because she understood that she understood that when human nature is in crisis, you alone are not wise to protect yourself.

What's more, if I had never made Pingcun as my home at this moment, I am afraid that I would run away in the next second, but at this moment she regarded Pingcun as her home, her first home in another world, so she was reluctant at this moment.

And when Li Qinhua heard what the old village chief said, he didn't speak. Although Li Qinhua was young at that time, he had seen the severe drought that year. Indeed, many people died.

Although he was still young, he still remembered how painful it was to suffer from hunger and cold, so at this moment he naturally understood why his father would show that expression every time he thought about what happened back then.

At this time, Lizheng looked at the crowd and said, "Okay, village chief, you are talking about that matter now, first go find someone to talk to Anxin Mountain, and deal with the things on this mountain. After all, Anxin You’re right, if you don’t deal with this thing, something will happen eventually.”

When Li was seeing the atmosphere, he opened his mouth and said, after all, this is no longer the time to think about those things. At this moment, they still want to think about the things in front of them.

And when the old village head heard it, he nodded, "Okay, I'll arrange the manpower right now, don't worry, you wait, I'll be back soon,"

Speaking of which, the old village head walked out, and at this moment Li Qinhua looked at An Xin and said, "Sister An Xin, I will go with you, so I can take care of you."

Li Qinhua was a little worried that An Xin was alone on the mountain, so he opened his mouth and said, but An Xin quickly rejected him, "Brother Qinhua, don't go. Although your body is good, you are still worse than others after all. What's more, if you go, I'm afraid the village chief's grandfather will be seriously ill. I said, this matter can't be solved in a short while. If you really want to help, brother Qinhua, you can go to this city and give I will go to the county magistrate and tell him about this matter, so that the county magistrate will be prepared early,"

(End of this chapter)

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