pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 1116 The Plague Is Really Coming

Chapter 1116 The Plague Is Really Coming (5)
"Brother Li Qiang, you are dishonest. You are using me to stimulate them and make them work hard one by one. But brother Li Qiang, you are really good. Look at these people, each of them seems to have taken some medicine. It's the same." When An Xin heard Li Qiang's words, she looked at Humanity behind her with a smile.

Because although these people had strength at the moment, they all carried a lot of lime powder at the moment, so their faces were a little resentful, but at this moment, when Li Qiang said it, he immediately brought back the lost momentum.

At this moment, all the people were gritting their teeth, trying their best to keep up with An Xin, that's why An Xin said that Li Qiang was dishonest, and when Li Qiang heard it, he touched his head, and said An Xin smiled.

"Sister An, don't tell them that. If they find out, they might kill me alive. Keep it a secret from the elder brother." Very pitiful.

But when An Xin saw this, she nodded her head and said, "Okay, I've heard everything you say, and I won't talk nonsense," but she was thinking in her heart that after all, he was the son of that old fox. Not going anywhere honestly.

After all, Li Qiang is honest at this moment, but he is not stupid. When Li Qiang saw this, he smiled, and soon the two of them were on the road again, and when everyone approached.

When approaching that place, there was a burst of stench, and when the real people heard the stench, they couldn't help frowning one by one, and when An Xin saw this, they He turned his head and looked at the crowd.

"Uncles and uncles, you use the handkerchiefs I gave you just now to cover your mouth one by one. Remember not to take them off. After we go in, I can't guarantee that any accident will happen to you, so you'd better Be obedient and obedient," An Xin at this moment made everyone stop and look at them.

And when everyone heard this, they swallowed their saliva and looked at An Xin, their faces became different, and when An Xin saw this, he said again, "Everyone, listen first, go in here." Come out, come out, I will not guarantee the safety of each of you, but I will do my best to protect you, but you have to think clearly, there is danger, so,,,"

An Xin looked at the human beings around, and when the people around heard it, they swallowed one by one, especially when the smell was so pungent, their expressions changed a little.

Soon An Xin said again, "You can go back, but don't forget that behind this is your home. If you all leave now, the corpses of those rotting animals will be cleaned up every day. Think about it. One day, if there is a big problem, if you are willing to gamble and go back, I will not stop you at ease, but if something really happens to your home in the future? I will not care about it at ease, after all, you have also come here Now, knowing what will happen if you leave those things alone?"

An Xin looked at the crowd, and when they heard An Xin's words, they looked at An Xin one by one, and at this moment Li Qiang was the first to say, "I'll go in with Miss An, she's a little girl Don't be afraid, I'm an old man who is afraid of a ghost, not to mention that even if I don't care here now, I can't get in the way with Miss An, but she just followed, and I want to go in with you, think about it yourself Think, why not be as good as a little girl?"

Li Qiang looked at the people around, then took out an embroidered handkerchief in his arms, and covered his mouth with it, but when the people around saw this, they all hesitated.

(End of this chapter)

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