pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 1120 Anxin is sick, please subscribe for more updates

Chapter 1120 Anxin is sick, please subscribe for more updates (1)
When An Xin brought everyone back to the village, An Xin told everyone not to talk nonsense, but afterward, he gave a lot of people money, and then asked them to bring them to the village if they saw something was wrong. Come here.

And when the villagers heard it, they nodded their heads one by one, and when An Xin returned home, it was already almost noon, and when An Qiao saw An Xin coming back, he hurried over.

And when An Xin saw this, she stretched out her hand to block An Qiao, "Sister, don't come close to me, you prepare grapefruit leaves for me, and then prepare hot water for me to take a bath first, and you cook these mung beans for a few minutes in a row God, give it to the villagers, "

Mung bean has many effects, it can reduce inflammation and detoxify. Although I don't know if it has any effect at the moment, it can be used just in case. What's more, she doesn't have the heart at the moment, and she is looking for herbal medicine.

After all, she is also a person who can get tired and panic. She has never stopped all day long, and she is really very tired at this moment. After saving the ghost doctor, she has rescued Li Guicai again, and now she is going to this mountain.

Seeing a doctor for the villagers, this one thing, when I was busy at the beginning, I didn't feel it, but now I am really tired and panic, I really want to go to bed quickly.

If it weren't for the fear of having unclean things on her body at this moment, I'm afraid she would have to find a place to sleep casually at this moment, and at this moment, after An Xin separated from the villagers, she naturally made them all have to go back to take a bath. Grapefruit leaves to wash.

And when An Qiao saw An Xin's haggard appearance, he was taken aback for a moment, especially with that pale expression, he felt a little pity in his heart, and quickly asked his servants to prepare hot water for An Xin to take a good bath.

At this moment, An Qiao was never asking where An Xin went all day and night, but when the servant heard this, he prepared everything for An Xin, and when An Xin saw that the hot water was ready, he quickly took off his clothes. The clothes soaked the whole body in the hot water.

And when An Xin was soaking in the hot water, he asked An Qiao to take out his clothes and burn them with a big fire, and when An Qiao heard An Xin's words, he immediately nodded.

Then I took this part out, but under An Xin's order, when I took out the clothes, I wrapped them in cloth, and then I took out the clothes.

And when An Qiao took out the clothes, he handed over the clothes to the servants, and asked the servants to find a place to burn the clothes, and when the servants heard An Qiao's words, they nodded.

However, when he saw An Xin's clothes, he was slightly taken aback, but after hearing An Qiao's repeated instructions, he quickly took off the clothes, and at this moment, An Xin was soaking in water.

The whole person fell asleep unknowingly, and just when An Xin was about to slip into the water, a figure appeared in the room, and soon that person fished An Xin out of the water, and put his clothes on body.

"My good disciple, I knew you were in a bad mood. Let me catch you now, master." But when the man just hugged An Xin, he unexpectedly heard a voice behind him.

And when that person heard the voice at this moment, a look of helplessness flashed across his face, and soon the person's face was exposed in front of everyone, and at this moment, when Qin Yihan looked at the ghost doctor behind him, Immediately felt very helpless.

"Master and apprentice, this is just to be careful. I haven't come out after taking a bath for a long time, so I just went in. Master, don't talk nonsense," Qin Yihan has learned about his unscrupulous master, so He doesn't plan to be teaching at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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