pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 1122 Anxin is sick, please subscribe for more updates

Chapter 1122 Anxin is sick, please subscribe for more updates (3)
It's just that at this moment, when the ghost doctor saw Qin Yihan walking out, his expression became a little puzzled, and then he checked An Xin's pulse again, but this time he didn't notice any movement.

When the ghost doctor saw this, he couldn't help being surprised, "Could it be a mistake just now? It's just really strange, there was obviously a moment, and the pulse was a little weird, but when he was feeling the pulse, he didn't feel it. Is everything all right again?"

In fact, when the ghost doctor was treating An Xin just now, he found that An Xin's pulse was a little strange. It was just because Qin Yihan was there that he didn't say anything about it at the beginning. It's just that after Qin Yihan left, when the ghost doctor was taking the pulse, Immediately he frowned.

Because at this moment, An Xin is in good health, and there is nothing unusual about it, and when the ghost doctor saw this, he couldn't help thinking, maybe he made a mistake, it seems that he didn't wake up for long, so he made a mistake. Incorrect.

Thinking of this, the ghost doctor nodded, and then walked out, and when the ghost doctor was walking out, An Xin also opened his eyes, and looked at the ghost doctor when he was walking away. , that expression couldn't help being slightly taken aback.

Soon he came down from the bed, then walked away from the dressing table, looked at his face, and was feeling his own pulse. The ghost doctor didn't care about what he said just now, but now An Xin did.

After all, I touched the corpse at the beginning, so it is inevitable that I will contract some kind of disease and come back at this moment. When An Xin saw this, she felt her own pulse, but there was still no movement after feeling the pulse for a long time.

And when An Xin saw this, she frowned immediately, quickly put on the clothes, and then opened the door to go out. At this moment, Qin Yihan had just asked his servants to serve An Xin with food.

But seeing that An Xin put on her clothes again and was about to go out, when she saw this, she immediately frowned, "Where are you going? You didn't feel well just now, are you really going out when you go out?"

The expression on her face is comparable to that of this ghost, where is this girl going now, and when An Xin heard Qin Yihan's words, she was taken aback for a moment, and soon arrived, "I have something to discuss with the ghost doctor. Do not touch anything in the room, and you will not come to my room again in the future. The dishes and chopsticks I use are separate from yours. Lime powder is sprinkled around the room. Sprinkle me with grapefruit leaves, "

When An Xin saw Qin Yihan, she took a step back subconsciously. If she was seriously ill at this moment, it would be better if she had less contact with these people. Although the ghost doctor's words were only for a moment, it just made An Xin stay. profound impact.

And when Qin Yihan heard An Xin's words, he frowned, and couldn't help looking at An Xin, "Did something happen? Where did you go during this day and night? Tell me quickly." ,"

As he spoke, he wanted to get closer to An Xin, but An Xin turned his head and said, "I told you, don't come here if you have nothing to do. In the future, none of you will be allowed to enter my room. If you want to do laundry, don't go to the river to wash your clothes." Well, I have to use the well water at home for food and drink, I still have things to do at the moment, and I will talk about it in the future, "

Speaking of An Xin, she jumped over Qin Yihan, and then walked past the maid, and when the maid saw this, she looked at An Xin, and then she looked at Qin Yihan and said, "Young Master Qin, what should we do?" manage?"

After all, what the lady said just now was so surprising that she couldn't react for a while, but now when Qin Yihan heard it, he turned around and said, "Then do as she said, I will go first and then come ,"

(End of this chapter)

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