pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 1124 Anxin is sick, please subscribe for more updates

Chapter 1124 Anxin is sick, please subscribe for more updates (5)
Unfortunately, she has not only encountered this corpse, but also touched it. After all, there is no such thing as gloves in ancient times, and she is not a forger. It may be waiting for the magistrate of this county to decide.

And when the ghost doctor heard An Xin's words, when he looked at An Xin, his face changed slightly, "Extend your hand and I'll show you,"

And at this moment, the ghost doctor couldn't help but look ugly, after all, the girl in front of him was his apprentice daughter-in-law, if something really happened, he couldn't explain it to Qin Yihan.

When An Xin saw this, she stretched out her hand, but there was no change on her face, and the ghost doctor frowned after looking at it, and then said, "Put out your tongue too, ,"

And when An Xin saw this, she stuck out her tongue, and soon the ghost doctor looked at her tongue, and then said, "An Xin, listen to me first, I'm not sure about this, but you're You are in good health, and there is nothing unusual about it, just rest assured that you'd better stay alone, because you touched the corpse, I don't know if you have already been infected, so if you want to stay for a few days, I will check and check , In addition, tell me about the place where you burned the body, I'm going to check it out, and see what's inside the ashes, "

And when An Xin heard what the ghost doctor said, she nodded and said, "There are twenty people going with me, you ask them to bring them all, and stay in the room in the backyard of our general. In addition, there is one more thing this time, and it is up to the ghost doctor to teach you."

An Xin looked at the ghost doctor, and when the ghost doctor heard it, he couldn't help showing a suspicious look on his face, then looked at An Xin, and motioned for An Xin to continue, but there was already something in his heart. It is a hunch that this matter may not end well at this moment.

"Ghost doctor, after hearing my words, I hope you can help me. I found many animal corpses on this mountain, and the cause was caused by this human corpse. died, and the animal carcasses were eaten when they came back, and I am afraid that you have guessed something by analogy, Mr. Ghost Doctor, "

And when the ghost doctor heard An Xin's words, the hand that was holding the cup tightly clenched for an instant, and when he looked at An Xin, he couldn't help showing a hint of shock.

Soon An Xin continued, "There is one more thing, which is more important. This rotten blood has flowed into the river, and many people have drunk it at this moment, so I want to ask the ghost doctor to help me. Check it out for me, I will gather the twenty or so people together and treat them one by one, and you, the ghost doctor, show me the bodies of the villagers, the ghost doctor is in trouble, "

And when the ghost doctor heard An Xin's words, he looked at An Xin, and couldn't help changing his face, but in the end he still nodded, looked at An Xin, "I owe you my old lady!" Now, don't worry, old lady, I'll take care of you, you're just my apprentice daughter-in-law, don't do anything to me, you go and handle your own business."

And when An Xin heard the ghost doctor's words, she nodded, then walked out of the ghost doctor's room, and then asked the servants to call the 20 people over one by one, and then looked at the ghost doctor. When An Xin left the room, he sighed.

"Stupid apprentice, come out, there will be no problems with this girl's fate," and when the ghost doctor's words fell, Qin Yihan came out from the dark, but at this moment, Qin Yihan's expression was a little ugly .

(End of this chapter)

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