pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 1134 Inducement

Chapter 1134 Inducement (1)
The aunt walked over in a pretty way, but when she saw An Xin, she was taken aback for a moment, her expression flashed a bit of embarrassment, but she recovered quickly.

Just looking at An Xin's gaze, it seemed a bit dark. When the aunt saw An Xin, she immediately had a bad premonition in her heart, and a little panic flashed in her eyes.

Because at this moment, the aunt thinks that the arrival of An Xin is fundamentally for this little girl, Huang Tian, ​​and his son, but at this moment, the aunt is mistaken, An Xin is not here for this matter at all. .

But at this moment, when Jun Qian Jun saw this aunt running out in a flashy manner, a sternness flashed in his eyes, and he said coldly, "What are you doing here? Didn't I tell you Is it? If you have nothing to do, don't come out, you took my words as a deaf ear? "

When Jun Qianjun saw this aunt coming out, his face was cold. He was very displeased with this woman running out on her own, because in his mind, women should be obedient and obedient.

At this moment, when the auntie heard what Jun Qianjun said, she was taken aback for a moment, and soon she showed a charming smile, and her voice was also a bit charming, "Master, concubine, don't you look at me, master?" You have worked hard, so I brought you something to the master, the concubine disturbed the master, it is really a crime, "

For Jun Qian Jun's anger, although the aunt was also afraid, she quickly reflected it, and then walked to Jun Qian Jun's side, holding Jun Qian Jun's hand, muttering coquettishly.

And when Jun Qianjun saw this, he glanced at the aunt lightly, but the expression on his face was much better, and when the aunt saw this, she suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

It's just that at this moment, the great aunt has never seen that Jun Qianjun sneaked a glance at An Xin in a place she had never seen. The aunt's cold eyes only slightly faded a lot.

After all, for him, this woman is not lacking, so the current aunt is the same for him, but this An Xin is different. Although she is a woman, she is not an ordinary woman. Even if it's a man, it can't compare to her.

But at this moment, the great aunt is going against An Xin, so if there is a trace of disgust on An Xin's face at this moment, this woman will not be able to stay at this moment, although it is a pity, but compared to the future, a small woman is considered What?
"Okay, you go down first, don't come out without my order, I have something to talk to Miss An, don't let anyone disturb you later," Jun Qianjun waved his hand to the aunt .

At this moment, when the auntie heard what Jun Qian Jun said, she showed a slight bit of unwillingness on her face, but she still obediently retreated, after all, she dared not go against this Jun Qian Jun.

But at this moment, An Xin gently picked up the teacup after watching the aunt go down, and then there was a trace of mockery on the corner of her mouth, "It's true that women are like clothes, Mr. Jun, you can be willing."

An Xin looked at Jun Qian Jun and said, and when Jun Qian Jun heard it, he also smiled, and then walked up to An Xin and said, "Miss An, you are joking, I just look at her a little earlier I offended Miss An, so I just wanted to make amends. What's more, Miss An, you are wrong. How can women compare with clothes? After all, clothes can't be taken off by others, but women are different Yes, of course Miss An you are an exception, "

(End of this chapter)

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