pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 1139 Concealing and Not Reporting

Chapter 1139 Concealing and Not Reporting (2)
The ghost doctor's words made Qin Yihan feel like a thunderbolt from the blue sky. Qin Yihan looked at the ghost doctor stupidly, with an expression of disbelief, "Could it be that master, this plague has really reached the point where you can't do anything about it?"

He didn't believe that his master would give up so easily, and now he said he was going to give up, did that mean that there was really no way to save it, and when the ghost doctor heard Qin Yihan's words, he shook his head.

"This plague is not completely rejected, but you have to know, fool, your master is a man or not a god. Give him half a year, and the master may come up with an antidote, but this plague will not give it to you." We have time, not to mention that we will be in danger even if we stay, so we will not take risks as a teacher," the ghost doctor looked at Qin Yihan and said.

Although this plague is fierce and ferocious, it is not impossible at this moment, as long as I give myself half a year, I will definitely find a solution, but no one knows what changes will happen during this half year?
What's more, even she is afraid of the ferocity of the plague, so she doesn't dare to take the risk of staying here for a long time. After all, if she stays here for a long time, she may also get sick. What's more, she is a ghost doctor, not a doctor. It's not my business from beginning to end.

The reason why she stayed at this moment was only because of the kindness owed to that girl, and at this moment, in the next few days, she was just doing her best. If there was really no way to solve her problem in the next few days, she would leave. What's more, she also has her own affairs to go, and she doesn't want Qin Yihan to take risks.

When Qin Yihan heard the ghost doctor's words, his expression turned cold for a moment, and then he looked at the ghost doctor, but he didn't say much, "Then I will trouble the master in the next few days." ,"

He is very clear about the ghost doctor's personality. After all, ghost doctors do not treat them three times. If she hadn't had the heart to treat these people in normal times, he also knew that half of the ghost doctor would agree to An Xin. Because of myself.

After all, it is already the biggest step backward for a person who regards people as ants to take action at this moment, and the ghost doctor didn't say much when he saw Qin Yihan's appearance.

Just based on what Qin Yihan said just now, the ghost doctor believed that Qin Yihan might not go with him at this moment. When he thought of this, the ghost doctor's face changed a little, but he sighed and shook his head very quickly. left.

This temperament is really similar to his own, but soon the ghost doctor shook his head, whether it is self-inflicted or not, that's all, I hope that stinky girl can think of a good way? !

But at this moment, An Xin didn't know what the ghost doctor was thinking at this moment. If An Xin knew the ghost doctor's thoughts, he might not have left even half a step.

In fact, the reason why An Xin was tricked was intentional at all. After all, at this moment, Jun Qianjun wanted to catch his own affairs, and there was no way to change it. mean.

And An Xin in the carriage at this moment, when he opened his eyes, he looked around, and when he saw the surroundings, a slight sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, Jun Qian Jun, you old man You can't lose money by stealing chickens.

Soon An Xin sat in the carriage, and then looked outside the carriage. When he saw the dark sky, he began to estimate the time. It should have been a day and a night since he came out now.

Although An Xin was tricked on purpose, but for the sake of authenticity, An Xin also secretly touched her own sleeping point, but at this moment, it seems that she was thinking exactly the same as when she set off.

But even if Jun Qianjun tied him up, it's not impossible for him to untie him. It's just that he looked outside with peace of mind at this moment, and couldn't help but feel worried for Pingxiang. It will only make this flat village worse and worse.

In fact, the reason why An Xin let Jun Qian Jun kidnap her was to allow Jun Qian Jun to leave the Xun County. After all, if this Jun Qian Jun didn't leave Xun County, there would inevitably be troubles.

It's just that if he kidnaps himself at this moment, then Jun Qian Jun will naturally leave Xun County. Of course, even if he runs away halfway, Jun Qian Jun probably won't be in the mood to go back and chase him, let alone himself. Let them find themselves running.

Seven days, isn't it?Although An Xin took you to his own sleeping hole, she still vaguely heard Jun Qian Jun's words. When she thought of Jun Qian Jun's words, an evil flashed in An Xin's eyes, that evil smile With a bit of bad taste, Jun Qianjun, you wait.

An Xin looked at the carriage not far away, and smiled coldly, but when she thought of Ping Village, An Xin was unavoidably worried, but fortunately she had this ghost doctor at the moment, otherwise she would not dare to leave Ping Village Half a step away, I hope the ghost doctor can find a way to suppress the plague.

But at this moment, the carriage stopped suddenly, and when the carriage stopped, An Xin quickly closed her eyes, and just as An Xin closed her eyes, she heard someone talking.

"How long do you think it will take us to leave this ghost place? Just now you heard that, not long ago, the capital city has issued an order to seal off this Xun County and the adjacent Lin County, especially this Xun County. County, if we don't hurry up, I'm afraid we won't be able to get out of this ghost place," and at this moment, An Xin heard the voices of discussions around the carriage.

And when An Xin heard it, she quickly closed her eyes and listened quietly, "Don't worry, we will leave the boundary of this county soon, but to be honest, this county is really unlucky." Well, the plague happened at this time, and you don't know, I just heard from the second master that the officials below are planning to hide this matter and not report it, and they will say it after the queen's birthday is over, "

It's just that the next sentence made this feel at ease, and the look on his face for a moment was completely darkened, and he didn't report it?What are these people thinking?
(End of this chapter)

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