pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 1145: Xiao Yanran Kills the Killer

Chapter 1145: Xiao Yanran Kills the Killer (2)
He said he wanted to see how he, the young master, had embarrassed her. It was probably intentional to say that he was uncomfortable. Thinking of An Xin's disgust, Jun Qingyan was very upset. .

Since he was a child, others have been posting about him, but at this moment, some people dislike him, which will naturally make the good Jun Qianjun very upset, and at this moment, when An Xin heard Jun Qingyan's words, the smile on his face was also cold. A little bit, but he didn't say anything more.

But at this moment, Xiangyue on the side suddenly said, "Eldest young master Cui'er is young, why don't you let the servant take care of the young master, the servant is afraid that this clumsy Cui'er will displease the young master."

Xiangyue's face was also a bit ugly, especially when he heard Jun Qingyan say that he was about to feel at ease, and at this moment when Jun Qingyan heard Xiangyue's words, he looked Looking at Xiangyue, there was a hint of coldness on his expression.

"She doesn't know how to take care of this young master, so is it possible that you will? It's your turn to intervene in this young master's affairs, so get out of this young master," Jun Qingyan looked at Xiang Yue and said, but Xiang Yue listened When he arrived, there was a trace of sadness in his eyes, and then the expression on his lips became more and more beautiful, and he walked out quietly.

At this moment, when Jun Qingyan saw this, she also got up and went upstairs, but when she went upstairs, she also told An Xin to go to her room for a while, and at this moment, An Xin She also agreed with a smile and shyly.

But after Jun Qingyan left, An Xin walked back to Tweety'er's room with an excuse, and when she saw Tweety'er fainted, she walked up to Tweety'er and gave Tweety's acupuncture points untied.

And when Cui'er woke up, she seemed to be taken aback, but soon An Xin covered her mouth, "Do you want to be a young mistress?"

And when Tweety heard this, she nodded subconsciously, and when An Xin saw this, a smile appeared on her lips, and then she approached Tweet and said, "I'll give you a chance, you guys just now The master asked me to take care of Jun Qingyan by name, and now you enter the room instead of me, but if you slipped your mouth, then you will be considered empty-handed at that time, and you might be thrown out by your young master. Choose, do you want to go?"

An Xin looked at Tweety and said, and at this moment, when Tweety heard An Xin's words and looked at An Xin's face that was exactly like her own, she nodded fiercely, although she was very afraid of An Xin at this moment.

It's just that when she heard An Xin's words, she couldn't help but her heart fluttered again, because she had liked this young master for a long time, and she would naturally not let go of such a good opportunity at this moment.

It's just that when Tweety looked at An Xin, her eyes looked gloomy, but she didn't show it, but she was thinking in her heart, if she really became the concubine, she would be the first to let this woman go .

It's just that Tweety doesn't know at this moment, An Xin has already seen Tweety's thoughts, but she doesn't pay attention to Tweety, "Tweety, don't blame me for not reminding you, if you exposed that when you were eating just now, If that person is not you, I dare say you will be thrown out by Jun Qingyan, even if it is the same face, if it is a different person, what will happen if you talk about the young master, well, go quickly, this young master waiting for you,"

But at this moment, when Cui'er heard An Xin's words, she looked at An Xin with a little bit of surprise, but also a little bit of panic, because what An Xin said at this moment was something she had thought about from the beginning. of.

That is to be frank and lenient with Jun Qingyan, but at this moment, when An Xin said it, Tweeter immediately dispelled the idea, and at this moment when An Xin saw Tweety walking out, she lay down alone. On the bed, he looked a little thoughtful.

What is Jun Qing Yan Dao doing here at this moment?Why do you want to come to this kind of place?After all, Xun County is not a good place at the moment, but when An Xin thought about it and still couldn't think of the answer, she sighed.

It's just that in the next second, someone pushed the door and walked in, and when she heard the sound of the door pushing, An Xin quickly closed her eyes, but when An Xin squinted her eyes, she saw a green dress appearing in front of her. It's in my sight.

And when An Xin's touch of green, I don't know why?In the next second, he thought of Xiao Yanran, but soon An Xin realized that he was right in thinking, because the person who came was really Xiao Yanran, not Anhao this woman.

And at this moment when Xiao Yanran opened the door and walked in, she saw An Xin sleeping on the bed, and when she saw that delicate little face with distorted scars, she smiled instantly stand up.

"You have today, little bitch, you also have today, little bitch," he said, walking in front of An Xin, and at this moment, his expression was also crazy, especially when he looked at An Xin, his eyes became even more distorted When she was young, at this moment, where did she still have that charming and picturesque beauty with a smile, what was just a distorted face of evil spirits.

But at this moment, when An Xin heard Xiao Yanran's words, she immediately frowned. No matter how she looked at it, this woman seemed to have a deep hatred for herself?It's just that she didn't remember where she had such a deep hatred with her, eh,,,

Soon An Xin sighed, it seemed that the An family member really had a lingering ghost, and at this moment An Xin felt someone pinching her neck, and then there was a desperate force, and when When An Xin felt it, she subconsciously opened her eyes.

But it quickly reflected, "Speak,,, you,, help,," when An Xin opened her eyes, she desperately patted Xiao Yanran's arm, and then her expression was even more cheerful than pushing Xiao Yanran aside. It hurts.

It's just that An Xin was sneering in her heart at this moment, and there was a hint of mockery on her expression. She didn't resist at the moment, but just watched and then she didn't deal with this woman, so she wrote An Xin backwards, and Jun Qingyan and Jun Qianjun , Sure enough, the old fox himself was not at ease, but he let a little woman come to test him out. It really makes people like him.

(End of this chapter)

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