pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 1148: A woman’s heart is cruel to a woman

Chapter 1148: A woman’s heart is cruel to a woman (1)
The moon is black and the wind is blowing, the cold wind is piercing and chilly, Tweety who has already gone out has also returned, but at this moment Tweety has a trace of sadness and joy on her face, especially when she sees An Xin, Even more so.

It's just that An Xin didn't pay attention to Tweety at this moment, why did she look at her with a trace of murderous intent, because for her, Tweety at this moment was already meat on the chopping board for her to slaughter.

And after midnight, An Xin asked Tweety to stay in the room instead of herself. At first Tweety was unwilling, but when An Xin said that if her identity was discovered by others, then she would definitely drag Tweety into the water At this time, Tweety nodded with resentment and agreed to An Xin's request.

And after An Xin saw Tweety nodded in agreement, she quickly changed into her clothes and walked out. After going out, she came to Jun Qingyan's room, and at this moment in Jun Qingyan's room, this smiling He was also inside, playing the piano for Jun Qingyan.

Although An Xin doesn't know the sound of the qin, she can still hear it. The sound of the qin is very charming. This woman has really worked hard. She has already transformed this person in just one year. up.

If it weren't for the hatred in her eyes that didn't hide the peace of mind at the moment, I would have doubted whether this smiling Yanran was that An Hua back then. Women are indeed terrifying creatures. They obviously look so weak, but they have deadly poison.

At this moment, when Jun Qingyan was listening to the music, her eyes suddenly turned cold, and soon the teacup in her hand was thrown straight at An Xin, and when An Xin saw this, she quickly avoided Jun Qing Yan's attack.

"Since the visitor is here, why bother to hide his head and show his tail?" Jun Qingyan looked around coldly and said, and at this moment, when Xiao Yanran heard Jun Qingyan's words, she also stopped playing the piano in her hand.

Then she stood up and looked around, with a vigilant expression, "What happened to Young Master Jun?" Xiao Yanran walked to Jun Qingyan, and looked at Jun Qingyan with some concern.

It's just that although the expression was a little worried, there was no panic on the face, but a calmness that is rare for women. When Jun Qingyan saw this, she stretched out her hand to block Xiao Yanran behind her, and smiled, " Yanran, you step back, "

It's just that before he opened his mouth, he saw a cold light flying towards him. Seeing Jun Qingyan at this time, he hugged Xiao Yanran, and tapped his toes on the ground, and soon the whole person smiled towards Yan Ran. Back up.

But at this moment, when Jun Qingyan and Xiao Yanran backed away, a black shadow suddenly appeared in the room of the two of them, and as soon as they saw the two, they directly attacked Jun Qingyan, and when Jun Qingyan Seeing this, she also pushed Xiao Yanran not far away, and also greeted the visitor.

Soon the two fought for hundreds of rounds, and at this moment, the man in black felt relieved. After fighting with Jun Qingyan, he frowned involuntarily, and quickly turned his sword to Xiao Yanran who was not far away.

And when Xiaoyanran saw the sword edge, she was slightly taken aback for a moment, but soon realized it, and then hurriedly stepped back a few steps, pulled down the curtain beside her, and blocked it in front of An Xin.

But at this moment, when Jun Qingyan saw An Xin attacking Xiao Yanran, his expression turned dark immediately, and he hurried up to rescue Xiao Yanran, "What kind of hero is a despicable villain attacking a woman who has no strength to restrain a chicken?" ,"

It's just that at this moment, Jun Qingyan was originally trying to stop An Xin, but when he was just approaching An Xin, An Xin turned around and directly pierced her abdomen with a sword, "Mr. Jun is right, attacking this woman is despicable, if so That uncle is just as you wish," at this moment, An Xin's voice was filled with a strange laugh, which made people sound uncomfortable, especially those dark eyes, which made people look a little bit It's cold.

(End of this chapter)

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