pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 1155 The Plague Spreads

Chapter 1155 The Plague Spreads (1)
"Yan Ran?!" When Jun Qingyan heard An Xin's words, a slight chill flashed in Jun Qingyan's eyes subconsciously. Bloody.

"What did you do to Yan Ran?" Jun Qingyan looked at An Xin and said, with a trace of anger on his expression, especially when he saw that smiling face, he wanted to give An Xin a knife.

When An Xin heard Jun Qingyan's words, she touched her cheek, then peeled off the human skin mask, and then revealed the distorted and scarred cheek, "You don't know what you did? What's more, if I tell you now, what can you do?"

An Xin smiled and said, but there was a trace of coldness in her eyes, she was smiling so innocently, but it gave people a sinister look, and when Jun Qingyan heard it, her expression immediately turned cold .

Soon, he dodged and attacked An Xin. When An Xin saw this, the dagger in his hand also stabbed at Jun Qingyan. Soon the two were in a confrontational state. At this moment, An Xin's dagger was placed on the ground. Jun Qingyan's neck, and Jun Qingyan's fingers aimed at An Xin's main artery.

"Unexpectedly, Young Master Jun, you cared so much about Xiao Yanran. It really surprised the little girl, but Young Master Jun, do you think you can keep me?" An Xin looked at Jun Qing's face and said with a fearless expression.

As long as the man in front of her cares about Xiao Yanran, she will have a chance to leave, as long as this man doesn't give up Xiao Yanran, at this moment he has already lost half of the game. Gambling her life, she bet that Jun Qingyan would be reluctant to smile.

"You think that a mere woman can stop me, then you underestimate me, Jun Qingyan," Jun Qingyan smiled coldly when she heard An Xin's words, and when An Xin heard When it was time, his expression became even more coquettish.

"Master Jun, you can give it a try. Little girls are born cheap. If you have the opportunity to enter the underworld with Master Jun and Miss Xiao, you will die in peace." , An Xin's neck was stained red with blood, but at this moment An Xin still smiled and said nothing.

"Something happened to the young master, Miss Xiao's room suddenly caught fire," and at this moment, a maid suddenly ran in outside the gate, and when Jun Qingyan heard it, she turned her head.

It's just that when he turned around, An Xin kicked at that moment, hitting Jun Qingyan's already injured abdomen. After kicking, An Xin jumped out of the window.

But at this moment, when Jun Qingyan saw An Xin run away, her expression twisted in an instant, especially the stinging pain from the abdominal wound made Jun Qingyan feel even more ashamed.

At this moment, this is completely a disgrace to Jun Qingyan. He will definitely tear this woman into pieces. After all, this is the first time in his history that he has been hurt by a woman. She is teasing her like a monkey. How can this not make Jun Qingyan angry.

It's just that Jun Qingyan doesn't know at this moment that there will be things that will make him angry in the future. Only then did he know that he was not just being tricked by a woman, but it was too late for everything at that time.

But at this moment when An Xin jumped out of the window, she saw a figure standing there on the burning window not far away, when she saw this, An Xin was slightly taken aback and smiled sweetly.

When she saw Xiao Yanran standing at the window, An Xin understood in an instant, maybe it was Xiao Yanran who deliberately set her room on fire in order to let her go, and this woman did it.

(End of this chapter)

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