pastoral peasant girl in space

1162 Chapter 6 Returning with Ten Thousand Changes

1162 Chapter 6 Returning with Ten Thousand Changes ([-])
"Han,,, don't be like this, don't laugh, I get chills when I laugh," An Xin stepped back desperately, no matter who she met before, she would not have the slightest fear, but at this moment facing Qin Yihan's sinister When she smiled gloomyly, she felt chills from the bottom of her heart to the soles of her feet.

"Oh, did Xin'er tell me not to laugh?" Qin Yihan looked at An Xin with a dangerous gaze in his eyes, and then approached An Xin step by step. He looked like a hunter chasing the caught prey, especially at this moment. With anger, the little prey felt dangerous.

"Han, I know I'm wrong, don't come here," An Xin took a few steps back from Qin Yihan's words, and the smile on her face couldn't hold back, "Han, at most, I won't be injured next time." After returning, "Han, you have to believe in me, I will definitely do what I say,"

Nima, today's Qin Yihan is so scary, especially with that gaze that seems to tear him apart alive, when he thinks of An Xin, he looks at Qin Yihan pitifully, but at this moment Qin Yihan doesn't seem to be softening his heart at all.

"Ha,,, next time? Emotional heart, you still think about the next time!" Regarding An Xin's words, Qin Yihan suddenly smiled, with a bit of interest in the smile, especially when he said the next time, he immediately felt uncomfortable. Let An Xin know that the tiger plucked its hair today.

"It hurts..." The next second, An Xin hugged her wound, then squatted on the ground and twitched, and at this moment, her small face was also full of pain, and when Qin Yihan saw An Xin's appearance, she kept looking No action.

But after a while, he sighed, "You girl, what do you want me to do with you?" He hugged An Xin, and walked to the other side of the bed with a trace of loneliness in his expression.

What should he do with her in front of him?What exactly does he have to do to protect her completely, so that she will not get hurt so that she can be completely safe from any danger, "Be careful girl, what exactly do you want me to do, so that you can hide under my wings with peace of mind ? '

It's just that Qin Yihan didn't ask at this moment, because Qin Yihan knew very well that the woman in front of him would never be able to hide under his wings for the rest of his life, and if she was hiding at that time, she would not be his careful girl.

"Han, I'm sorry for making you worry." Seeing Qin Yihan's lonely gaze, An Xin felt a little uncomfortable, then hugged Qin Yihan back, and said in a muffled voice. She knew that Qin Yihan was angry because he was worried about her, and she also knew that Qin Yihan was angry. It's because he cares about himself that he shows her face.

She knows more about where the helplessness in Qin Yihan's eyes comes from, but even if she knows all this at this moment, she still has no way to control it, because she is An Xin, who is An Xin who is not afraid of anything, and whoever will not be able to live in peace for a lifetime The peace of mind, so the only thing she can give is sorry.

"Say sorry here, it's better to protect yourself, don't make me worry, because you don't need to say sorry, I didn't protect you well," Qin Yihan put An Xin on the bed, and then covered An Xin with a quilt.

It was because he didn't protect her well, and what reason could he blame her at this moment? Thinking of this, when Qin Yihan looked at An Xin's abdomen, he also felt a little pity, "Why don't you get injured and recover well before you come back?"

After speaking, he put his hand on An Xin's abdomen, looked at An Xin with a gentle expression, and when An Xin heard it, he also smiled, "It's just a small injury, tomorrow I can be alive and kicking..."

It's just that before he finished speaking, when he saw Qin Yihan's face was dark, he quickly changed his words, "I'm not worried about something happening at home, so..."

(End of this chapter)

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