pastoral peasant girl in space

1164 Chapter 8 Returning with Ten Thousand Changes

1164 Chapter 8 Returning with Ten Thousand Changes ([-])
As he spoke, he said coquettishly, facing An Xin's coquettishness, Qin Yihan lightly patted An Xin's forehead, knowing that you would smile like this, "Okay, let's go down, aren't you going to Auntie?" ,"

This girl only behaves well when she gets a good deal. How could this girl be like this in normal times? But when An Xin heard Qin Yihan's words, she smiled and lowered her head in embarrassment. Did she rely too much on his favor? Presumptuous?

It's just that she can't deny that because of this man's love, she feels more and more that she wants a girl, a girl who is held in the palm of others, not a robot made of steel. Robots who care.

Soon An Xin and Qin Yihan came to An's room, but when they came to An's room, the two of them didn't hug each other anymore, but walked away in a proper manner, although An Xin didn't care about all this , but Qin Yihan didn't want An Xin to get a bad reputation.

When An Xin came to An's room, she immediately covered her nose. At this moment, the room was filled with a smell of medicine, which made An Xin frowned. The smell of vomiting made An Xin's nose suffer even more.

Soon An Xin walked in, and when she walked in, she saw that An was lying on the bed with a stretched face, with frowning between her brows, as if she was in some kind of pain.

"Mother, are you okay?" Seeing An's rosy face in the past, but now not in human form, An Xin felt a little uncomfortable, her nose was slightly sore, this disease is really tormenting.

"Xin'er?" An Shi was in a daze, when he heard An Xin's voice, he opened his eyes and looked not far away, and when he saw An Xin, he said, "Xin'er, go out quickly,, , Ouch,,, mother will infect you with the disease, you just take good care of them, don’t come in,,,”

When An Xin saw An Xin walking in, she hurriedly said, fearing that An Xin would also get sick in the next second, when An Xin heard An Xin's words, she shook her head lightly, then walked to An's side, "Don't worry, this ghost doctor is about to find a solution, don't be afraid that it won't infect me, mother, don't worry about what's there, don't worry, everything will be fine,"

An Xin walked to An Shi's side and said, and then held An Shi's hand. At this moment, An Xin also understood from An Shi's tone. I am afraid that An Shi still doesn't know about An Youcai at this moment. It could be so peaceful.

That's right, Anshi is very calm at this moment, waiting for death calmly, accepting all this calmly, seeing the calm Anshi, An Xin doesn't know what to say for a while?This mother of hers probably has the heart of letting nature take its course, that is, if she can't live and die, it's not bad.

It's just that An Xin's face turned a little distorted in the next second, "Mother, don't you want to take medicine?! Mother, why don't you take medicine?" An Xin gently touched An's hair, and said, That expression didn't change much, but An Shi knew that An Xin was angry.

"I didn't?" An said when she heard An Xin's words, trying to defend herself, but at this moment An Xin looked at An Shi coldly, and her expression became cold to the bone.

"Mother, if you want to die, tell Xin'er directly that there is no need to throw away the medicine. Xin'er is not so inhumane that she would refuse your request, but at this moment, mother, you are so half-dead, you are really causing trouble for sister," An Xin looked at Talking to An Shi, the voice was like a knife blade, cutting An Shi's heart one by one.

An Shi looked at An Xin in disbelief, as if saying, 'How can you say something?I'm a mother' with a normal expression, but at this moment An Xin smiled coldly.

"Do you still know it's my mother? Do you know it's my sister's talented mother? Mother, we're messing around, why do you still want to meddle? Go out and have a look for me, see my sister, see the talented ones, you guys are always What are you doing? What are you doing?" When An Xin saw An Shi's gaze, she immediately felt amused.

At this moment, this woman is actually pouring out the medicine like others. She is really causing trouble for herself more and more. I took her pulse just now and found that An's pulse has never been used at all. Even if there is that It's just a tiny sign.

An Xin's face twisted when she thought of An's not taking the medicine and pouring it out, because the wound of being angry was also affected in the next moment, "Don't be angry,"

Qin Yihan put his hand on An Xin's shoulder, and patted An Xin's back lightly, so that An Xin's anger could gradually calm down, but he just looked at An Xin, but he didn't agree with him, and he also sighed that this mother and daughter really let her down. People worry.

"Xin'er, listen to me, mother doesn't think that way, mother..." After being exposed by An Shi, she panicked for a moment. She wanted to explain all this, but when she faced An Xin's cold gaze, she couldn't help it. There is no way to explain the slightest.

"Explain all this? Mother, do you want to say, let my sister and I stop wasting time on you, let us leave by ourselves, don't let you be dragged down, let us abandon you, let you fend for yourself, do you want to say You just didn't want to drag us down, that's why you poured out the medicine?!" An Xin looked at An Shi and said word by word.

And seeing An's hearing An Xin's words, every word and every word not only beat An's heart, she thought that she just didn't want to drag them down, could it be wrong?
"Mother, thank you for your kindness, thank you for your self-assertion every time, thank you for always thinking of us so much, but when will you learn to really love us, mother?" said An Xin and looked at An Shi mockingly, Her self-righteousness again and again, but she didn't know that was the most hurtful.

(End of this chapter)

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