pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 1166 The Death of Shi Yueran

Chapter 1166 The Death of Shi Yueran (2)
And when An Xin heard Qin Yihan's words, she looked not far away, and then said calmly, her voice was a little far away, and there was also a hollowness, and there was a trace of worry on that delicate little face, "Han, what do you say?" Am I a little cruel, knowing that my sister is outside but still saying those hurtful words, "

In fact, the figure just now was An Qiao. After all, An Qiao didn't have any kung fu. Even if he walked lightly, he still made An Xin feel good. But when An Xin knew that An Qiao was outside, she never stopped talking to An. , it seems that she is really cruel and cruel.

As soon as Qin Yihan heard An Xin's words, he rubbed An Xin's beautiful hair and said, "Why should Xin'er care so much, let alone as long as Xin'er thinks it's right, and she knows An Xin's sister very well, she knows Xin'er It's good for her,"

When Qin Yihan saw An Xin's expression, he opened his mouth and said to An Xin, but An Qiao shook his head and smiled, but she was not kind to An Qiao, but only for her own good, for her own sake.

Although what An Xin did made An Xin very angry at the beginning, but later on she was no longer angry, because she didn't care, so naturally she wouldn't be angry, but when she was about to leave, she found that An Qiao was outside , That's why he said the following words to An Shi.

As expected, she hasn't changed in the slightest, but that's fine, if you don't know the person you love, then don't love, since An Shi wants to seek death like this, she won't stop her, let alone An Xin looks not far away, An Qiao should grow up at this moment big.

She can't be an obedient daughter under An's wing, because An's is really not worthy of being a mother at this moment, a woman who hurts her own child one after another, such a mother doesn't want it.

Soon An Xin didn't pay attention to Anshi, but asked others to send some soup to Anshi. If Anshi was throwing away those soup medicines, then she would not care about her life or death, even if it was soup medicine, she would not let anyone Some people give it away, after all, the plague is rampant, so there is no medicine for her to waste like this.

Soon An Xin came to the plague area, and at this moment, there were all the people affected by the plague, big and small. When An Xin came to this plague area, she showed it to the people present, and at this time, An Xin also saw it by accident. Dr. Li alone.

Doctor Li hurried over as soon as he saw An Xin, and then looked at Qin Yihan who was behind An Xin, "Stinky girl, you are back, where have you been all these days?"

As soon as Dr. Li saw An Xin, he opened his mouth and asked in a questioning tone, but when he saw that An Xin's face was not very good, he said again, "Girl, you look a little ugly, what happened around you?"

At this moment, although An Xin was wearing a silver mask on half of her face, the other half of her face was still pale, especially her bloodless lips, which made her look a little sick.

"Me?" When An Xin heard Dr. Li's words, she touched her cheek with her hand, then shook her head lightly and said, "It's just that I'm a little tired from the journey, and I'll be fine after a while. "

Her bones are very clear to her, so when she heard what Dr. Li said at this moment, she shook her head so that Dr. Li didn't have to worry about it. After all, she really has nothing to do at this moment, she is just a little weak, and she will be prescribed a medicine later Convenience will be fine.

"By the way, I'd like to ask, what's the progress of this plague recently," An Xin didn't talk nonsense about herself, but went to the tent not far away, and at this moment, this small tent was exclusively used by the doctor.

As soon as Dr. Li heard An Xin's words, he took An Xin in and gave An Xin a small book, "Look, this is the latest record of the plague. But it’s not easy, you can look at the records in other villages first.”

(End of this chapter)

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