pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 1171 The Death of Shi Yueran

Chapter 1171 The Death of Shi Yueran (7)
This child is so much like her mother, both in temperament and in his unfeeling ruthlessness. At this moment, when he saw the face that looked exactly like his sister, he already knew that everything was wrong. To change the method, this child is determined to be ruthless.

It's just that she has thought about his pain, but has she thought about the pain of being an elder, although she is not his daughter, but he always treats Shi Yueran as a daughter to feel distressed, but now he wants to watch How could he not feel distressed when his daughter went to seek death.

Shi Yueran looked at Dr. Li with a bit of unbearable expression, but when she thought of her child, she left all these unbearable, and she told herself in her heart that the last time in this life was willful, it was the last time that she would be willful , So she is being willful for the child once, I'm sorry, uncle, I'm sorry.

When Shi Yueran made the decision, the ghost doctor's expression didn't change much, as if she already knew that Shi Yueran would choose this way, and soon the ghost doctor asked his servants to bring up the fertility medicine, and then Walk to the side of Shi Yueran.

And at this moment, there are still a few maids and ghost doctors left in the room, and An Xin is naturally among them at this moment, An Xin stands aside, not knowing what to do, because this is the first time she has watched someone else give birth.

At this moment, the ghost doctor gave Shi Yueran the decoction and said, "Next, it's up to you. Your body is already infected, and the child is not yet ten months old, so it's very dangerous. If you lose consciousness halfway , or if it dies, I'm afraid the child will go with you, so it's up to you next, "

As the ghost doctor spoke, he gave Shi Yueran the medicine to drink, and soon after Shi Yueran drank the medicine, she felt a dull pain in her abdomen, and the huge pain made Shi Yueran cry out in pain.

At this moment, when the midwives at the side saw this, they quickly took their positions. Some of the servants brought over the prepared hot water, and some cheered for Shi Yueran, but at this moment, An Xin just stayed by the side blankly. .

Seeing Shi Yueran's painful appearance, An Xin swallowed her saliva, Nima, this child is indeed not a vegetarian, and when she saw Shi Yueran's painful death, An Xin made up her mind in her heart that in the future Resolutely don't want the baby to suffer too much.

It's just that when she saw Shi Yueran, there was a subtle change in An Xin's heart. She was not young in her previous life and had experienced many things, but she was still ignorant about the child. She didn't know what the child represented?
No one told her that a child is a treasure that can be exchanged with the lives of her parents. An Xin gently touched her chest. Grandpa once told herself that she is also a treasure of her parents. When she saw Shi Yueran at this moment, she believed that According to grandpa's words, because there are really reasons in the world for parents who trade their lives for their children.

"Ah,,,,," screams rang out in the room, the sound made someone feel numb, and also made someone feel sad. After all, the people present are all women, so they are very clear about this feeling How the hell.

Of course, there is also a little girl among them. Although she doesn't know how painful it is, she is not stupid. After all, when she saw Shi Yueran's distorted face, An Xin knew very clearly that this is definitely no less painful than peeling, right? !

Time is passing by bit by bit. At this moment, an hour has already passed unconsciously in the room. During this hour, Shi Yueran's screams are getting smaller and smaller. Suddenly, at this moment, everyone But shouted, "It's not good, the pregnant woman collapsed, I won't do it,,,"

At this moment, the midwife who was originally delivering the baby immediately yelled loudly when she saw Shi Yueran's blood collapsed. You must know that she was willing to come to deliver the baby at this moment because she was forced to do so and had a lot of money.

(End of this chapter)

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