pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 1174 Love is the word that hurts the most, love is also broken

Chapter 1174 Love is the word that hurts the most, love is also broken (2)
"Ah, what's wrong with you? Is something uncomfortable?" Jun Jiaoyan raised her head to look at Xunran, and when she saw his pale face for a moment, she quickly held Xunran's face and asked worriedly.

At that moment, I don't know if it was her illusion, she seemed to hear Ah Ran calling a woman's name, but when she saw Xun Ran's pale face, she was quickly ignored by Jun Jiaoyan.

At this moment, Jun Jiaoyan's pair of color-cut eyes no longer have the arrogance and domineeringness of the past, nor the aloofness. At this moment, there is only tenderness and worry. At this moment, Jun Jiaoyan is not a high-ranking young lady, but just loves him in front of her eyes. little woman.

When Xunran heard Jun Jiaoyan's words, he came back to his senses, then gently rubbed Jun Jiaoyan's hair and said, "What will happen? With my Jiaoyan here, nothing is nothing, Jiaoyan You have to take good care of yourself, but wait for you to give birth to a big fat boy for me, "

As he said that, Xun Ran rubbed Jun Jiaoyan's abdomen, and his gaze became soft. At that moment, he seemed to look through Jun Jiaoyan's abdomen, looking at another person, the charming and charming her.

"Brother Xun, I will give you a child." In my memory, there was a girl who said that she wanted to have a child for herself, but the girl in my memory had already turned into a young woman. I don't know if she is okay at this moment?
Xun Ran looked at him not far away at this moment, as if his whole soul had been hollowed out, I don't know why?I really want to go back and have a look at her, I really want to go back, thinking that he will leave everything behind and go back to find his princess.

It's just that Xunran knows very well that the girl hates herself at this moment!In fact, this moment is also very good. After all, without the scourge of herself, she should live a very happy life. Without her interference, she will definitely find a good family.

The only thing I regret at the moment is that it was his fault that time, he harmed her, I hope her future husband will not dislike her, but when he thinks that Shi Yueran will be someone else's wife, Xun Ran's hand strength can't help it Big up.

My heart was full of jealousy, and soon the woman in my arms uttered a light pain, "Oh, you hurt me," and when Xun Ran came back to his senses, he immediately smiled, bitter and lonely The expression flashed across the eyes in an instant.

"I'm sorry, where does Jiaoyan hurt, let me see..." What right does he have to be jealous?What right is there to be jealous of her marrying in the future? When thinking of this, Xun Ran looked at the wife in his arms, yes, this is her wife, the wife he hates so much but wants to marry.

Jun Jiaoyan didn't feel the change in Xunran, she still acted coquettishly in Xunran's arms, "Yeah, you hurt me, you brag to me..."

As he spoke, he put his hand in front of Xunran, pouted and looked at Xunran with a cute face. In addition to Jun Jiaoyan's natural beauty, even though Twenty Years Hua made that movement at the moment, she really had That's kind of cute.

It's just that Xunran smiled softly, a shadow flashed in his eyes, "Okay, I'll blow it,,," as he said, he blew on Jun Jiaoyan's body, then rubbed Jun Jiaoyan's beautiful hair, She looked at Jun Jiaoyan with tenderness on her face.

It's just that God knows what he is thinking deep in his heart, yes, even he himself doesn't know what he is thinking at the moment, he loves this woman?I don't love, but I feel subconsciously distressed every time, being alone makes more dramas.

He couldn't tell whether the feeling inside and outside the play was real, but the only thing he knew was that he hated this woman and the Jun family, but he could use the most intoxicating words to whisper in her ear murmured.

(End of this chapter)

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