pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 1179 Love is the word that hurts the most, love is also broken

Chapter 1179 Love is the word that hurts the most, love is also broken (7)
When Jun Jiaoyan heard Jun Qingyan's words, she said with anger on her face, "Brother, you..." But when she heard Xun Ran's words in the next second, she suddenly felt sweeter, and her smile became even more flirtatious.

But at this moment, Jun Qingyan didn't pay attention to the two of them, but just turned around and left. He is a man, so he knows that men's words are the most untrustworthy. Do you know what the hell this brother-in-law is planning?

It's just that no matter what bad intentions Xunran has, he doesn't care, because even if a dog wants to bite back, he still has to see if he has the ability, so Jun Qingyan naturally won't put Xunran on him. in the eyes.

As soon as Jun Jiaoyan saw Jun Qingyan go away, she hurried to catch up, "Ah, you go back and wait for me first, I will be back soon," she said and caught up with her eldest brother.

But at this moment, when Xunran saw the disappearing back of the two, a trace of ruthlessness flashed in his eyes. At this moment, the Jun family still didn't believe in him, and they were still on guard against him, even this woman was also on guard against him.

After all, even the housekeepers in the mansion can attend the meeting, but at this moment, I will be rejected forever. I just looked at him quickly, and then flashed a sneer. It doesn't matter that he has waited for so long. Wait a little longer.

At this moment, Jun Jiaoyan quickly followed Jun Qingyan's footsteps, and everyone present at this moment did not know that the capital was about to face a storm, and the person who caused the disturbance was the number one beauty in the capital Smiled sweetly.

At this moment, the mastermind behind the scenes is of course An Xin, and the turmoil this time directly caused the entire Xia Kingdom to undergo a change. The emperor was angry and floated thousands of corpses to stain the city with blood. This sentence is not an exaggeration to describe the anger of the emperor.

But now, back to Pingcun, here in Anxin, after Shi Yueran was cremated, Shi Yueran dispersed. After all, everyone has their own things to do at this moment.

At this time, Dr. Li, who was holding Shi Yueran's urn, also came over, and then looked at An Xin, "Miss An, I want to stay in the city for a few days, and I want to take the old woman over. After all, the child cannot live without her." people take care of,"

Dr. Li looked at An Xin and said, at this moment, his old look seemed to be dying, and it would be annihilated in the next moment. Looking at this Dr. Li, An Xin nodded slightly, "It's useless to talk, Uncle Li, you have to think about the living, don't hurt yourself, "

As he spoke, he looked at the little baby in Dr. Li's arms, and when he saw the little baby seeing him, he suddenly laughed, a faint light flashed in An Xin's eyes for a moment, and he didn't know what it was like.

"Haha,,, I really don't understand how adults feel. This stinky girl really doesn't understand how adults feel. She is as annoying as her mother." When he saw the little doll laughing, Dr. Li rolled his eyes. Hongtong lit up, and then cursed angrily.

It's just that at this moment, anyone can hear that Dr. Li scolded more than he was happy, especially when he saw the child's smile, Dr. Li couldn't help but burst into tears.

"Yeah, she doesn't know how adults feel," An Xin stretched out her hand to let the little doll grab her hand, and murmured, this child will always be the happiest, and she will never move their minds at this moment in her life.

At this moment, An Xin wondered if she used to be like her, when others were in the most pain and sorrow, she laughed and laughed, but An Xin also knew that this child's smile was the driving force for the old man in front of him to live.

(End of this chapter)

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